Total 100 Sample Clauses

Total 100No work shall commence before a Contractor receives a fully executed Contract and has been given approval to proceed. Any work performed by the Contractor prior to obtaining a fully-executed Contract with approval to proceed shall not be compensated pursuant to this Contract. Any continuation of the Contract beyond this term must be set forth in writing and signed by the original signatories to the Contract.
Total 100. The Buyer may inspect the studios before Call-Off Contract award and before they are used.
Total 100. NOTE: Minimum weighting of a KRA = 5% Maximum weighting of a KRA = 20% Weighting of KRAs must total 100%
Total 100. The top ranked Proposer that successfully finalizes an Agreement for execution will agree to a joint presentation with the HCDA to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors upon selection and award.
Total 100. 00 Part III (Said Unit And Appurtenances)
Total 100. Particulars of post - qualification if applicable. NCA may inspect the premises and
Total 100. The Technical Proposal should include all the sections mentioned under the Technical Assessment under the
Total 100. The Buyer may inspect the Supplier’s studios before Call-Off Contract award or before they are used. If 2 or more Suppliers have the same score, the Buyer will use either: the score from the criteria with the highest weighting, then the next highest weighting until the tie is broken; or require the tied Suppliers to provide best and final offers.
Total 100In the event of a tie, the top-ranked Proposer will be the Proposer with the most qualified proposed individuals, as determined by the Procurement Committee, in its sole discretion. The Aviation Authority intends, but is not obligated, to enter into non-exclusive agreements with more than one Proposer to perform the Services. The term of the agreements shall be for a period of five (5) years and continue to completion of the Services for projects that are awarded during the 5-year term. The Aviation Authority reserves the right to waive any informality in the SOQs, to reject any and all SOQs, to re-advertise for SOQs or to elect not to proceed with the Services for any reason. All recommendations and decisions regarding award of the Services shall be made at open public meetings in accordance with the requirements of Florida Statute 286.011, and all interested parties are invited to attend such meetings. In accordance with Florida Statute 287.055 (10), the Aviation Authority declares that all or any portion of the documents and work papers prepared and submitted pursuant to this invitation shall be subject to re-use by the Aviation Authority. After Aviation Authority Board approval of the recommended ranking, the Aviation Authority will commence negotiations with the selected Proposers. The selected Proposers will be required to submit an audit certification to validate their applied overhead rates to ensure compliance with federal cost principles for allowable costs. The Aviation Authority may, in its sole discretion, limit each contract addendum to a smaller team than proposed, or otherwise negotiate the scope of the services. Should the Aviation Authority be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract that the agency determines to be fair, competitive, and reasonable, negotiations will be terminated with that Proposer and negotiations may be undertaken with the next-ranked Proposer, in accordance with the process set forth in Florida Statutes 287.055, Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act.
Total 100The City reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, to waive any irregularities or informalities in any submittal or in the RFQ procedures, and to accept or reject any item or combinations of items. The award will be made to the firm whose experience and qualifications, as reflected in their proposal, is deemed to be in the best interest of the City.