Use of the Fund. It is the general policy of the Foundation that a substantial part of Restricted Funds shall remain as a permanent endowment to the Foundation. It is also the general policy of the Foundation that an amount equal to four percent (4.00%) of the value of a Restricted Fund may be distributed during each fiscal year.
Use of the Fund. It is the general policy of the Foundation that a substantial part of the scholarship fund shall remain as a permanent endowment to the Foundation. It is also the general policy of the Foundation that an amount equal to four percent (4.00%) of the value of the scholarship fund shall be distributed each year. Consistent with those policies of the Foundation, annual awards of $ each shall be awarded upon the recommendation of the Scholarship Review Committee, as specifically set forth and hereby incorporated in Appendix A, and subsequent approval by the Foundation's Board of Directors.
Use of the Fund. All distributions shall be for charitable, educational, scientific, literary, or religious (including any combination of such purposes) and for administrative purposes, all in furtherance of the purposes of CFNJ. Distributions must be for charitable purposes, and those distributions may be recommended to any 501(c)(3) organization or verified charitable entity located in the United States or any nongovernmental organization outside of the United States having a verifiable charitable purpose. Grants may also be given for charitable purposes to non-501(c)(3) organizations if the charitable expenditure can be verified through a process called expenditure responsibility. Expenditure responsibility is required for any organization not described in IRS Section 170(b)(1)(A), including for- profit companies, private operating foundations and new public charities that do not yet have 501(c)(3) status and disqualifying supporting organizations. Grants given within the United States must be for a minimum of $100. Grants to organizations outside of the United States or grants requiring expenditure responsibility within the United States must be for a minimum of $1,000. CFNJ shall assume responsibility for check writing, bookkeeping, investment management, tax reporting, auditing and evaluation of projects, and for making available to the fund advisors and fund representatives reports of fund income, expenses and grantmaking, as appropriate.
Use of the Fund. This fund will be utilized for the sole purpose of upgrading the competence of members of the bargaining unit in Labour Relations matters.
Use of the Fund. 6.1. The fund is to be used toward the first team and youth development operating costs.
6.2. There is no money used from this account for administration, marketing, overhead costs or additional fees (other than bank fees which may be incurred).
6.3. The split of contributions after the prize fund payment is as of July 2019 to be made:
6.3.1. 60% towards overall first team budget,
6.3.2. 40% towards funding modern apprentices.
6.4. The money apportioned to first team players will be used as part of the overall budget available to the manager towards attracting new, better quality or in retaining our best players. It will not necessarily be used in providing additional player or players.
6.5. The Raith Rovers Board of Directors and Manager will be responsible for ensuring the funds are used towards intended use per this memorandum of agreement and always within the best interests of the football club.
6.6. Any changes to the 60/40 split as of July 2019, may only be changed following an official proposal made to contributors by the Supporters Director.
6.7. The proposal to change must give 28 days’ notice and reasoning for the change to contributors and allow adequate time for feedback.
6.8. Contributors who have made 3 months of consecutive fund contributions at time of proposal, will be entitled to provide feedback on the proposal.
6.9. Any decision to change the fund purpose will be proposed by the Supporters Director and ratified by the Board of Directors following this consultation period with contributors. This change will always with the best interests of the football club.
Use of the Fund. All income and principal of the Fund shall be used to support the mission and purpose of Club, the Ohio District of Kiwanis, and Kiwanis International.
Use of the Fund a. Specific grants will be identified and approved by The Alaska Community Foundation Board of Directors (“ACF Board”).
b. Distributions of grants from the Fund shall be made at such time or times as the ACF Board shall determine to be appropriate.
c. Distributions of grants from the Fund may be made in any amount up to 100% of the Fund’s assets.
Use of the Fund. 6.1 South Dundas agrees that the Fund shall be used exclusively for Community Projects as herein enumerated, and for no other purpose.
6.2 South Dundas shall provide advance notice to Wind Company of the selection of Community Projects to be financed in whole or in part by monies from the Fund and South Dundas shall give due consideration to any comments or input that Wind Company may offer with respect to selection of said Community Projects.
6.3 Prior to any expenditure of monies in excess of FIVE THOUSAND CANADIAN DOLLARS (CAD $5,000.00) from the Fund South Dundas shall:
(a) Present such expenditure and the relevant municipal project as agenda items to be considered for approval by South Dundas's Council during a scheduled public meeting; or
(b) If public approval of the expenditure by South Dundas’s Council is not required or is not appropriate, give Wind Company ten (10) days’ notice in writing in advance of the expenditure from the Fund, specifying the intended expenditure.
6.4 South Dundas acknowledges and agrees that South Dundas must have the legal jurisdiction to undertake and finance the Community Projects selected for funding through the Fund. The Parties agree that the following Community Projects located wholly within the Community Benefit Fund Area are generally appropriate for funding through the Fund, to promote and/or benefit:
(a) Public recreational facilities and programs;
(b) Community gathering facilities, events, and related Municipal usage fees; and
(c) Educational and job training related to sustainability or renewable energy.
6.5 South Dundas agrees to publically acknowledge the contribution made by Wind Company to any Community Projects, services, programs or activities funded in whole or in part by monies from the Fund. This shall be done in consultation with Wind Company through appropriate signage or other advertising, branding or promotional opportunities, provided that any costs shall be the responsibility of Wind Company.
Use of the Fund. 6.1 Subject to the legislative discretion of North Stormont’s elected Council, as applicable, North Stormont agrees that the Fund shall be used exclusively for the Programs in the percentages set forth in Section 5.1, and for no other purpose. . Accordingly, North Stormont shall demonstrate such compliance to Wind Company on a periodic basis or upon the request of Wind Company. North Stormont covenants that the Funds will be spent efficiently and in full compliance with the law including, without limitation, the obligations set forth in Article XI below.
6.2 On or prior to the day that is 60 days after the execution of this Agreement and upon the prior written consent of Wind Company, the Parties may issue a joint press release announcing this Agreement and the establishment of the Fund. Wind Company may also make and publish announcements from time to time concerning the existence of the Fund and its features, including the projected contributions of Wind Company.
6.3 North Stormont agrees to publically acknowledge the contribution made by Wind Companyto any Community Projects, services, programs or activities funded in whole or in part by monies from the Fund. This shall be done in consultation with Wind Company through appropriate signage or other advertising, branding or promotional opportunities, provided that any costs shall be the responsibility of Wind Company, and further provided that the final form of any public acknowledgement shall be determined by North Stormont in its sole discretion.
Use of the Fund. All distributions shall be for charitable, educational, scientific, literary, or religious (including any combination of such purposes) and for administrative purposes, all in furtherance of the purposes of the Foundation. The distributions shall be made directly by the Foundation for these purposes or be contributions to other tax-exempt organizations for such purposes. I/We (the “Donor”) will submit recommendations for grants, which the Foundation will duly consider. Distributions from the Fund shall be for charitable, educational, scientific, literary, or religious purposes (or any such combination of purposes) and can include allocations from both the income and principal in the Fund. We name as successor donor advisors: We retain the right to amend our successor donor advisors in the future.