Transitory Provisions Sample Clauses
Transitory Provisions. All modifications of reservations made pursuant to Article 10(1) of the ACIA and endorsed by the AIA Council at the AEM-15" AIA Council on 27 August 2012 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, shall be deemed effective from that date.
Transitory Provisions. 1. No later than by 15 July 2019, the Joint Sectoral Committee shall consider whether to include veterinary products within the product coverage of this Annex. The Joint Sectoral Committee shall exchange views on the organisation of the assessment of respective authorities by 15 December 2017.
2. No later than 15 July 2022, the Joint Sectoral Committee shall consider whether to include vaccines for human use and plasma derived pharmaceuticals within the product coverage of this Annex. Without prejudice to this consider- ation, as of the effective date of this Annex, a Party shall notify the relevant authority of the other Party in advance of conducting a post-approval inspection of a manufacturing facility of such products located in the territory of the Party and give the authority the option of joining the inspection. In order to support the inclusion of vaccines for human use and plasma derived pharmaceuticals within the product coverage of this Annex, the Joint Sectoral Committee shall take into account, in particular, the experience gained through such joint inspections.
3. No later than 15 July 2019, the Joint Sectoral Committee shall review experience gained in order to decide whether the provisions on pre-approval inspections provided in Article 11 shall be reviewed.
4. Products referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be included within the product coverage of this Annex only once the Joint Sectoral Committee so decides pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2.
5. Where the FDA identifies the need for a post-approval inspection of a manufacturing facility in a territory of a Member State authority of which an assessment under this Annex is pending or that the FDA has otherwise not recognized, the FDA shall notify that authority and the EMA in writing.
(a) No later than 30 calendar days of the date it receives a notification pursuant to paragraph 5, the authority in whose territory the manufacturing facility is located or EMA on behalf of this authority shall inform the FDA whether it has opted to request a recognized authority of the EU to conduct the inspection and, if so, whether such recognized authority of the EU will conduct the inspection by the date specified in the notification. The authority in whose territory the manufacturing facility is located shall be allowed to join the inspection. ▼M30
Transitory Provisions. Until the ratification or the agreement on the VU-M rate, according to the option made by the PMS carrier, both the value for interconnection and the criteria for processing and transferring values among entities rendering Cellular Mobile services and Switched Fixed Telephone Services shall be maintained.
Transitory Provisions. 24.1. The decision related to the change of the terms of the Commission Agreement entered into on this date between TELEMAR NORTE LESTE, as Principal, and Banco de Investimentos Credit Suisse (Brasil) S.A., as Commission Merchant, as well as the manifestation of TELEMAR NORTE LESTE set forth in Section 12.3 of the Commission Agreement, may only be taken by TELEMAR NORTE LESTE’s Management after the approval by the Parties at the Company’s General Meeting called, instated and held pursuant to the Bylaws, and the Parties shall resolve solely in this event, through special quorum by means of unanimous resolution.
24.2. In the event that the quorum set forth in item 24.1 above is not achieved, TELEMAR NORTE LESTE’s Management shall recommend the Commission Merchant, as Buyer of the shares issued by INVITEL S.A., to elect the option to terminate the purchase and sale agreement, with payment of the contract termination premium.
24.3. It is hereby established that in the event that the shares issued by INVITEL S.A. are purchased by TELEMAR NORTE LESTE, pursuant to the terms of the Commission Agreement above mentioned and of the respective Share Purchase and Sale Agreement entered into between the Commission Merchant and the shareholders of INVITEL S.A., then BRASIL TELECOM PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. and BRASIL TELECOM S.A. shall be considered Relevant Subsidiaries for the purposes of this Agreement.
24.4. The Parties agree that the current Chief Executive Officer of TELE NORTE LESTE and TELEMAR, Luiz Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, shall be reelected by the Board of Directors of the referred to companies to hold said position for a three-year term, during the year of 2008, as provided in the respective bylaws.
24.5. The Parties agree that, while BNDESPAR holds redeemable preferred shares issued by the Company, the following shall depend on its express approval:
(a) the assumption of any obligation, including the ones arising out of financing contracts, credit or loan agreements, higher than one hundred and fifty million reais (R$150,000,000.00) or of overall value, in a period of 12 consecutive months, that exceeds one hundred and fifty million reais (R$150,000,000.00), except (i) if resulting from financing, credit or loan agreement, or issue of debentures or commercial promissory notes contracted to pay BNDESPAR the amounts set forth for total or partial redemption or for payment of fixed dividends of said preferred shares, as provided in the “Agreement for Subscription of Shares Issue...
Transitory Provisions. PROVISION 16.
1 - Until the confirmation or the agreement of the VU-M, according to the choice of the PCS provider, both the amounts for the remuneration of the network as well as the criteria for processing and transfer of amounts among the Mobile Cellular Service and Commuted Fixed Telephony Service operators shall remain in effect.
Transitory Provisions. Clause 7.
Transitory Provisions. ARTICLE 375 Germany shall carry out the instructions given her, in regard to transport, by an authorised body acting on behalf of the Allied and Associated Powers:
(1) For the carriage of troops under the provisions of the present Treaty, and of material, ammunition and supplies for army use;
(2) As a temporary measure, for the transportation of supplies for certain regions, as well as for the restoration, as rapidly as possible, of the normal conditions of transport, and for the organisation of postal and telegraphic services.
Transitory Provisions. FIRST: The following persons are designated to carry out the duties of member of the Board of Directors, President of the Board of Directors, Statutory Auditor and Legal Representative, both as principal and alternate, which persons shall exercise their functions during the first statutory period until the Shareholders’ Meeting shall appoint their successors: -C.I. - President
Transitory Provisions. Extend the mandate of the FEDERATION’s current President and of its current Presidency Board, on this occasion only, to end on December 31st, 2020.