Care Pathway Sample Clauses
Care Pathway. Preventx will send electronic notifications to patients as soon as their results have been released from the laboratory. The notifications are agreed with the provider or screening office, and in most cases will be based on the following care pathway: • Patient with negative results will be informed of the result electronically. This ends the care pathway for the patients, however they may be notified in the future that they should seek a test (after 12 months or if they have changed partner). • Positive patients are notified that their results are available to collect and are provided the telephone number for their local provider or screening office. They are prompted to call as soon as they are able. Positive patients are automatically notified after 3 months that they may wish to seek another test. It is the providers or screening offices responsibility to handle the care of positive patients. It is anticipated that the provider or screening office will allow a period of time for the patient to phone in, otherwise the patient will be contacted directly to arrange treatment. Where Preventx are not able to contact a patient electronically (for example, no email address or mobile number was provided) it is the provider or screening offices responsibility to make reasonable attempt to contact the patient as decided by local guidance and policies.
Care Pathway. Preventx will send electronic notifications to patients as soon as their prescription has been dispatched.
Care Pathway. Preventx will send electronic notifications to patients as soon as their prescription has been dispatched. It is the providers or screening offices responsibility to book in patients who have requested a LARC appointment.
Care Pathway. A full description of the screening pathway is given below, along with a diagram of the pathway (figure1). The screening pathway consists of the following: • Identify population - the eligible population is identified through maternity antenatal care services. For Down’s syndrome screening, the eligible population is women with xxxxxxxxx and twin pregnancies <20+0 weeks of pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound scan and for Xxxxxxx’ and Patau’s syndromes screening using biochemical markers the eligible population are women with xxxxxxxxx and twin pregnancies ≤ 14+1 weeks of pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound scan • Inform - during the first contact or booking visit with the midwife, verbal and written information about the dating scan and screening is given to the woman (using the NHS Screening Programmes booklet ‘Screening Tests for You and Your Baby’) to enable her to make an informed choice and screening offered • Offer - the offer of screening and subsequent acceptance or decline should be documented • Test – • combined screening is performed between 10+0 to 14+1 weeks gestation. The maternal serum sample can be taken between 10+0 to 14+1 weeks gestation and the nuchal translucency measured between 11+2 and 14+1 weeks. For purposes of screening the eligibility for first trimester screening using the combined test is a crown rump length (CRL) measurement of 45.0mm to 84.0mm • for women between 14+2 and 20+0 weeks, the quadruple test is performed for the assessment of risk for Down’s syndrome only in women with a xxxxxxxxx and twin pregnancy. The recommended screening strategy for Xxxxxxx’ and Patau’s syndrome for women who present for care ≥14+2 but between 18+0 and 23+0 weeks gestation is the fetal anomaly scan • arrangements for the sequencing of the ultrasound component (i.e. CRL/NT) and the collection of the maternal blood sample should be defined by local protocol and are the responsibility of the Provider. Where screening in the first trimester using the combined screening strategy is accepted, the biochemical component of the test must be completed regardless of the measurement of the nuchal Translucency. Where a nuchal translucency measurement of ≥3.5 mm is recorded, referral should not be delayed to await biochemistry information but results should be forwarded to the clinician as soon as they are available to support discussion of further investigative options with the woman • a local failsafe protocol must be in place to ensure that all women whoac...
Care Pathway. The care pathway follows that: • the eligible population is identified through the issuing of an NHS number at birth or registration with a GP practice for babies born abroad • registered health care professionals check antenatal results and family history. Ideally all antenatal results obtained from antenatal SCT screening are included on the blood spot card • registered health care professionals provide written information (ideally before birth) and take verbal consent • screening is offered to unscreened babies who move into a local area under a year of age. Health visiting services (or agreed alternative) are responsible for offering screening to parents of babies with no documented screening results in English. The CHRD who record the arrival of a baby should alert the HV to unscreened babies. GPs should ensure CHRD are informed of the babies they register • samples are taken on day 5 (day of birth is day 0), in accordance with Guidelines for Newborn Blood Spot Sampling (2016), and sent on the day of sampling to the appropriate newborn screening laboratory. Records are kept of all tests including those declined • additional tests are offered to babies born preterm and babies at risk of blood transfusion and if required by a screening protocol to achieve a conclusive result. For SCT please refer to Service specification No. 18: NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia screening programme • the Newborn screening laboratory tests the sample according to national policy and reports the results to the Child Health Records Department and the Newborn Blood Spot Failsafe Solution. This can result in one of five outcomes: • carrier: healthcare professional informs parents of results • inconclusive result: additional sample required • avoidable repeat test: additional sample required, for example, insufficient blood, missing/inaccurate details on the card • condition not suspected: parents are informed of the result • condition suspected: immediate clinical referral to a specialist initiated by the laboratory and parents informed of the result, by the specialist service • maternity care providers ensure all babies they are responsible for are offered screening by using the Newborn Blood Spot Failsafe Solution • Child Health Records Departments maintain a list of the eligible population to provide a failsafe check to identify untested babies, to monitor coverage and to send results to health visiting services (or agreed alternative) and parents according to national pol...
Care Pathway. An updated care pathway for diabetic eye screening can be viewed on the link below. xxxxx:// DES_-_revision_2.pdf This pathway does not currently include 2 yearly screening intervals NDESP is based on the policies developed by the NHS Screening Programmes. The screening procedure is divided into the following stages: • identification • invitation • inform • test • diagnose • referral for treatment/ intervention • surveillance • monitor outcomes In accordance with NHS Screening Programmes’ standards and protocols the provider shall follow the care pathway for diabetic eye screening. Regardless of the model of delivery e.g. technician /optometry based/ fixed camera/ mobile camera the pathway as specified must be followed The population eligible for screening is: all persons diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (excluding gestational diabetes) aged 12 or over who have light perception or better in at least one eye. Screening should be offered to the eligible population unless they have been excluded or suspended according to national guidance – NDESP: Exclusions, Suspensions and Management of Ungradables
Care Pathway. An updated care pathway for diabetic eye screening can be viewed on the link below.
Care Pathway. 7.1 Patients will be signposted to the service by other health care professionals involved in their care.
Care Pathway. The care pathways for patients are as follows: New referrals from acute neurology or neurosurgery service, secondary care paediatric services, or, occasionally, primary care Assessment in the in-patient or out-patient setting and active treatment or monitoring of the condition commenced. Active treatment as an in-patient or in the community, supported by the specialist neurorehabilitation team. A small number of cases of children with rare conditions (e.g. ASI) might be referred from the regional paediatric neurorehabilitation service to a supra- regional paediatric neurorehabilitation unit or managed on a shared- care basis. Discharge from in-patient or out-patient support by the specialist neurorehabilitation service to the local paediatric service and community disability team. There are various pathways for long-term care: Condition resolves – discharge from primary care Condition stable – shared management with secondary care or management entirely by secondary care Condition complex and long term – shared management with secondary care but with tertiary service continuing to play a significant role in an outreach capacity. Patients discharged to secondary or primary care who later develop problems related to their neurological condition can be re-referred to the tertiary specialist neurorehabilitation service for assessment and possibly further treatment. Cases will be accepted if they meet the acceptance criteria (see below). For those with complex life-long conditions and those still requiring neurorehabilitation services in adult life, transitional care arrangements will be made appropriate local adult services. Transition to adult services will occur between ages 16-19 years, according to patient and parent preference, local arrangements and the availability of suitable services. Patients referred to the tertiary specialist service, as an in-patient or out patient, would be assessed and, if appropriate, then offered a package of treatment either as an in-patient or out-patient.
Care Pathway. (s) Following initial assessment patients follow planed pathways of care according to need, the diagnosis and agreed treatment plan.