Unforeseen Circumstances As a rule, the contractor is not entitled to any modification of the contractual terms due to circumstances of which the contracting authority was unaware. A decision of the Belgian State to suspend cooperation with a partner country is deemed to be unforeseeable circumstances within the meaning of this article. Should the Belgian State break off or cease activities which implies therefore the financing of this procurement contract, Xxxxxx will do everything reasonable to agree a maximum compensation figure.
Balance of Payments Difficulties Where either Party is in a serious balance of payments difficulties or under threat thereof, the Party concerned may in accordance with the conditions laid down within the framework of WTO/GATT 1994 and with Articles VIII and XIV of the Articles of Agreement of International Monetary Fund, adopt restrictive measures, which shall be of limited duration and may not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of payments situation. The Party concerned shall inform the other Party forthwith of their introduction and present to the other Party, as soon as possible, a time schedule of their removal.