Training Courses The Employer shall bulletin any training courses and experimental programs for which employees may be selected. The bulletin shall contain the following information: (a) type of course (subjects and material to be covered), (b) time, duration and location of the course, (c) basic minimum qualifications required for applicants. This bulletin shall be posted for a period of two (2) weeks on bulletin boards in all Departments to afford all interested employees an opportunity to apply for such training. The senior qualified applicant shall be selected.
Workload Management 11.1 The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that employees and management have a responsibility to maintain a balanced workload and recognise the adverse affects that excessive workloads may have on employee/s and the quality of resident/client care. 11.2 To ensure that employee concerns involving excessive workloads are effectively dealt with by Management the following procedures should be applied: (a) Step 1: In the first instance, employee/s should discuss the issue with their immediate supervisor and, where appropriate, explore solutions. (b) Step 2: If a solution cannot be identified and implemented, the matter should be referred to an appropriate senior manager for further discussion. (c) Step 3: If a solution still cannot be identified and implemented, the matter should be referred to the Facility Manager for further discussion. (d) Step 4: The outcome of the discussions at each level and any proposed solutions should be recorded in writing and fed back to the effected employees. 11.3 Workload management must be an agenda item at staff meetings on at least a quarterly basis. Items in relation to workloads must be recorded in the minutes of the staff meeting, as well as actions to be taken to resolve the workloads issue/s. Resolution of workload issues should be based on the following criteria including but not limited to: (a) Clinical assessment of residents’ needs; (b) The demand of the environment such as facility layout; (c) Statutory obligation, (including, but not limited to, work health and safety legislation); (d) The requirements of nurse regulatory legislation; (e) Reasonable workloads (such as roster arrangements); (f) Accreditation standards; and (g) Budgetary considerations. 11.4 If the issue is still unresolved, the employee/s may advance the matter through Clause 9 Dispute Resolution Procedure. Arbitration of workload management issues may only occur by agreement of the employer and the employee representative, which may include the union/s.
Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22
Union Activities If the Contract Amount is $50,000 or more, no Judicial Council funds received under this Agreement will be used to assist, promote or deter union organizing during the term of this Agreement (including any extension or renewal term).
Procurement Planning Prior to the issuance of any invitations to bid for contracts, the proposed procurement plan for the Project shall be furnished to the Association for its review and approval, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to the Guidelines. Procurement of all goods and works shall be undertaken in accordance with such procurement plan as shall have been approved by the Association, and with the provisions of said paragraph 1.
Professional Improvement Leave A teacher may be granted leave to be used for the teacher's professional improvement. Professional improvement days may be approved by the superintendent and used for the purpose of: 1. Visitation to view other instructional techniques or programs. 2. Conferences, workshops, or seminars conducted by colleges, universities, or vocational schools. The teacher planning to use a professional improvement day shall notify the principal at least one week in advance of the proposed absence. The teacher shall be required to file a written report with the principal within one (1) week of attendance at such event. Also, the teacher may/shall be requested to return with materials and/or information to be shared with other teachers. The expense of attending such visitation, conference, workshop, or seminar will be paid by the Board when the proper reimbursement applications are sent to the district office. In cases where attendance at a convention, workshop, seminar, or other educational activity is deemed to be of value only to the individual teacher, leave may be granted for attendance with either no expenses or limited expenses being underwritten by the district. In these cases, no written or verbal reports will be required.
Union Label Upon depletion of existing stocks, all uniforms and clothing issued by the Employer shall bear a recognized union label.
Projects There shall be a thirty (30) km free zone around the projects excluding the Metro Vancouver Area. For local residents, kilometers shall be paid from the boundary of the free zone around the project. Workers employed by any contractor within an identified free zone who resides outside of that same free zone will be paid according to the Kilometer Chart from the project to their residence less thirty
Employee Workload The Employer shall ensure that an employee’s workload is not unsafe as a result of employee absence(s). Employees may refer safety related workload concerns to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee for investigation under Article 22.3 (Occupational Health and Safety Committee).
Time Off for Union Activities The employer agrees to grant the necessary time off, without discrimination or loss of seniority rights and without pay, to any employee designated by the Union to attend a labor convention provided that there is two-week notice of any union convention. Due consideration shall be given to the number of personnel affected in order that there shall be no disruptions of employer's operations due to lack of available employees.