DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. 25.01 A Shop Xxxxxxx, or in the absence of a Shop Xxxxxxx, another employee in the bargaining unit selected by the employee affected, and in the event the member is a Shop Xxxxxxx, another Shop Xxxxxxx or an official full-time Union Representative, shall be present from the beginning of the meeting when a member of the bargaining unit: a) is given a reprimand which is to be entered on the employee’s personnel file; b) is suspended or discharged. In unusual circumstances, where it is necessary for the Employer to advise an employee by mail of discharge, the Union office will be mailed a copy of such notice. Absence of a Shop Xxxxxxx or Assistant Shop Xxxxxxx or another employee shall not invalidate the discipline, except in exceptional circumstances. 25.02 The affected employee, a Shop Xxxxxxx and the Union, shall be given a copy of any disciplinary notice which is to be entered on an employee's personnel file. The affected employee, the Shop Xxxxxxx, and the Union shall also be given a copy of any discharge notice that is given to an employee. In all cases of discipline or discharge the Employer shall notify the affected employee, and a Shop Xxxxxxx and the Union in writing of the reasons for taking such action. The notice of discipline or discharge shall be given to the affected employee and a Shop Xxxxxxx promptly and a copy of the discipline or discharge notice shall be forwarded to the Union office via fax within two (2) business days (excluding Saturday and Sunday and General Holidays) of the event. 25.03 Employees covered by this Agreement shall have access to their own personnel file, upon written request by the employee involved. Employees shall be able to obtain copies of their personnel file when requested, at the employee's expense. The Employer shall keep only one (1) personnel file per employee. (a) Employee’s written corrective action documentation(s) other than suspension will be taken from an employee’s file after fifteen (15) months should no similar offence have occurred during said period. (b) Employee’s suspension documentation(s) will be taken from an employee’s file after thirty (30) months should no similar offence have occurred during said period. (c) All documentation(s) including corrective action and suspension relating to incident(s) and/or complaint(s) of discrimination or harassment nature shall remain in an employee’s file.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. 25.01 A Full-time Union Representative, Shop Xxxxxxx, or in the absence of a Shop Xxxxxxx, another employee from the bargaining unit chosen by the employee being disciplined, shall be present when a member of the bargaining unit is being disciplined or is being discharged unless the employee waives the right. 25.02 All disciplinary meetings shall be held in private and shall take place in a location on the Employer's premises. 25.03 The affected employee and the person who attends the disciplinary meeting with them, as per 25.01, shall be given a copy of any disciplinary notice which is to be entered on the employee's personnel file and shall be given a copy of any discharge notice that is given to the employee. A copy of the disciplinary notice shall be emailed to the Union office within forty-eight (48) hours of the meeting with the affected employee. 25.04 The Employer shall remove all written disciplinary notices from the employee's personnel file after twelve (12) calendar months from the date of receiving the discipline, as long as the 12 months is discipline free. The Employer shall not be able to use any such disciplinary notice against the employee at a later date. 25.05 The Employer agrees that upon two (2) weeks written notice, an employee, shall have the right to book a time with the employer to review their personnel files. Employees shall have access to the grievance and arbitration provisions of this agreement to dispute any entries on their file that they were not aware of at the time they were issued. Employees shall be able to make notes of documents in their personnel files when requested.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. Section 15.1 The Employer shall not discipline, suspend or discharge an employee without just cause, but in respect to discharge or suspension shall give at least one (1) warning letter of the complaint against such employee (except employees on probation) to the employee in writing and a copy of same to the union, except that no warning letter need be given to an employee before he is discharged or suspended if the cause of such discharge or suspension is for theft, gross insubordination, or drunkenness on duty and/or issues of parallel magnitude. (1) representative in attendance or has reasonable expectation could result in the employee being disciplined shall be notified in writing as soon as reasonably practicable in advance of the meeting date. Said written notice shall clearly state the purpose of the meeting and the employee has the right to a union representative. The written notice will contain the contact information of the appropriate Council Representative as provided by each Council Representative. Employees who are required by the Employer to participate in an investigation meeting outside of their work hours shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Notices of discipline as herein provided shall not remain in effect for a period of more than twenty-four (24) months from the date of issuance of said notices of discipline after which it shall be removed from the employee's personnel file. Warning letters to be considered valid, must be issued within fifteen (15) workdays after the occurrence of the violation or within fifteen (15) workdays of the Employer's knowledge of the violation claimed by the Employer in such warning letter. Suspension and discharge actions will be issued in a timely manner. However, in accordance with the Washington State Administrative Code (WAC), any discipline administered for sexual misconduct, verbal or physical abuse as defined in WAC 181-88 may not be removed. The Employer shall conduct all disciplinary investigation in a timely manner. Section 15.2 Disciplinary actions shall be immediately removed from the employee's personnel file if the complaint is determined to be unfounded. Section 15.3 The issue of just cause shall be resolved in accordance with the grievance procedure of this Agreement.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. 21.01 The Employer may warn, suspend, demote or discharge an employee for just cause. If the conduct or performance of an employee warrants disciplinary action, such action shall be confirmed in writing. A copy of all such documentation shall be provided to the employee(s) involved, and forwarded to the office of the Union at the time they are issued. 21.02 Any disciplinary notice shall be issued only after, or during the meeting with the employee being disciplined. An employee shall be advised of the nature of the meeting prior to attending. The employee shall be accompanied by a xxxxxxx who shall be paid for such time in accordance with Article 4.03. 21.03 Disciplinary meetings shall normally take place during the affected employee’s scheduled shift. If the employee is not at work and is not scheduled to work within three (3) days of the incident, or if the incident giving rise to the meeting is so serious that more immediate action is warranted, he may be called in at a time when he is not scheduled to work, but shall be paid for such time during the meeting. 21.04 Any letters of warning older than twelve (12) months shall be removed from an employee’s file, provided that there is no repeat offence of the incident giving cause to the discipline during such twelve (12) month period. Any record of suspension will be removed after twenty-four (24) months, provided there is no repeat offence of the incident giving cause to the suspension during such twenty-four (24) month period.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. The College will not discharge or discipline an Employee during the term of the Employee's individual contract, or decline to offer an Employee a contract for the next Academic Year, without just cause provided, however, that this Article X shall not apply to the nonrenewal of the contract of an Employee who will not have completed more than two (2) Academic Years as an Employee of the College at the end of the current Academic Year or to the nonrenewal of a contract for the reasons set forth in Section 11.03 of Article XI of this Agreement.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. 25.01 A Shop Xxxxxxx, or in the absence of a Shop Xxxxxxx, another employee from the bargaining unit at the choosing of the employee being disciplined, shall be present when an employee of the bargaining unit is given a written disciplinary and/or discharged notice. A full-time Union Representative shall be entitled to attend any such meeting providing they are readily available to do so. 25.02 All disciplinary meetings shall be held in private and shall take place in a location on the Employer's premises. 25.03 The affected employee, the Shop Xxxxxxx who is involved, and the Union, shall be given a copy of any disciplinary notice which is to be entered on an employee’s personnel file. The affected employee, said Shop Xxxxxxx, and the Union, shall also be given a copy of any discharge notice that is given to an employee. In all cases of discipline or discharge the Employer shall notify the affected employee, said Shop Xxxxxxx, and the Union in writing of the exact reasons for taking such action. Any such notice of discipline and/or discharge shall be given to the affected employee and said Shop Xxxxxxx immediately, and a copy of said discipline and/or discharge notice shall be faxed or emailed to the Union Office within three (3) working days of the event. 25.04 Employees covered by this Agreement shall have access to their own personnel file, upon written request by the employee involved. Employees shall be able to obtain copies of their personnel file when requested and a copy of an employee's reply to any document contained in their personnel file shall be placed in the employee's personnel file. The Employer shall keep only one (1) personnel file per employee.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. 17.01 No employee shall be disciplined or discharged without just cause. An investigatory hearing between the Company and the employee will take place prior to disciplinary or discharge action being taken within twenty-one (21) days of knowledge of the incident. The employee shall be informed that if he/she so desires, they may have the assistance of a duly accredited representative(s) of the Union at the hearing. Refusal to be assisted will be confirmed using a form. All efforts will be made to hold hearings during the employee’s regular hours of work. If the hearing cannot be held during the employee’s regular hours of work, the employee shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours to attend the hearing. Only with the employee’s approval, the hearing may be held immediately prior or immediately after his/her regular hours of work and will be paid the appropriate rate of pay for the time spent while attending that hearing 17.02 Any post probationary employee who has been disciplined or discharge may file a grievance in accordance with Article 16 of this Agreement. Employees will be advised in writing, together with the reasons, with a copy to the Union. By mutual consent between the Company and the Union, any grievance concerning the discharge of an employee may commence at Step 2 or Step 3 of the grievance procedure. 17.03 Where disciplinary or discharge action is contemplated, the individual involved may, where necessary, be held out of service with pay, pending investigation for up to a maximum of fourteen (14) days to provide the Company with sufficient time to investigate and consider the factors. 17.04 The Company shall remove any disciplinary correspondence from an employees personnel file after one (1) year. An employee shall be entitled to review his/her personnel file by submitting a letter to the local manager and remove any letters of discipline from his/her personnel file that have expired. 17.05 The Company shall provide the District Chairperson with a copy of any letter of discipline given to an employee.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. 33.01 The Employer agrees when interviewing employees for the purpose of their work record and when said interview is to be recorded on the employee's personnel file at the Division Office, that a Shop Xxxxxxx and/or Union Representative shall be present at all times. The time taken to travel to and attend this interview is to be considered as time worked for both the employee and their Shop Xxxxxxx or designate. 33.02 The Employer agrees, when submitting written notices of warning, disciplinary action or dismissal, to give a copy to the employee concerned with a reason for same in full, and to provide the Union with a notice by fax forthwith. Employees will be required to sign written notices of warning, discipline action or dismissal, to acknowledge that they have received the document. 33.03 The Employer will remove all written disciplinary notices from the employees personnel file after eighteen (18) calendar months. The Employer shall not be able to use any such disciplinary notice against the employee at a later date. This time frame of eighteen (18) calendar months shall not include periods of layoff or periods of leaves of absence without pay.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. 13.01 JUST CAUSE - No employee shall be discharged or disciplined except for just cause. If a meeting may result in disciplinary action or discharge, the employee concerned shall be advised by the Employer that he/she has the right to have a Union xxxxxxx present at such meeting. An employee shall be informed in writing of the reasons for disciplinary action taken against him/her.
DISCIPLINE/DISCHARGE. In administering “2" above the following rules shall be adhered to by the City: