Transfer of Company Title or Interest. The Employer’s obligations under this Agreement including Supplements shall be binding upon its successors, administrators, executors and assigns. The Employer agrees that the obligations of this Agreement shall be included in the agreement of sale, transfer or assignment of the business. In the event an entire active or inactive operation, or a portion thereof, or rights only, are sold, leased, transferred or taken over by sale, transfer, lease, assignment, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings, such operation or use of rights shall continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement for the life thereof. Transactions covered by this provision include stock sales or exchanges, mergers, consolidations, spin-offs or any other method by which a business is transferred. It is understood by this Section that the signator Employer shall not sell, lease or transfer such run or runs or rights to a third party to evade this Agreement. In the event the Employer fails to require the purchaser, transferee, or lessee to assume the obligations of this Agreement, as set forth above, the Employer (including partners thereof) shall be liable to the Local Union(s) and to the employees covered for all damages sustained as a result of such failure to require the assumption of the terms of this Agreement until its expiration date, but shall not be liable after the purchaser, the transferee or lessee has agreed to assume the obligations of this Agreement. The obligations set forth above shall not apply in the event of the sale, lease or transfer of a portion of the rights comprising less than all of the signator Employer’s rights to a non-signator company unless the purpose is to evade this Agreement. Corporate reorganizations by a signatory Employer, occurring during the term of this Agreement, shall not relieve the signatory Employer or the re-organized Employer of the obligations of this Agreement during its term. When a signator to this Agreement purchases rights from another signator, the provisions of Article 5 shall apply. The applicable layoff provisions of this Agreement shall apply. The Employer shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement to any purchaser, transferee, lessee, assignee, or other entity involved in the sale, merger, consolidation, acquisition, transfer, spin-off, lease or other transaction by which the operation covered by this Agreement or any part thereof, including rights only, may be transferred. Such notice shall be in w...
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their suc- cessors, administrators, executors and assigns. In the event an en- tire operation, or portion thereof, or rights only, are sold, leased, transferred or taken over by sale, transfer, lease, assignment, re-
Article 1 ceivership or bankruptcy proceedings, such operation or use of such rights shall continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, for the life thereof. On the sale, transfer or lease of an individual run or runs, or rights only, the specific provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. It is understood by this Section that the parties hereto shall not sell, lease or transfer such run or runs or rights to a third (3rd) party to evade this Agreement. In the event the Employer fails to require the purchaser, the transferee, or lessee to agree to assume the obligations of this Agreement, the Employer (including partners thereof) shall be liable to the Local Union and to employees covered for all damages (including but not limited to monetary damages) sustained as a result of such failure to require assumption of the terms of this Agreement until its expiration date, but shall not be liable after the purchaser, the transferee or lessee has agreed to assume the obligations of this Agreement. The Employ- er shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement to any purchas- er, transferee, lessee, assignee, etc., of the operation covered by this Agreement or any part thereof, including rights only. Such notice shall be in writing with a copy to the Local Union, at the time the seller, transferor, or lessor executes a contract or transaction as herein de- scribed. The Teamsters United Parcel Service National Negotiating Committee and Local Unions involved shall also be advised of the exact nature of the transaction, not including financial details.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors, administrators, executors and assigns. In the event an entire operation or any part thereof is sold, leased, transferred, or taken over by sale, transfer, lease, assignment, receivership or bankruptcy proceeding, such operation shall continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement for the life thereof.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto, their successors, administrators, executors and assigns. In the event an entire business or any part thereof is sold, leased, transferred or taken over by sale, transfer, lease, assignment, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings, such business or any part thereof shall continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement for the life thereof. The Company shall notify the Union in writing, not later than the effective date of the fact of any sale, transfer, lease, assignment, receivership or bankruptcy proceeding, not including financial arrangements thereof.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. In the event the Company is sold or any part of its operations covered by this Agreement is transferred, the Company shall give notice to the Local UnionTNUPSFNC to the extent required by applicable law. The Company shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement to any entity involved in the sale or other transaction by which the operation covered by this, or any part thereof, may be transferred. Such notice shall be in writing, with a copy to the Local UnionTNUPSFNC, at the time of the purchase and sale negotiation are made known to the public or the Company executes a contract or transaction as herein described, whichever first occurs. The Local Union TNUPSFNC shall also be advised of the exact nature of the transaction, not including financial details.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. This Agreement and Supplemental Agreements hereto, hereinafter referred to collectively as “Agreement” shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their administrators, executors and assigns. In the event any operation or portion thereof, are sold, leased, transferred or taken over by sale, transfer, lease, assignment, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings, the Employer shall make sure that such operation or use of such rights shall continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement for the life thereof. It is understood by this Section that the parties hereto shall not use any leasing device or subterfuge to a third party to evade this Agreement. The Employer shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement to any heir, transferee, purchaser, lessee, assignee, etc. of the operations covered by this Agreement or any party thereof, and agrees that it will require as a condition of sale, transfer, lease or assignment of the operation or any part thereof, that the purchaser, transferee, lessee or assignee shall assume all of the obligations of this Agreement and shall execute a copy thereof. Such notice shall be in writing with a copy to the Union not less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of sale or transfer. No part of the work or operations covered by this Agreement shall be sublet, transferred or in any other manner disposed of without at least thirty (30) days advance written notice to the Union, and opportunity for the Union to discuss the proposed action with the Employer. If the minimum wage, hour and working conditions in the Company sold, leased, transferred, etc., differs from those minimums set forth in this Agreement, the higher of the two shall remain in effect for the employees involved.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties herein, their suc- cessors, administrators, executors and assigns. In the event an entire operation or any part hereof is sold, leased, transferred, or taken over by sale, transfer, lease, assignment receivership, or bankruptcy pro- ceedings such operation shall continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement for the life thereof. On sale, transfer, or lease of any individual run or runs, only the specific provisions of this Agreement, excluding supplements or other conditions, shall prevail. It is understood by this Section that the parties hereto shall not use any leasing device to a third (3rd) party to evade this Agreement. The Employer shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement to any purchaser, transferee, lessee, assignee, etc., or the operation covered by this Agreement, or any part thereof. Such notice shall be in writing with a copy to the Union at the time the seller, transferor or lessor executes a contract of transaction as herein described. In the event the Employer fails to give the notice herein required and/or fails to require the purchaser, transferee or lessee to assume the obligations of this agreement, the Employer shall be liable to the Union and to the employees covered for all damages sustained as a result of such failure to require assumption of the terms of this Agreement.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. The Company shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement, including a copy of this Agreement, to any purchaser, transferee, lessee, assignee, etc., of the operation covered by this Agreement or any part thereof. Such notice shall be in writing with a copy to the Local Union, at the time the seller, transferor, or lessor executes a contract or transaction as herein described. Teamsters Local Union 623 shall also be advised of the transaction, not including financial details.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. In the event the Company is sold or any part of its operations cov- ered by this Agreement is transferred, the Company shall give notice to the Local Union to the extent required by applicable law. The Company shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement to any entity involved in the sale or other transaction by which the operation covered by this, or any part thereof, may be transferred. Such notice shall be in writing, with a copy to the Local Union, at the time of the purchase and sale negotiation are made known to the public or the Company executes a contract or transaction as herein described, whichever first occurs. The Local Union shall also be advised of the exact nature of the transaction, not including xxxxx- cial details.
Transfer of Company Title or Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and any assign or successor of the Company.