Types of Reports Sample Clauses

Types of Reports. The Contractor shall provide at least the following reports at each monthly update interval and any other reports that Princeton University may reasonably request: (i) Summary Report (Xxxxx). All activities, grouped by Contractor’s activity codes, sorted by “Early Start.”
Types of Reports. Except when directed to submit reports to another destination, the Recipient agrees to submit to FTA all reports required by Federal laws and regulations, in accordance with Federal directives, the Grant Agreement or Cooperative Agreement for the Project, this Master Agreement, and any other reports FTA may specify, except to the extent that FTA determines otherwise in writing.
Types of Reports. The Recipient will submit Progress Reports, Outcomes Reports and a Final Progress Report to the Province for the Project as required and within the timelines in Schedule “J” (Request for Payment and Payment Procedures).
Types of Reports. The Grantee agrees to submit to SANDAG all reports required by law and regulation, policy, this Agreement, and any other reports SANDAG may specify.
Types of Reports. The Indian Tribe agrees to submit to FTA all reports required by Federal laws and regulations, in accordance with Federal directives, the Grant Agreement for the Tribal Transit Project, this Tribal Transit Program Master Agreement, and any other reports FTA may specify, except to the extent that FTA determines otherwise in writing.
Types of Reports. Datec will make available to the BSP 4.2.1 the reports identified in this document and the Service Level Agreement Commercial in Confidence Page 26 May 2004 4.2.2 the reports and documents which were provided by the BSP prior to the Commencement Date 4.2.3 each month such reports as are necessary to ensure and validate the Supplier’s performance and commitments made under the Service Level Agreement and 4.2.4 such other reports as may be specified by the BSP from time to time.
Types of Reports. Below provides some of the types of reports required. Which report required will be specified at the task order level. CDRLs will be established at the task order level. Many of the reports below are intended for translational science where technology and equipment is introduced into the military treatment facilities or laboratories.
Types of Reports. Pursuant to Code Section 32.1-276.7:1(E), VHI shall produce and make available the Reports described in Article 5.
Types of Reports. Reports described in this exhibit are: a. Status Reports b. Final Technical Report c. Informal Technical Reports d. Invention Reports e.
Types of Reports. The Contractor shall provide at least the following reports at each monthly update interval and any other reports that Princeton University may reasonably request: (i) Summary Report (Xxxxx). All activities, grouped by Contractor’s activity codes, sorted by “Early Start.” (ii) Critical Path Report (Columnar). Required Substantial Completion Date must be set as a “Complete on or Before” constraint in accordance with the dates set forth in the Contract. Fields must include Activity ID, Description, Early Start, Early Finish, and Total Float. Activities should be ungrouped, and sorted by Total Float (ascending) and Early Start.