Examples of Active mode in a sentence
All product features can be enabled in this mode, and the product must be able to return to Active mode by responding to any potential input options designed into the product.
All product features can be enabled in this mode and the product must be able to enter Active mode by responding to any potential input options designed into the product; however, there may be a delay.
Waking up a module, which is done by clearing the corresponding bit in the PRR, puts the module in the same state as before shutdown.Module shutdown can be used in Idle mode and Active mode to significantly reduce the overall power consumption.
Submitted by the Co-Chair: When [ADAS] is in "Standby" mode or "Active" mode, an optical signal shall be provided to the driver.
Active mode power was a weighted average of on, idle, navigation, and sleep mode power, weighted by the average hours per year in each mode, as applicable (Urban et al., 2017).