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WORLD HISTORY Sample Clauses

WORLD HISTORYEntering Freshman may fulfill the World History requirement by taking HST 1000 and HST 1010; or by transferring two Section A World History courses. Transfer students may fulfill the History requirement by satisfying Section A and Section B History requirements as described in the NDNU catalog. At least (3) of the (6) units required must be in World History. Starting in Fall 2015, Western Civilization courses will not satisfy the Section A or Section B requirement, unless the course appears on a prior articulation
WORLD HISTORYTransfer students (30 or more transferable units) may fulfill the History requirement by satisfying Section A and Section B History requirements as described in the NDNU catalog. Note: History coursework taken by any student prior to matriculation at NDNU may be transferred in to satisfy NDNU’s World History requirement, provided course content meets the criteria for Section A (World History) and/or Section B (Area Studies) requirements. After matriculation, only World History coursework may be transferred in by any student to satisfy this requirement. The only exception to the World History requirement for transfer courses taken after matriculation is for courses taken at a transfer school that does not offer World History (effective Fall 2012). Please speak with your transfer counselor if you would like more information. MODERN LANGUAGE/CULTURE AND LANGUAGE. Students who have completed the third-year level of one foreign language in high school with a grade of C (2.0) or higher in each term of the third year are exempt from the foreign language requirement. All B.A.
WORLD HISTORY. First-time Freshmen: Students entering with no college credit at the time of matriculation to NDNU may fulfill this requirement by taking and passing HST 1000 and HST 1010.
WORLD HISTORYEntering Freshman may fulfill the World History requirement by taking HST 1000 and HST 1010; or by transferring two Section A World History courses. Transfer students may fulfill the History requirement by satisfying Section A and Section B History requirements as described in the NDNU catalog. At least (3) of the (6) units required must be in World History. Starting in Fall 2015, Western Civilization courses will not satisfy the Section A or Section B requirement, unless the course appears on a prior articulation agreement with Berkeley City College, corresponding to the year and term in which the course was taken. Student must demonstrate language proficiency equivalent to a minimum of one year of study at NDNU by successfully completing Level 2 or higher. All courses used to satisfy the requirement must be in the same language.
WORLD HISTORYEntering Freshman may fulfill the World History requirement by taking HST 1000 and HST 1010; or by transferring two Section A World History courses. Transfer students may fulfill the History requirement by satisfying Section A and Section B History requirements as described in the NDNU catalog. At least (3) of the (6) units required must be in World History. Starting in Fall 2015, Western Civilization courses will not satisfy the Section A or Section B requirement, unless the course appears on a prior articulation agreement with Gavilan College, corresponding to the year and term in which the course was taken. C IP 4 Modern Language/Culture and Language (6 units and completion of Level 2) Student must demonstrate language proficiency equivalent to a minimum of one year of study at NDNU by successfully completing Level 2 or higher. All courses used to satisfy the requirement must be in the same language. LEVEL 1: CHN 1A, FRNH 1A, JPN 1A, SPAN 1A C IP LANG: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2: CHN 1B, FRNH 1B, JPN 1B, SPAN 1B LEVEL 3: SPAN 2A; 2B; 12A; 12B C IP LANG: LEVEL 2 MODERN LANGUAGE/CULTURE AND LANGUAGE. Students who have completed the third-year level of one foreign language in high school with a grade of C (2.0) or higher in each term of the third year are exempt from the foreign language requirement. All B.A. and B.F.A. students must satisfy the Modern Language requirement by completing Level 2 as described above, unless eligible for exemption. For majors leading to a B.S. degree, Foreign Culture and Language courses may be substituted for Foreign Language. C IP LANG: LEVEL 3 B. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY 9 units 1 Philosophy (3) PHL AJ 3A; PHL 1, 3A, 3B, 7A, 7B, 9, 12, 15; POLS 12 C IP
WORLD HISTORYEntering Freshman may fulfill the World History requirement by taking HST 1000 and HST 1010; or by transferring two Section A World History courses. Transfer students may fulfill the History requirement by satisfying Section A and Section B History requirements as described in the NDNU catalog. At least (3) of the (6) units required must be in World History. Starting in Fall 2015, Western Civilization courses will not satisfy the Section A or Section B requirement, unless the course appears on a prior articulation agreement with De Anza College, corresponding to the year and term in which the course was taken. C IP 4 Modern Language/Culture and Language (6 units and completion of Level 2) Student must demonstrate language proficiency equivalent to a minimum of one year of study at NDNU by successfully completing Level 2 or higher. All courses used to satisfy the requirement must be in the same language. LEVEL 1 FREN 1, 2; GERM 1, 2; HINDI 1, 2; ITAL 1, 2; JAPN 1, 2; KORE 1, 2; MAND 1, 2; PERS 1, 2; XXXX 1, 2; SIGN 1, 2; SPAN 1, 2; VIET 1, 2 LEVEL 2 FREN 3; GERM 3; HINDI 3; ITAL 3; JAPN 3; KORE 3; MAND 3; PERS 3; XXXX 3; SIGN 3; SPAN 3; VIET 3 LEVEL 3 FREN 4, 5, 6; GERM 4, 5, 6; JAPN 4, 5, 6; KORE 4, 5, 6; MAND 4, 5, 6; SPAN 4, 5, 6; VIET 4, 5, 6 LANG: LEVEL 1 LANG: LEVEL 2 LANG: LEVEL 3 C C C IP IP IP
WORLD HISTORYTransfer students (30 or more transferable units) may fulfill the History requirement by satisfying Section A and Section B History requirements as described in the NDNU catalog. Note: History coursework taken by any student prior to matriculation at NDNU may be transferred in to satisfy NDNU’s World History requirement, provided course content meets the criteria for Section A (World History) and/or Section B (Area Studies) requirements. After matriculation, only World History coursework may be transferred in by any student to satisfy this requirement. The only exception to the World History requirement for transfer courses taken after matriculation is for courses taken at a transfer school that does not offer World History (effective Fall 2012). Please speak with your transfer counselor if you would like more information. MODERN LANGUAGE/CULTURE AND LANGUAGE. Students who have completed the third-year level of one foreign language in high school with a grade of C (2.0) or higher in each term of the third year are exempt from the foreign language requirement. All B.A. and B.F.A. students must satisfy the Modern Language requirement by completing Level 2 as described above, unless eligible for exemption. For majors leading to a B.S. degree, Culture and Language courses (usually taken at NDNU) may be substituted for Modern Language. Completed B . S O C I A L A N D P E R S O N A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y RELIGIOUS STUDIES. Students in day undergraduate programs who have not completed the (6) unit Religious Studies requirement prior to matriculation must take at least three of these units at the upper-division level, and at least one course must be taken at NDNU. Completed From the above Individual, Society, and the Environment disciplines or from Computational Science below:
WORLD HISTORY. Subject Code: SS Two-semester course, 1.0 credit Grades: 10th Core Academic Course: YES The goal of this course in World History is to provide an awareness of how current events tie in with the historical past, as the class moves from the beginnings of civilization through the 20th century. Due to the scope of both the textbook and the material being covered (namely the history of the entire world); this course will be a survey over the major events of the past including: Ancient civilizations through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the French Revolution, the World Wars, and the Cold War. This course emphasizes historical investigation, discussion, projects, analysis and written expression.
WORLD HISTORY. Transfer s uden s (30 or more ransferable uni s) may fulfill he His ory requiremen by sa isfying Sec ion A and Sec ion B His ory requiremen s as described in he NDNU ca alog. No e: His ory coursework aken by any s uden prior o ma ricula ion a NDNU may be ransferred in o sa isfy NDNU’s World His ory requiremen , provided course con en mee s he cri eria for Sec ion A (World His ory) and/or Sec ion B (Area S udies) requiremen s. Af er ma ricula ion, only World His ory coursework may be ransferred in by any s uden o sa isfy his requiremen The only excep ion o he World His ory requiremen for ransfer courses xxxx xx er ma ricula ion is for courses aken x x xxxxxxx school ha does no offer World His ory (effec ive Fall 2012). Please speak wi h your ransfer counselor if you would like more informa ion.
WORLD HISTORY. American History