Warranty Vzorová ustanovení

Warranty jsou velmi rizikové investiční nástroje, deriváty s pákovým efektem. Jedná se o sekuritizované opce, jejichž hodnota závisí na hodnotě a volatilitě podkladového aktiva (např. akcie), splatnosti, realizační ceně a finanční páce. Warranty jsou investiční nástroje, jejichž nákupem získává majitel právo koupit (call warrant) či prodat (put warrant) k předem stanovenému termínu určité podkladové aktivum (např. akcie) za předem stanovenou cenu. Majitel call warrantu získal právo koupit podkladové aktivum za pevnou cenu. Riziko spojené s nákupem warrantu závisí zejména na velikosti finanční páky a době vypršení platnosti (expirace). Existuje velká pravděpodobnost, že může dojít ke ztrátě všech investovaných finančních prostředků, u vyšších finančních pák i ve velmi krátkém časovém horizontu. Zároveň však warranty nabízejí i velký potenciál zisku. Obchodník upozorňuje Zákazníka zejména na následující skutečnosti a rizika spojená s warranty:
Warranty. Without regard to other effective legal stipulations, the following applies: The Supplier warrants that if the goods or any part thereof become defective or shall exhibit a defect during the warranty period, it will be either replaced by a new one, which shall be transported to a place, specified by PBST at the expense of the Supplier, or will be repaired by the Supplier at the expense of the Supplier, according to the choice of PBST. The same applies in case that the delivered equipment does not correspond with the technical requirements or does not possess the characteristics and requirements specified by PBST. All expenses connected thereto will be borne by the Supplier. The warranty period is 24 months and commences on the date of the first use of the goods or on the first day the goods are put in operation. Without regard to the previous sentence, the warranty period shall elapse at the latest 36 months after the delivery of the goods. The warranty period of construction works and buildings is 5 years from the day of takeover of thereof by PBST. If the Supplier fails to remove the defects in an adequate period, PBST is entitled to withdraw from the contract in full or in part and demand compensation of damages. If the Supplier fails to remove the defects in a reasonable time provided by PBST, PBST is entitled to remove the defects on its own or have them removed by a third party, all of this at the expense and risk of the Supplier. The limitation of time for setting up claims arising from the defects and the warranty period are interrupted by a notification of defect to the Supplier until such time when the Supplier removes the defects of the Goods. The above stated warranty conditions likewise apply to any substitute deliveries and repaired defects; that means that the periods stated here shall again apply following the removal of the defects.
Warranty. Conditions EEA Tech spol. s.r.o. (AEROENGINE)
Warranty. (1) The Buyer shall be obliged to inform the Seller within 3 working days after the discovery of non-conformity of the Goods that could not be perceived during the takeover of Goods (e.g. contamination found during processing). In this case, the Buyer shall justify that the non-conformity has not been caused by it and shall allow the Seller to perform an audit, including taking samples on the premises of the Buyer. (2) The Buyer's right to claim for warranty, damages, or expenses as regards the Goods delivered by the Seller shall expire within 1 year from the date of delivery. If the Goods in question have a shelf life of less than 1 year, the warranty obligation corresponds with the shelf life concerned. These periods are also valid for “hidden defects”. (3) The Buyer must always prove that the defect already existed at the time of delivery. (4) In the event of warranty claims, the Seller shall, within a reasonable period of time, undertake a free-of-charge exchange of the Goods found to be defective. The Seller shall, however, at its discretion, have the option of arranging for the improvement (reworking) of the Goods or of supplying any missing quantities. If it is not possible for the Seller to fulfil its warranty obligations in this manner or if doing so would be Odchylka v kvalitě dodaného zboží nižší než 5 % ve srovnání s potvrzenou objednávkou opravňuje kupujícího pouze k přiměřenému snížení ceny.
Warranty. PTC warrants to Customer that PTC is authorized to grant the License(s). PTC further warrants that the Licensed Products will be free from Errors during the Warranty Period. “Warranty Period” means: (a) for perpetual software licenses, the ninety day period commencing on the date PTC makes the Licensed Product available to Customer or Customer’s designee, and (b) for subscription licenses, the term of the subscription. PTC shall have no warranty obligations hereunder with respect to any (i) Errors attributable to any modifications or customizations of the Licensed Products, (ii) Licensed Products that are provided by PTC free of charge to Customer, and/or (iii) Bundled Third Party Products (as defined in the Schedule of Third Party Terms). PTC’s issuance of a New Release will not re-start a Warranty Period that has expired.
Warranty. We provide a 3-month warranty limited to max 1000 operating hours, 🅓n the work weperfo rmand the spare parts we fit. The first limit reached applies Warranty can only be provided if the part was installed by our Service technician Service call -outs du r ng the warranty period are always performed on weekdays
Warranty. 3.1.Licensor warrants according to the German purchase-law provisions, that the software will substantially perform as specified in the user's documentation. Upon written notice of any software errors Licensor may attempt to correct the software errors through providing a correction update. Only in the event that the attempt to correct the error by Licensor is to be considered as having failed Licensee may cancel the contract. Licensee acknowledges that Licensor has no access to the source code and therefore is not able to correct any errors without receiving a respective correction update from the developer of the software. 3.2.The warranty covers only the use of the software on the operating system(s) as specified in Appendix 1, 2.
Warranty. Adobe warrants to Licensee that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation for the ninety (90) day period following shipment of the Software when used on the recommended operating system, platform, and hardware configuration as specified in the Documentation. This limited warranty does not apply to Trial Versions and Not For Resale Software. All warranty claims must be made within such ninety (90) day period. If the Software does not perform as warranted above, the entire liability of Adobe and Licensee’s exclusive remedy shall be limited to either, at Adobe’s option, the replacement of the Software or the refund of the license fee paid to Adobe for the Software whereupon the license to such software shall automatically terminate.
Warranty. Supplier warrants that the goods shall in all material respects be free of defective materials and faulty workmanship and conform to the manufacturer’s applicable specifications and/or drawings, for a period of 24 months from the delivery date, or such other period as Supplier shall have notified the Buyer in writing, or which is stated in the Supplier’s product catalogue, in the Supplier’s quotation packing list, invoice or on a separate warranty statement. Buyer shall return goods that are non-compliant within the warranty period, transportation prepaid to Supplier, and Supplier (at its option to the widest extent permitted by law) will repair or replace them or give a credit for the price of the goods, and return-ship them at lowest cost, transportation prepaid. No goods will be accepted for return without an authorization number (RMA) obtained in advance of shipment to Supplier. The Supplier accepts no responsibility for any product programming or data on any goods that are returned under warranty. The Supplier’s process for handling products that are returned under warranty is available on request from the Supplier. If Supplier determines that any returned goods do not to qualify for warranty repair or replacement Na základě žádosti dodavatel předloží kupujícímu popis procesu zacházení s výrobky vrácenými v záruční době. Pokud dodavatel zjistí, že vrácené zboží nesplňuje požadavky na opravu nebo výměnu zdarma nebo poskytnutí dodavatelského úvěru ve výši ceny zboží v rámci záruky nebo není vadné (tj. nepodléhá záruce), dodavatel si vyhrazuje právo účtovat kupujícímu paušální poplatek za přezkoumání ve výši dle tehdy aktuálního ceníku dodavatele, pokud je kupujícímu fakturováno do České republiky, nebo ve výši 125 euro, pokud je kupujícímu fakturováno mimo Českou republiku, za každé jednotlivé vrácené zboží. Dodavatel sdělí kupujícímu cenovou nabídku na opravu nebo výměnu zboží, které nesplňuje požadavky na opravu nebo výměnu zdarma nebo poskytnutí dodavatelského úvěru ve výši ceny zboží v rámci záruky. Pokud kupující nepřijme tuto cenovou nabídku ve lhůtě 30 dnů ode dne jejího doručení, dodavatel je oprávněn vrácené zboží likvidovat, ledaže kupující požádal o zaslání takového zboží zpět kupujícímu a uhradil náklady na zaslání. Záruka za vyměněné nebo opravené zboží bude poskytnuta po záruční dobu rovnající se zbytku záruční doby na původní zboží prodlouženou o dobu výměny nebo opravy zboží. Bez ohledu na výše uvedené, pokud je zboží kontaminováno, opot...
Warranty. DS warrants for ninety (90) days from the initial delivery of each Licensed Program that such Licensed Program will materially conform to its Documentation when used in the specified operating environment. If the Licensed Program does not conform, and Customer has so notified DS within this warranty period, DS will attempt to make it conform as warranted. If DS has not corrected the non-conformity within ninety (90) days from the date of such notification, Customer may terminate the license to the non- conforming Licensed Program within thirty (30) days and receive a full refund of all fees paid for the non-conforming Licensed Program. This refund represents DS’s sole liability and Customer’s sole remedy for breach of warranty.