Voluntary Discharge. If the Resident no longer requires the services provided by the Facility, or voluntarily wishes to be discharged, the Resident, Resident Representative and Sponsor will cooperate with the Facility in the development and implementation of a safe, appropriate, and timely discharge plan.
Voluntary Discharge. The hospice shall discharge a patient from the program if the patient:
1. Elects care other than hospice care at any time;
2. Elects active treatment, inconsistent with the role of pallia- tive hospice care;
3. Moves beyond the geographical area served by the hospice;
4. Decides to transfer to another hospice program; or
5. Chooses to withdraw from the program with or without cause.
Voluntary Discharge. The Resident may be voluntarily discharged from the Facility at any time immediately after the Resident or Responsible Party gives the Nursing Home Administrator, a physician, or a nurse of the Facility thirty (30) days written notice of the Resident’s desire to be discharged. In such cases, and in all other cases involving a voluntary discharge of the Resident as described in this Contract, the Facility is relieved from any responsibility for the Resident’s care, safety or well-being effective upon the date of the Resident’s discharge.
Voluntary Discharge. Admission Agreement (7/2015) If the Resident no longer requires the services provided by the Facility, or voluntarily wishes to be discharged, the Resident, Designated Representative Sponsor and Facility will cooperate in the development and implementation of a safe, appropriate, and timely discharge plan.
Voluntary Discharge. Should the individual decide to voluntarily discharge themselves from the Residential Program, Heritage Centers asks for a minimum of thirty day notice. If the individual leaves prior to the thirty day notice, the individual agrees to pay the entire Congregate Care Level II rate for that month. It is advised that prior to a voluntary discharge, the individual and the treatment team discuss the impending discharge to ensure that all supports and services are arranged prior to moving.
Voluntary Discharge. When an employee terminates employment voluntarily, the employee shall be sent pay, other applicable benefits, and Unemployment Insurance Separation Certificate, within five (5) regular working days of such termination by registered mail to the employee's last known address, or as per written instructions from the employee to the Contractor's Representative on the job site. The Contractor or Contractor's Representative shall at the time of discharge, give the employee pay to date, other applicable benefits, and Unemployment Insurance Separation Certificate. When such discharge has taken place the employment relationship shall be deemed to be immediately terminated.