Notices Musterklauseln

Notices. 13.1. The Customer agrees that all relevant notices and communications can be transmitted to him / her in text form on a durable medium. In addition to any other contact details provided to Novum, the Customer also can specify his/her mobile number (if any) as an additional means of receiving notices and other communications from Novum.
Notices. 12.1. The Customer agrees that all relevant notices and communications may be sent to him/her on paper or on a durable medium at the contact data he provides to Novum. In addition to any other contact details provided to Novum, the Customer also specifies his/her mobile number (if any) as an additional means of receiving notices and other communications from Novum. This clause does not apply to advertisement.
Notices. 12.1. By concluding the Master Loan Agreement, the Customer agrees that all relevant notices and other communications can be sent to him or her electronically through the Account or by messages transmitted by such Common Message Services. Delivery through the Account includes sending the message to the Customer's personal e-mail, and/or to the Customer's message box available upon login to the Account. In addition to any other contact details provided to Ferratum by the Customer, the Customer also specifies his Account's personal e- mail address and message box as an additional means of receiving notices and other communications from Ferratum. The Customer may delete any or all messages and/or documents residing in his Account's personal e-mail and/or message box at any time. Ferratum will have no access to the Customer Account's personal e-mail and/or message box so that any removal of messages and/or documents by Ferratum will be excluded. The Customer will be notified of all new communications received by his Account's personal e-mail and/or message box by an e-mail message sent to an e-mail address separately specified by the Customer. Notices and other communications
Notices. 13.1 Notices by the Customer to ASK4 shall be made to the registered office address of ASK4 (seehttps://xxx.xxx0.xx/xxxxxxxxx) or such other address as ASK4 shall from time to time advise.
Notices. Any notices relating to this Agreement shall be in writing. Notices will be deemed given by Apple when sent to You at the email address or mailing address You provided during the sign-up process. All notices to Apple relating to this Agreement will be deemed given (a) when delivered personally, (b) three business days after having been sent by commercial overnight carrier with written proof of delivery, and (c) five business days after having been sent by first class or certified mail, postage prepaid, to this Apple address: Apple Inc., App Store Legal (Apple Business Manager), One Apple Park, 169-4ISM, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000 X.X.X. You consent to receive notices by email and agree that any such notices that Apple sends You electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements. A party may change its email or mailing address by giving the other written notice as described above.
Notices. 12.1. By concluding the Master Loan Agreement, the Customer agrees that all relevant notices and other communications can be sent to him or her electronically through the Account or by messages transmitted by such Common Message Services. Delivery through the Account includes sending the message to the Customer's personal e-mail, and/or to the Customer's message box available upon login to the Account. In addition to any other contact details provided to Ferratum by the Customer, the Customer also specifies his Account's personal e-
Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the recipient party at the address identified in the Order Form or to such other addresses as the parties may advise each other of from time to time in writing. in Verbindung mit diesem Lizenzabkommen ergeben. Der Xxxxxxxxxx hat das Recht, nach eigenem Ermessen Rechtsmittel zuzusprechen oder in einen Schiedsspruch aufzunehmen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Schadensersatz, effektive Vertragserfüllung, Unterlassungsanspruch und Verfahrens- und Anwaltskosten. Schiedsspruch und Entscheidung des Schlichters sind abschließend und verbindlich für alle Parteien. Der Schiedsspruch kann bei einem zuständigen Gericht angefochten werden. Wenn vernünftigerweise davon auszugehen ist, dass sofortige Maßnahmen geboten sind, behalten sich die Parteien das Recht vor, einstweilige Verfügungen und einstweilige, vorläufige oder dauerhafte Unterlassungsansprüche bei einem zuständigen Gericht zu beantragen. In diesem Fall sind die Parteien nicht verpflichtet, den Streitfall dem Schiedsgericht vorzulegen. Sofern die Parteien nichts anderes vereinbaren, wird das Schlichtungsverfahren in Englisch durchgeführt und findet in Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx (XXX) an einem vom Xxxxxxxxxx zu bestimmenden Ort statt. Die Parteien kommen überein, dass das UN-Kaufrecht (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, CISG) auf diese Vereinbarung keine Anwendung findet. Anwendbares Recht ist das Recht des Staates Oregon, wobei die Anwendung kollisionsrechtlicher Vorschriften ausgeschlossen ist. Die Bestimmungen dieses Absatzes haben auch nach Beendigung oder Ablauf dieser Vereinbarung Bestand.
Notices. Any notice required or authorised to be given under this Agreement may be delivered by hand, by first-class mail or prepaid registered post to the address notified by the Parties from time to time and will be deemed to have been served immediately if by hand or forty-eight (48) hours after such posting if by post. Any notice to Questionmark must also be contemporaneously copied to Questionmark shall have the right to notify Customer in the event of a general notice to all users of the OnDemand Service of important announcements regarding the operation of the Service, including by email correspondence.
Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing addressed to recipient as set forth herein or any change thereto noticed hereunder, and shall be deemed delivered upon receipt. Actual receipt shall be inferred when evidenced by a Certificate of Mail.The addresses herein may be changed by notice consistent with this provision.
Notices. 11.1 Jede Mitteilung, die uns im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrag (außer in Bezug auf Gerichtsverfahren oder Streitbeilegungsverfahren) erteilt wird, muss schriftlich erfolgen und per Hand, per A-Post oder einem anderen Next Day Delivery –Service an folgende Adresse übersandt werden: [...].Solche Mitteilungen gelten als am dritten Werktag nach Absendung oder Abgabe zugegangen. 11.1 Any notice given to us under or in connection with the Contract (other than in relation to legal proceedings or any method of dis- pute resolution) shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand, first-class post or other next day delivery service to […]. Such no- tices shall be deemed received on the third Business Day after be- ing sent or given.