Total Float definition

Total Float means the total number of days an activity on the longest path can be delayed without delaying the Substantial Completion Date.
Total Float means number of Calendar Days by which the design phase services or construction phase Work or any part of the same may be delayed without necessarily extending a pertinent schedule milestone in the Project schedule, as determined by City.
Total Float is the number of calendar days by which the Work or any part of the Work may be delayed without necessarily extending a pertinent Contract Time. Total Float is by definition at least equal to Contract Float.

Examples of Total Float in a sentence

  • Discuss the progress that was made during the current reporting period, and document any Total Float gained or recovered during the period.

  • Quantify any relative change in Total Float for the project since the last Progress Schedule submission.

  • A listing of all work activities as of the Data Date, using the NYSDOT Appendix 1 activity layout, sorted by Finish date, Total Float in increasing order, showing the Activity ID, Activity Name, Original Duration, Remaining Duration, Actual Duration, Total Float, Early Start date, Start date, Finish date, Late Finish date, and Calendar ID.

  • A listing of all work activities as of the Data Date, using the NYSDOT Appendix 1 activity layout, sorted by Finish date, Total Float in increasing order, showing the Activity ID, Activity Name, Original Duration, Total Float, Start date, Finish date.

  • The time (in days) between the Contractor's planned early completion and the contracted Time for Completion is part of the Project "Total Float" time and will be used as such.

  • Fields must include Activity ID, Description, Early Start, Early Finish, and Total Float.

  • Extensions to the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date, when granted by Change Order, will be granted only when equitable time adjustment exceeds the Total Float in the activity or path of activities affected by the change provided that the Owner has reasonably provided information necessary to allow for the orderly progression of the Work.

  • Activities should be ungrouped, and sorted by Total Float (ascending) and Early Start.

  • Extensions to the Time for Completion or the Contract Completion Date, when granted by Change Order, will be granted only when equitable time adjustment exceeds the Total Float in the activity or path of activities affected by the change.

  • This summary report should be graphic and columnar data comparing two or more schedule updates, often showing current month against prior month as the “Baseline.” Group and sort this report similar to Summary Report, with fields to include: Activity ID, Description, Total Float, BL Early Start, Start, Start Deviation, BL Finish, Finish, and Finish Variance.

More Definitions of Total Float

Total Float. The total float indicated on the Master Project Schedule shall be no less than 10% of the total Construction Phase duration (NTP to Substantial Completion). i.e. - All paths in the schedule must lead to a milestone activity for Substantial Completion, which shall be logic driven and indicate completion within approximately 90% of the time allowed by contract for the City established Substantial Completion Date.
Total Float. The amount of time that an activity or chain of activities can be delayed before extending the scheduled completion date.
Total Float is defined as the amount of time between the early start date and the late start date, or the early finish date and the late finish date, for each and every activity in the schedule. Float time in the schedule is a shared commodity between the County and the Contractor. Only responsible delays in activities that affect milestone dates or the Project’s completion date, as determined by CPM analysis, will be considered for a time extension. The schedule shall show the sequence and interdependence of activities required for complete performance of the work. The schedule shall be prepared and maintained in accordance with the scheduling requirements stated in this Section and shall include two (2) organized plots with the activities logically grouped using the activity coding. The Contractor shall also provide an electronic copy of the schedule via e-mail. The schedule shall encompass the time from the start of the Contract Time to the Project’s Final Completion. The longest path through the schedule shall be readily discernable on the plot of the schedule.
Total Float means the number of days from the Early Finish Date (EF) to the Late Finish Date (LF) of the activity. When the LF is later than EF, the Total Float shall be positive. When the LF and the EF are the same, the Total Float shall be zero. When the LF is earlier than the EF, the Total Float shall be negative. The Current Baseline Schedule Shall not have any negative TF. Unless otherwise specified, all references to “float” shall mean “Total Float”. Total Float shall be calculated relative to the Substantial Completion Deadline.
Total Float. The meaning set forth in the “Cost and Scheduling Controls Program Specification” in Book 3.  Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP) – The meaning set forth in the “Description of the Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP)” clause (Section 24.1) of the General Provisions.  Work – All services, labor, materials, and other efforts to be provided and performed by the Contractor including the following general categories: scheduling, utility relocation, demolition, permitting, survey, geotechnical, design, environmental mitigation, construction, quality control, and quality assurance for design and construction, community relations, quality inspection and testing, construction safety and security program, systems testing, preparation of CADD As-Builts, implementation of the Contractor’s extended warranty for the Project after construction completion, coordination with jurisdictional authorities (governments, public and private entities), utility companies, railroad companies, and local communities, and other efforts necessary or appropriate to complete the design and construction of the Project, and to ensure the Project’s ultimate readiness for passenger rail operations, except for those efforts which the Contract specifies will be performed by the Authority or other Persons.  Working Day – Each weekday that is not an Authority Designated Holiday.

Related to Total Float