Vacation Entitlement i) A transferring employee will accrue vacation in accordance with the collective agreement of the designated employer. ii) A transferring employee will have pre-approved vacation requests honoured. iii) Vacation entitlement not used by the employee at the time of transfer shall transfer with the employee to the designated employer, if applicable. iv) Vacation scheduling will be in accordance with the applicable collective agreement and the practice of the designated employer.
Sick Leave Entitlement A permanent full-time employee shall earn paid sick leave at the rate of one and one-half (1½) days per month. Part-time employees shall be entitled to sick leave credits on a pro rata basis. Sick leave shall accumulate to a total of ninety (90) working days.
Sick Leave Credit-Based Retirement Gratuities 1) A Teacher is not eligible to receive a sick leave credit gratuity after August 31, 2012, except a sick leave credit gratuity that the Teacher had accumulated and was eligible to receive as of that day. 2) If the Teacher is eligible to receive a sick leave credit gratuity, upon the Teacher’s retirement, the gratuity shall be paid out at the lesser of, a) the rate of pay specified by the board’s system of sick leave credit gratuities that applied to the Teacher on August 31, 2012; and b) the Teacher’s salary as of August 31, 2012. 3) If a sick leave credit gratuity is payable upon the death of a Teacher, the gratuity shall be paid out in accordance with subsection (2). 4) For greater clarity, all eligibility requirements must have been met as of August 31, 2012 to be eligible for the aforementioned payment upon retirement, and the Employer and Union agree that any and all wind-up payments to which Teachers without the necessary years of service were entitled to under Ontario Regulation 01/13: Sick Leave Credits and Sick Leave Credit Gratuities, have been paid. 5) For the purposes of the following boards, despite anything in the board’s system of sick leave credit gratuities, it is a condition of eligibility to receive a sick leave credit gratuity that the Teacher have ten (10) years of service with the board: i. Near North District School Board ii. Avon Maitland District School Board iii. Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx District School Board
Reinstatement of Vacation Days - Sick Leave In the event an employee is sick or injured prior to the commencement of his/her vacation, such employee shall be granted sick leave and the vacation period so displaced shall be added to the vacation period if requested by the employee and by mutual agreement, or shall be reinstated for use at a later date.
Sick Leave Credits (a) Prior to the commencement of maternity leave, illness arising due to pregnancy may be covered by normal sick leave. (b) Sick leave may be used by any pregnant employee, authorized by the receipt of a qualified medical practitioner's statement to the Employer, where there is a confirmed case of German measles or any other disease or condition in the place of employment which could be harmful to pregnancy as determined by the qualified medical practitioner's statement or report. They may use this leave until all danger from such disease or condition no longer exists.
Sick Leave Abuse When the Employer suspects sick leave abuse, the employee will be provided the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding their sick leave use prior to disciplining the employee, or making reference to sick leave use in the employee’s performance evaluation. The Employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as an absence that may lead to or result in disciplinary action for an authorized purpose. The Employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for the use of paid sick leave for an authorized purpose.