Advice Note definition

Advice Note means a document provided by the Contractor accompanying any deliveries and specifying the place and date of dispatch, place of delivery, details of items delivered including such information as the number of packages/items, their weight and volume or similar document as approved by the GDC;
Advice Note means a statement substantially in the form and containing the information set out in Annex 1 (or in such other form or containing such further information as may from time to time be specified by the Executive Committee) issued in the name of the Pool Funds Administrator to a Pool Member or the Ancillary Services Provider;
Advice Note means a note containing the following information: (a) a description of the Product using the AstraZeneca’s brand name and/or generic drug name; (b) the quantity in the package; (c) special directions for storage (if any); (d) expiry date for the Product in the package; (e) batch number; (f) name of supplier; (g) the Certificate of Analysis; and (h) any other information required by the Licensing Authority to be provided; “Affiliate” means, with respect to (a) AstraZeneca or any Third Party, any Person that Controls, is Controlled by or is under common Control with AstraZeneca from time to time; and (b) Purchaser means any Authorised Agent or Administering Entity; “Applicable Laws” means laws, rules, orders, bye-laws, instruments, regulations or similar statutes, ordinances, treaties, directives, administrative interpretations, including rules of national stock exchanges and any other rules or regulations promulgated by or otherwise having the force of law of any Governmental Authority, Data Protection Laws and all applicable Good Manufacturing Practice requirements and other GxP requirements and guidelines, in each case in any geographical area and/or over any class of Persons or the Product, UJEDNÁVÁ SE následující: 1. DEFINICE 1.1 V této Smlouvě o dodávkách mají následující pojmy a výrazy následující význam: „Subjekt pověřený správou“ znamená jakýkoli subjekt pověřený správou Přípravku; „Souhrn informací“ znamená zprávu obsahující následující informace: (a) popis Přípravku s použitím obchodního názvu společnosti AstraZeneca a/nebo generického názvu léčiva; (b) množství v balení; (c) zvláštní pokyny pro uchovávání (pokud existují); (d) datum expirace Přípravku v balení; (e) číslo šarže; (f) název dodavatele; (g) Osvědčení o analýze a (h) jakékoli další informace požadované Povolujícím orgánem; „Přidružená osoba“ znamená v případě (a) společnosti AstraZeneca nebo Třetí osoby jakoukoli osobu, která společnost AstraZeneca v příslušné době ovládá, je jí ovládána nebo je s ní pod společnou kontrolou; a v případě (b) Kupujícího znamená jakéhokoli Oprávněného zástupce nebo Subjekt pověřený správou; „Platné právní předpisy“ znamenají zákony, normy, vyhlášky, podzákonné předpisy, nařízení nebo podobné zákonné předpisy, výnosy, mezinárodní smlouvy, směrnice, správní výklady, včetně pravidel národních burz cenných papírů a jakýchkoli jiných pravidel nebo předpisů vyhlášených jakýmkoli Státní orgánem nebo jinak mající tutéž právní

Examples of Advice Note in a sentence

  • Where access is proposed by unmade/private track it will be required to be made-up to standards set out in Angus Council Advice Note 17 : Miscellaneous Planning Policies.

  • The investigation report shall include a risk assessment of all relevant pollutant linkages, as required by Planning Advice Note PAN 33 Revised 2000 Development of Contaminated Land.

  • The interim or temporary strategy, where applicable, should reflect the requirements of DMURS Interim Advice Note – Covid Pandemic Response (May, 2020).

  • Policy L/IMP8: Departures From The Local Plan Departures from the local plan will be managed in accordance with advice as laid down in Planning Advice Note 41: Development Plan Departures (The Scottish Executive).

  • The JHLAS has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and Technical Advice Note 1 (TAN 1).

More Definitions of Advice Note

Advice Note. A mix of Option 1 and Option 2 can in some cases lead to inconsistencies. The DESCA Core Group recognizes that users of the DESCA Model Consortium Agreement may wish to adapt the original DESCA text to their own needs and accordingly invites them, in the interests of transparency and integrity, to freely and clearly indicate for their actual or potential partners the adaptations which they have made. CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT Elucidation & Comments
Advice Note means a document prepared by you detailing the specific contents of each package, comprising a consignment which must accompany each consignment of Goods which you deliver to us.
Advice Note means a note addressed to you from Computershare Investor Services PLC setting out the number of Rights sold, the gross proceeds, and any Exercise Costs deducted by Computershare Investor Services PLC;
Advice Note means any document (other than a label) that contains any information about a veterinary chemical product, fertiliser, stock food or meal of animal origin or advice on its use, and that is supplied by the seller to the buyer in connection with the sale of the veterinary chemical product, fertiliser, stock food or meal of animal origin;
Advice Note. Amend this sub clause to provide for the particulars of Bond 1 or Bond 2 as asset out 3.1.2 5 The Principal can at any time and without notice to the Contractor make demand on the Bond Provider of any sum or sums under clause 1.
Advice Note. For the purposes of these conditions: ·. ' ..L.-tJ..._.�-,"\-- ·•' A biologically significant difference for Black-Fronted Terns is a negative growth rate, as estimated from pre-scheme and post-scheme bird counts. One approach for estimating population growth rate would be to use general linear models. However, the final method wil be confirmed with a biostatistician, in consultation with the Department of Conservation and stakeholders. For Black-Billed Gulls, a biologically significant difference in population size is defined as a negative growth rate which is greater (steeper decline) than the existing (negative) growth rate for Black-Billed Gulls. The rationale for this is that because Black-Billed Gulls are currently declining, monitoring should aim to detect further decline, beyond that which is already occurring. A biologically significant difference for Black-Fronted Tern and Black­ Biled Gull breeding success is defined as a fledgling success rate less than that determined through pre-scheme research and monitoring studies.
Advice Note. For the purposes of this Consent "major overland flow paths" are those that accompany a primary drainage system of a nominal 600 mm diameter pipe or larger or with peak overland flow exceeding 0.5m3/s in the 100-year ARI event. 57 The Consent Holder shall ensure that major secondary flow paths on land under their control are kept free from significant obstructions such as buildings, and solid fences. 00 Xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx and channels are constructed across secondary flow paths, the Consent Holder shall ensure that xxxxx are set at a level that maximises the capture of water by road cesspits. Other than at designated overland flow paths, driveway crossings shall be constructed in order to minimise the overflow of water from the road into private properties.