Shipment Musterklauseln

Shipment. 8.1. All orders of the AutoLogg-Box are shipped through our logistics partner in the period of 14 working days. The goods will be shipped 5 days a week. The stated delivery/performance periods of the Supplier (e.g. on the website, in the AutoLogg webshop or on the Amazon Marketplace page) are non-binding for Customers who are entrepreneurs, unless they have been expressly agreed in writing as binding in the order confirmation or in the contract. In the event that goods ordered by the Customer are not available, the Customer will receive information about undeliverable items by email or SMS. 8.2. If the order is – for any reason whatsoever – amended, the delivery period shall be extended accordingly. 8.3. Unless otherwise agreed, the delivery period shall commence with the latest of following dates:
Shipment. Upon our request, we must be notified about the ship- ment at the time of delivery at the latest. Shipping ad- vices, consignment notes, delivery notes and invoices must state the address for shipment as well as our order number including the item number. Transporta- tion damages resulting from missing or inadequate cargo securing by the carrier are to be avoided.
Shipment. Shipment of the equipment will be effected either a) by the customer after collection or before delivery of the equipment to the warehouse of the lessor or b) on request of the customer by a forwarding agent au- thorized by the lessor. In any case freight costs are borne by the lessee.
Shipment. The customer pays for the shipping costs. The amount of the shipping costs depends on the effort. Shipping costs will be disclosed to the customer in detail upon request. Shipment takes place within at most 14 days after reception of payment to the address indicated by the customer. Shipment will be at the customer’s risk, in case he or she is a trader and/or entrepreneur.
Shipment. We shall be free to determine the type and manner of shipment. Orders having a net value of CHF 1000.-- or more shall be delivered without additional freight and handling costs except for deliveries on dry ice as well as express deliveries.
Shipment. As soon as we have handed over the goods to a forwarding agent, the transit risk shall pass to buyer. Insurance against breakage and transit risk will be taken out by us only upon special request of consignee against payment of the costs incurred.
Shipment. The goods travel at the risk of the buyer (EXW). In case of damage or loss during transport the complaint must be directed immediately to the carrier and an ascertainment must be required. On request of the customer, we conclude a transport insurance policy on his behalf.
Shipment. 1.) Der Versand erfolgt auf Rechnung und Gefahr des Kunden, sofern nichts anderes vereinbart ist. Die Gefahr des zufälligen Untergangs bzw. der Verschlechterung der Ware geht auf den Kunden über, sobald die Ware an den Kunden, bei Versendung an den Spediteur, Frachtführer oder sonst mit dem Transport beauftragten Dritten übergeben worden ist. Es gelten die Incoterms (EXW) in der jeweils neuesten Fassung, sofern nicht etwas anderes vereinbart worden ist. 1.) Insofar as no other agreement has been reached, shipments are carried out on the customer’s account and risk. The danger of accidental loss or deterioration of the goods is transferred to the customer as from the point in time the goods are handed over to the customer, by transportation to the carrier, haulier or third party entrusted with transportation. Insofar as not otherwise agreed upon, each latest Incoterms (EXW) version applies. 2.) Übernehmen wir den Versand, behalten wir uns die Entscheidung über die ökonomischste Versandart vor. 2.) In the case of us taking over shipment responsibility, we then reserve the right to select the most economical form of shipment. 3.) Wird der Versand auf Wunsch oder aus Verschulden des Kunden verzögert, so lagern wir die Waren auf Kosten und Gefahr des Kunden. In diesem Fall steht die Anzeige der Versandbereitschaft dem Versand gleich. 3.) In the case of the shipment being delayed due to the wish or fault of the customer, we will then store the goods at the customer’s own expense and risk. In this case the ready to deliver notice is equivalent to that of dispatched. 4.) Zum Abschluss einer Transportversicherung sind wir nur auf ausdrückliches Verlangen des Kunden verpflichtet. Die Kosten trägt der Kunde. 4.) We are only obliged to taking out transportation insurance if explicitly demanded by the customer. The costs are to be carried by the customer. 5.) Soweit eine Abnahme stattzufinden hat, gilt die Kaufsache als abgenommen, wenn - Die Lieferung und, sofern wir auch die Installation schulden, die Installation abgeschlossen ist, - wir dies dem Kunden unter Hinweis auf die Abnahmefiktion nach diesem Abschn. IV Nr. 5.) mitgeteilt und ihn zur Abnahme aufgefordert haben, - Seit der Lieferung oder Installation 12 Werktage vergangen sind oder der Kunde mit der Nutzung der Kaufsache begonnen hat (z. B. die gelieferte Sache in Betrieb genommen hat) und in diesem Fall seit Lieferung oder Installation 6 Werktage vergangen sind und - Der Kunde die Abnahme innerhalb dieses Z...
Shipment. Insurance and Passing of Risk 5.1 The goods are delivered ex Works. 5.2 Unless expressly otherwise agreed upon, we shall be free to determine the appropriate mode of shipment and to select the carrier at our reasonable discretion. We shall bear the risk of transport in case the Customer is a consumer. 5.3 We shall only be obliged to properly and timely deliver the product to the carrier, and any transit times specified in the Internet Store shall only be non‐binding estimates. 5.4 If the Customer is a Consumer, the risk of accidental destruction, damage or loss of the delivered product shall pass to the Customer upon delivery of the product to the Customer or upon the Customer’s default of acceptance. In ausgeliefert wird oder der Kunde in Annahmeverzug gerät. In allen anderen Fällen geht die Gefahr mit der Auslieferung der Ware an das Transportunternehmen auf den Kunden über. 5.5 Die Versandkosten sind vom Käufer zu tragen. Sie schließen die Kosten einer von uns abgeschlossenen Transportversicherung gegen die üblichen Transportrisiken ein. Die entsprechenden Versandkosten werden dem Kunden im Bestellformular angegeben.
Shipment. The risk is transferred to the purchaser as soon as the goods have been handed over to carrier or as soon as they have left our warehouse for dispatch. In the event of shipment abroad the International Delivery Conditions in accordance with Incoterms 1990 shall ha applicable in addition to the present terms.