Data Steward definition

Data Steward means the entity responsible for combining two data sets from different sources, and managing the resultant data set. If a USBE data system is being used, then USBE is the Data Steward. If another entity is doing the calculations or derivations, then that entity becomes the Data Steward.
Data Steward means an entity responsible for assuring the quality, integrity, and access arrangements of data from the moment of data collection, and for managing the metadata that preserves context and associated business rules, including privacy and security attributes consistent with applicable law, institutional policy, and individual permissions.
Data Steward means the parties who, identified by the Heads of their Business Units, are appointed to supervise and oversee compliance with the Organisational Model by the Recipients, assist the Company in implementing the Privacy Policies and act as the main contacts for issues concerning the processing of personal data within their business units, as well as serving as contact persons for the data subjects and Recipients.

Examples of Data Steward in a sentence

  • If it does not pass QA, the data are sent back to the Data Steward for modification.

  • To help with checking and managing the data locally, Gilead has engaged a Data Steward for each Gilead Affiliate who is responsible for ensuring completeness and accuracy of data.

  • We have made specific arrangements to ensure the safety and security of these datasets, following guidance of our faculty Data Steward.

  • Data Steward fulfills request and saves the dataset in a secure folder managed by the Coordinator of Data and Statistics.

  • If the request is approved, an MOA is drafted and sent to legal, placed on the board consent calendar, reviewed by the Superintendent, sent to the Purchasing/Contract Manager, sent to Coordinator or Data and Statistics, appropriate Data Steward fulfills request, de-identifies data as appropriate, and sends to another Data Steward for Quality Assurance (ensuring student data protection).

More Definitions of Data Steward

Data Steward in this MOU means the Party responsible for coordination and implementation of data production, storage and distribution within the Project to be consistent with the understandings of this MOU. University of Victoria will be the Data Steward for the Project.
Data Steward means a person responsible for supervising each data domain and has a strong understanding of business needs and data security in the organization. The data steward acts as a mediator between business and information technology departments to discuss the logic, communication, and data domain usage the data steward must specify in each data domain.
Data Steward means the individual or that individual’s designee responsible for approving releases of NMHC data from the EDW to Researchers in accordance with this Policy.
Data Steward means the person or group of persons designated by VCH as data steward with responsibility and accountability for oversight of the database, including compliance with the VCH policies with respect to collection, use, access to and disclosure and disposal of data.
Data Steward means a manager of County data assets to help provide business users with high-quality data that is easily accessible in a consistent manner. This is the person responsible for the content in a system.
Data Steward means the individual that oversees agency data quality initiatives at a high level and prioritizes issues for resolution. A Data Steward has delegated responsibility for setting the overall strategic direction for Data Collections in an agency to ensure that Data Collections are developed, maintained, and utilized in accordance with applicable law, this Policy, and the strategic goals of the agency.
Data Steward means the individual having responsibility and oversight of an information system, Data Mart or Data Warehouse, and its associated Institutional Data and Institutional Information.