Reservation of Proprietary Rights Musterklauseln

Reservation of Proprietary Rights. 4.1 We reserve ownership of the delivered goods (“reserved goods”) until complete payment of all current and future claims resulting from the delivery relationship with the Customer.
Reservation of Proprietary Rights. All goods delivered by us shall remain our property until their complete payment. They shell not become the purchaser´s property unless he has fulfilled all obligations resulting from any delivery made to him, from all cheques and from all bills. In the event of attachment of goods or other forms of seizure by third parties, the purchaser shell clearly point to our property and advise us accordingly without delay. In case the goods delivered have been processed by the purchaser along with other goods which are not our property we shall have proprietary rights to the new good in a proportion of the value of our products to the value of the finished product. Otherwise the same conditions are applicable to the new good as to the goods for which we reserve our proprietary rights. The purchaser`s accounts receivable from a resale will now be surrendered to us no matter if the reserved good is sold without or after processing. if the reserved good described is sold along with goods that weren`t received from us, the surrender of accounts receivable from the resale is valid only to the extent of our delivery price. The purchaser has the right to collect accounts receivable from the resale until our countermand which is permissable at any time. If the value of the collateral, which we are entitled to because of our right to retain title of property, is in excess of 25 % of the value of the secured accounts receivable, we are required to release the collateral.
Reservation of Proprietary Rights. 7.1 All goods supplied remain the property of BFTS until all claims, regardless of their legal foundation, including claims arising in the future and conditional claims as well as cur- rent account balance claims (goods subject to retention of title) have been settled. This also applies when payments are made on the basis of specially identified receivables. Inasmuch as the purchaser violates the terms of the contract for example, is in arrears with its payments BFTS has the right to reclaim goods subject to retention of title, after having previously set a fair period for performance. The transport costs for the return of the goods are to be borne by the customer.‌ Inasmuch as BFTS reclaims the goods subject to retention of title, this shall be consid- ered a rescission from the contract. The same is to apply should BFTS pledge the goods subject to retention of title. BFTS is entitled to make use of the goods it has reclaimed. The proceeds from such exploitation will be offset against the monies owed to it by the purchaser, after BFTS has deducted a reasonable sum to cover the costs of the exploita- tion.
Reservation of Proprietary Rights. 1. The goods remain the Sellers' property unless all invoices and liabilities, even those resulting from future transactions with the Buyers, will have been settled.
Reservation of Proprietary Rights. 11.1 The following agreed reservation of proprietary rights shall serve to ensure the respective current and future claims of DTE against ordering parties based on the delivery relationship which exists between the contractual parties with regards to authorized dealer contracts (including payment balance requests with regards to a current account relationship limited to this supply relationship).
Reservation of Proprietary Rights. 8.1 The Goods remain in our ownership until Buyer has paid total contractual price including all costs and fees invoiced. In case that we are still in ownership of the Goods, further sale is allowed only with our written consent, whereby we always apply as Producer of Goods. Buyer is obliged to provide us with Name and Address of new Buyer – Third person. In case that we have given a written consent, the accounts receivables shall be assigned to us and we are entitled to contact and inform the Third person. In case of more receivables, the incoming payments will be assigned at first to the claims which are not (anymore) secured by the Reservation of proprietary rights or other securities.

Related to Reservation of Proprietary Rights

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