Corporate Objectives definition
Examples of Corporate Objectives in a sentence
In addition, the Strategic Targets, which include the off-budget, long-term targets of the Incorporation, such as the market share, customer satisfaction and brand equity as well as the annual Corporate Objectives, which will help to achieve these targets, are determined according to the Target management Procedure.
Such end-game rul- ings undermine the judiciary’s impartiality and due process protections against unprincipled liability.Most courts have expressed these concerns, ap- preciating that removing wrongful conduct and cau- sation from public nuisance theory would be as ex- treme as removing breach and causation from negli- gence.
This year the assessment has been undertaken through two lenses; the achievement of the Corporate Objectives to achieve the Aim of the Plan, and the implementation of the detailed Service Improvement Plans for our Targeted Intervention improvement priorities of Unscheduled Care, Stroke, Planned Care, Cancer and Healthcare Acquired Infections.
Code of Corporate Governance is the means of achieving Corporate Objectives.
A robust approach is in place to ensure the continuing achievement of Corporate Objectives and Performance Priorities.