Other Musterklauseln

Other. Provisions that deviate from these guidelines may be approved in individual cases by Munich Re (Management Level 2).
Other. 19.1 In case, individual provisions of the contract or these general conditions of business and delivery become in whole or in part void, invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of all remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. The void, invalid or unenforceable provision is, as far as legally permissible, considered to be replaced by the effective and enforceable provision which comes closest to the pursued economic purpose, measure, time, place and scope of the void, invalid or unenforceable provision. The same applies to the filling of any gaps in this contract. 19.2 In the event that contracts or the general terms and conditions of business or delivery or project conditions are drafted by us in a language other than German, the German terms and conditions shall, in any case, come before the other conditions. 19.3 Excluded from this are contracts in English. Here our General Conditions of Business and Delivery in English apply.
Other. 12.1. The Customer grants DiCommerce an unrestricted, gratuitous and unlimited right of use of the logo and the name of the company to use it for reference purposes. This right does not counteract the obligation of confidentiality. 12.2. It is agreed that no efforts will be made on either side to poach employees from the other company for a period of two years. 12.3. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply, the provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. 12.4. If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is the place of business of DiCommerce. The same shall apply if the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or if the customer's domicile or habitual residence are not known at the time the action is filed. 12.5. Amendments and supplements to this contract must be made in writing to be effective. This also includes the amendment of the written form clause. 12.6. There are no oral ancillary agreements. All ancillary agreements must also be in writing.
Other. 20.1 All agreements that contain an amendment, supplement or specification of this contract must be made in text form in order to be effective. This also applies to the amendment or cancellation of this text requirement. 20.2 Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract. The invalid provision shall be deemed to be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same shall apply in the event of a gap in the contract.
Other. 9.1 No oral subsequent agreements exist and such come into effect only upon written confirmation. 9.2 Should a provision contained in the flight ticket or in these transportation conditions be impracticable on the grounds that such contradicts valid legislation, the validity of the remainder of the flight ticket or the transportation conditions remains unaffected. 9.3 Provisions of the transportation contract or these transportation conditions cannot effectively be altered, limited or excluded by agents, employees or representatives of the air carrier. 9.4 Exclusive place for jurisdiction for both parties is – as far as these are certified commercial representatives
Other. The minimum age is 12. Parts of the tour take place in the outdoor areas of the power plant. Participants must wear sturdy, non-slip shoes, and should dress appropriately for the weather. An audio system will be provided. This remains the property of KWE and partici- pants will be charged if it is lost or damaged. No pets may be taken on tours.
Other. 7.1 If individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are or be- come invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions in the contract. If the customer is a trader or legal entity of private or public law or a person who is domiciled abroad or whose habitual residence is abroad, or whose domicile or habitual residence is not known at the time the complaint is filed, the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of ats. 7.2 The European Commission provides a platform for resolving online disputes (OS) to facilitate the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes. This service can be found at xxxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx. ats is not involved in the procedures for settling disputes before a consumer arbitration board nor is it required by law to participate in such proceedings. There is no internal com- plaint procedure.
Other. The minimum age at the KKB and Zwilag is 12 years. Protective hel- mets must be worn in certain areas of the KKB and Zwilag. These will be provided.
Other. The minimum age at the KKB and Zwilag is 12 years. Protective helmets must be worn in certain areas of the KKB and Zwilag. These will be provided.
Other. The doctoral agreement is signed in three copies. One copy remains with the supervisor and one with the doctoral candidate. The third copy is to be submitted to the faculty in accordance with §5 para. 2 of the doctoral regulations. At the latest six weeks after conclusion of the doctoral agreement, the doctoral candidate must create an electronic doctoral file by registering in the central online portal of the university and submit the doctoral agreement to the faculty together with the application for admission to the doctoral procedure. (To be signed only if an ISH-med access is going to be requested) 1. wurde heute (has been today) 1.1 auf die Wahrung des Datengeheimnisses nach § 6 des Landesdatenschutzgesetzes (LDSG) vom 27. Mai 1991 (GBL. 1991, S. 277) verpflichtet,(to maintain data secrecy in accordance with Section 6 of the State Data Protection Act (LDSG) of May 27, 1991 (GBL. 1991, p. 277),) 1.2 darauf hingewiesen, dass es untersagt ist, geschützte personenbezogene Daten unbefugt zu einem anderen als dem zur jeweiligen rechtmäßigen Aufgabenerfüllung gehörenden Zweck zu verarbeiten, bekannt zu geben, zugänglich zu machen oder sonst zu nutzen, und dass diese Pflichten auch nach Beendigung der Tätigkeit fortbestehen, (advised that it is prohibited to use, publish, make available or otherwise use protected personal data without authorization for any purpose other than that which is part of the respective lawful performance of the task, and that these obligations shall continue to apply even after termination of the activity,) 1.3 darüber belehrt, dass Verstöße gegen das Datengeheimnis ggf. nach § 34 LDSG und anderen einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften mit Freiheits- oder Geldstrafe geahndet werden können; eine disziplinarrechtliche Verfolgung wird dadurch nicht ausgeschlossen. Eine Verletzung des Datengeheimnisses wird in den meisten Fällen gleichzeitig eine Verletzung der Amtsverschwiegenheit bzw. einen Verstoß gegen die arbeitsvertragliche Schweigepflicht darstellen, und kann in ihr zugleich eine Verletzung spezieller Geheimhaltungspflichten liegen. (informed that violations of data secrecy may be punishable by imprisonment or a fine in accordance with Section 34 LDSG and other relevant legal provisions; this does not exclude disciplinary prosecution. A violation of data secrecy will in most cases simultaneously constitute a violation of official secrecy or a violation of the duty of confidentiality under the employment contract, and may at the same ti...