Traffic Data Collection Sample Clauses
Traffic Data Collection. The Engineer shall collect or identify required traffic data to supplement the data provided by TxDOT, including:
a) Classification Turning Movement Counts collected from previous studies.
b) Origin Destination Data collected from previous studies.
c) Historical Crash Data: Historical crash data
Traffic Data Collection. Coordinate with City staff on available turning movement volume data and supplement with data collection. Overall, the following locations would be collected during the AM and PM peak periods, pending available data: o 93rd Avenue at Xxxxxxx Industrial Road o 93rd Avenue at I-5 SB Ramps o 93rd Avenue at I-5 NB Ramps o 93rd Avenue at Pilot Driveway o 93rd Avenue at West Ace Xxxxxxx Driveway o 93rd Avenue at East Ace Xxxxxxx Driveway o 93rd Avenue at Kimmie Street • Collect the most recent five-year crash data. sort and identify key problems with severity and bicycle/pedestrian crashes. • Collect any approved development traffic studies that would add traffic to the study corridor and coordinate with City staff on any additional development activity that may be in process. • Coordinate with TRPC to collect: o Existing 2018 travel demand model volumes for AM and PM peak hours o Future 2045 travel demand model volumes for AM and PM peak hours o Land use growth by TAZ for the surrounding area influencing the study corridor • Collect/verify the specific intersection and corridor channelization, control, and pedestrian facilities.
Traffic Data Collection. The CONSULTANT shall collect intersection turning movement counts AM and PM peak periods and determination of peak hour volumes for Palm Ave at Tampa Street, Florida Ave and Nebraska Ave. Traffic video counts will be provided by Miovision from 7-9 AM and 4-7 PM on one weekday at each intersection. Mid-block Pedestrian Crossing data collection will consist of Miovision gap study from 6 Am to 9 PM on one weekday at mid-block location between Tampa Street & Florida Ave. Miovision mid-block pedestrian volume count from 6 AM to 9 PM on 3 consecutive weekdays.
Traffic Data Collection. The Contractor shall collect all traffic volume data necessary to re-time the traffic signals identified in Section C-05. The Contractor shall manually collect AM, Midday, and PM peak hour turning movement counts from 7:00AM to 9:00AM, 11:00AM to 1:00PM, and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM respectively, in 15- minute units. 24-hour bi-directional tube counts shall be collected at key segments in each corridor. Weekday traffic counts shall be performed on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday only. No weekend traffic counts are allowed as part of this project. In addition, no traffic data collection shall occur during holidays or holiday weekends, days following or preceding holidays, school breaks, construction activities or unfavorable weather conditions such as drizzle, rain, hail, or snow. Field observations during each peak period for each intersection must be performed to verify lane geometry, identify saturation flow rate, pedestrian activities, percentage of heavy vehicles, oversaturated vehicle movements, to evaluate any breakdown of an existing signal system and to setup the appropriate limits of Time-of-Day plans. Upon collection of the field observation data and Before Study data the Contractor shall notify the City immediately of traffic patterns that may require special attention during the development of the traffic signal timing plans. The Contractor should also note locations where special features of the traffic signal controller should be considered for implementation to improve the operations of the subject intersection or corridor.
Traffic Data Collection. The CONSULTANT will be required to conduct traffic counts at various locations throughout the District for Traffic Studies. The type of counts may be vehicle classification, bi-directional or turning movement and for any duration (period of time) required by the DEPARTMENT. The CONSULTANT may be expected to document the field condition at the time of the counts. Field documentation may include counter location and geometric measurements such as number of lanes, length of storage and taper for turn/merge lanes, type of traffic control, and the location and/or presence of signal boxes and loop detectors. The CONSULTANT will be required to fully document the data collection effort and provide this documentation and collected data in PDF format.
Traffic Data Collection. The CONSULTANT shall perform all effort required for traffic data collection, including crash reports, 24 hr. machine counts, 8 hr. turning movement counts, 7 day machine counts, and speed & delay studies.
Traffic Data Collection. The Engineer shall collect traffic count data to supplement the data provided by TxDOT.
a. 24-hour bi-directional AADT including truck percentage will be obtained from TxDOT Traffic Count Database System (xxxx://
b. Classification Turning Movement Counts collected from previous studies (if available).
c. Turning movement counts 2-Hour Peak Hour Counts [AM (7-9 AM) and PM (4-6 PM)] peak periods at the following signalized intersections for operations and intersection design: US 00 (0xx Xxxxxx) at Xxxxxx Avenue DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A7B488B-5C00-44C6-9BDC-02741E62A6F2 XX 00 (0xx Xxxxxx) xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx XX 00 (0xx Xxxxxx) at Denver Avenue US 00 (Xxxxxx Xxxxxx) at X 0xx Xx XX 00 (Xxxxxx Xxxxxx) at E 4th St US 00 (Xxxxxx Xxxxxx) at US 87 The other intersection data as needed will be obtained by the Local municipality or interpreted based upon the data collected and the data provided.
Traffic Data Collection. The ENGINEER shall collect traffic data when school is in session and will include 24‐hour average daily traffic (ADT) volume counts at each of the three intersection approaches, 2‐hour peak period turning movement counts (TMC) during the morning, school, and evening peak periods, 24‐hour vehicle classification data at each of the three intersection approaches and intersection geometric sketches.
Traffic Data Collection. The Engineer shall collect traffic count data to supplement the data provided by TxDOT.
a. 24-hour bi-directional AADT including truck percentage will be obtained from TxDOT Traffic Count Database System (xxxx://
b. Classification Turning Movement Counts collected from previous studies (if available).
c. Turning movement counts 2-Hour Peak Hour Counts [AM (7-9 AM) and PM (4-6 PM)] peak periods at the following intersections for operations and intersection design: US 54 at XX 000 XX 00 xx Xxxx Xx. XX 54 at S. Wall St. US 54 at FM 2677 The other intersection data as needed will be obtained by the Local municipality or interpreted based upon the data collected and the data provided. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A7B488B-5C00-44C6-9BDC-02741E62A6F2
Traffic Data Collection. In order to improve the ability to analyze potential solutions within the corridors, traffic data shall be collected by the ENGINEER. These include traffic counts at various locations within the corridor, including main lanes, frontage roads, ramps, and intersections. Traffic Counts – The ENGINEER shall conduct traffic counts on segments of the corridor − 24 hour vehicle classification counts for a maximum of 75 locations along the main lanes, frontage roads, and arterials − A.M. and P.M. peak-hour Turning Movement Counts (TMC’S) for a maximum of 100 intersections will be provided from the STATE and the City that can be utilized for operational analysis Origin-Destination (O-D) Surveys using Bluetooth Data– The ENGINEER shall conduct Bluetooth surveys to identify the OD patterns along the corridor. These surveys shall be supplemented by outside data purchased from other resources (Streetlight or Airsage) to identify O-D patterns by mode. Travel Speed – The ENGINEER shall obtain travel speed data information from INRIX/Google to calibrate Travel Demand and Micro-Simulation Models. The ENGINEER shall evaluate the traffic count database available through the Statewide Traffic Analysis and Reporting System (STARS) xxxx:// Traffic Count Locations (ArcGIS Shapefile) Traffic Counts (Microsoft Excel tables) O-D matrices (Microsoft Excel table)