TO SERVICE SPECIFICATION. PROVISION OF SERVICES TO CHILDREN Aims and objectives of service This specification annex applies to all children’s services and outlines generic standards and outcomes that would fundamental to all services. The generic aspects of care: The Care of Children in Hospital (HSC 1998/238) requires that: • Children are admitted to hospital only if the care they require cannot be as well provided at home, in a day clinic or on a day basis in hospital. • Children requiring admission to hospital are provided with a high standard of medical, nursing and therapeutic care to facilitate speedy recovery and minimize complications and mortality. • Families with children have easy access to hospital facilities for children without needing to travel significantly further than to other similar amenities. • Children are discharged from hospital as soon as socially and clinically appropriate and full support provided for subsequent home or day care. • Good child health care is shared with parents/carers and they are closely involved in the care of their children at all times unless, exceptionally, this is not in the best interest of the child; Accommodation is provided for them to remain with their children overnight if they so wish. Service description/care pathway • All paediatric specialised services have a component of primary, secondary, tertiary and even quaternary elements. • The efficient and effective delivery of services requires children to receive their care as close to home as possible dependent on the phase of their disease. • Services should therefore be organised and delivered through “integrated pathways of care” (National Service Framework for children, young people and maternity services Department of Health and Department for Education and Skills, London 2004) Interdependencies with other services All services will comply with Commissioning Safe and Sustainable Specialised Paediatric Services: A Framework of Critical Inter-Dependencies – Department of Health Imaging All services will be supported by a three tier imaging network (‘Delivering quality imaging services for children’ DOH 13732 March2010). Within the network; • It will be clearly defined which imaging test or interventional procedure can be performed and reported at each site. • Robust procedures will be in place for image transfer for review by a specialist radiologist, these will be supported by appropriate contractual and information governance arrangements. • Robust arrangements will be in ...
TO SERVICE SPECIFICATION. PROVISION OF SERVICES TO CHILDREN Aims and objectives of service This specification annex applies to all children’s services and outlines generic standards and outcomes that would fundamental to all services. The generic aspects of care: The Care of Children in Hospital (Health Service Circular 1998/238) requires that: • Children are admitted to hospital only if the care they require cannot be as well provided at home, in a day clinic or on a day basis in hospital. • Children requiring admission to hospital are provided with a high standard of medical, nursing and therapeutic care to facilitate speedy recovery and minimise complications and mortality. • Families with children have easy access to hospital facilities for children without needing to travel significantly further than to other similar amenities. • Children are discharged from hospital as soon as socially and clinically appropriate and full support provided for subsequent home or day care. • Good child health care is shared with parents/carers and they are closely involved in the care of their children at all times unless, exceptionally, this is not in the best interest of the child; accommodation is provided for them to remain with their children overnight if they so wish. Service description/care pathway All paediatric specialised services have a component of primary, secondary, tertiary and even quaternary elements. The efficient and effective delivery of services requires children to receive their care as close to home as possible dependent on the phase of their disease. Services should therefore be organised and delivered through “integrated pathways of care” (National Service Framework for children, young people and maternity services (Department of Health & Department for Education and Skills, London 2004) Interdependencies with other services All services will comply with Commissioning Safe and
TO SERVICE SPECIFICATION. Person specifications of specialists comprising multi-disciplinary team (MDT) Bariatric Surgeons


  • Service Specification The Parties have agreed upon the scope and specification of the Services provided under this Service Agreement in the Service Specification.

  • The Specifications The Specifications are that portion of the Contract Documents consisting of the written requirements for materials, equipment, systems, standards and workmanship for the Work, and performance of related services.

  • DAF Specifications Developer shall submit initial specifications for the DAF, including System Protection Facilities, to Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO at least one hundred eighty (180) Calendar Days prior to the Initial Synchronization Date; and final specifications for review and comment at least ninety (90) Calendar Days prior to the Initial Synchronization Date. Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO shall review such specifications to ensure that the DAF are compatible with the technical specifications, operational control, and safety requirements of the Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO and comment on such specifications within thirty (30) Calendar Days of Developer’s submission. All specifications provided hereunder shall be deemed to be Confidential Information.

  • Customer Service Standards The Franchising Authority hereby adopts the customer service standards set forth in Part 76, §76.309 of the FCC’s rules and regulations, as amended. The Grantee shall comply in all respects with the customer service requirements established by the FCC.

  • Quality Service Standards Price Services and the Fund may from time to time agree to certain quality service standards, as well as incentives and penalties with respect to Price Services’ Services hereunder.

  • Equipment Specifications All equipment must meet the contract specifications and all federal and State safety codes and regulations in effect at the date of manufacture. All equipment must be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) equipment unless otherwise stated in the contract. All products, materials, supplies, replacement parts, and equipment offered and furnished must be new, of current manufacturer production, and must have been formally announced by the manufacturer as being commercially available, unless otherwise stated in this Contract.

  • Changes to Specifications All Specifications and any changes thereto agreed to by the parties from time to time shall be in writing, dated and signed by the parties. Any change to the Process shall be deemed a Specification change. No change in the Specifications shall be implemented by Catalent, whether requested by Client or requested or required by any Regulatory Authority, until the parties have agreed in writing to such change, the implementation date of such change, and any increase or decrease in costs, expenses or fees associated with such change (including any change to Unit Pricing). Catalent shall respond promptly to any request made by Client for a change in the Specifications, and both parties shall use commercially reasonable, good faith efforts to agree to the terms of such change in a timely manner. As soon as possible after a request is made for any change in Specifications, Catalent shall notify Client of the costs associated with such change and shall provide such supporting documentation as Client may reasonably require. Client shall pay all costs associated with such agreed upon changes. If there is a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the Specifications, this Agreement shall control. Catalent reserves the right to postpone effecting changes to the Specifications until such time as the parties agree to and execute the required written amendment.

  • Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications furnished on the CD are intended to establish the standards for quality, performance and technical requirements for all labor, workmanship, material, methods and equipment necessary to complete the Work. When specifications and drawings are provided or referenced by the County, these are to be considered part of the Scope of Work, and to be specifically documented in the Detailed Scope of Work. For convenience, the County supplied specifications, if any, and the Technical Specifications furnished on the CD.

  • ODUF Packing Specifications 6.3.1 A pack will contain a minimum of one message record or a maximum of 99,999 message records plus a pack header record and a pack trailer record. One transmission can contain a maximum of 99 packs and a minimum of one pack.

  • Service Description 2.1 General