Examples of Card Statement in a sentence
Proof of Residency Secondary: (Must be current within the last 30 days) Telephone Bill displaying parent name and home address Doctor’s Bill displaying parent name and home address Bank or Credit Card Statement displaying parent name and home address Car insurance displaying parent name and home address3.
Such administration cost will be included in the converted amount stated in the Card Statement.
Card Statement means a monthly statement of the Card Account sent by the Bank to the Principal Cardholder showing (1) debits and credits to the Card Account in respect of the Transactions (2) the profit distributed (if any) to the Card Account and (3) the bonus amount (if any) from the Bank (subject to its discretion) to the Card Account.
Therefore, the actual transaction date and the system posting date (i.e. the date when Card Transaction appears on Credit Card Statement) shall be different from each other.
The amount of the transaction, in foreign currency and Ringgit Malaysia equivalent, will be stated in the Card Statement.