Design Limits definition

Design Limits means the items listed in Appendix 3 with respect to the Primary Resources, as such items or Primary Resources may be changed from time to time by notice from DYPM to IP, and any similar design limits on any other Supply Resources.
Design Limits means the operating specifications listed in Appendix A.
Design Limits means the parameters set forth in Appendix C.

Examples of Design Limits in a sentence

  • If the OEM provides written direction for operations that requires a change to the Design Limits, the Parties will negotiate in good faith to modify the Design Limits accordingly.

  • The basic fuel rod models and the ability to predict fuel rod operating characteristics are given in WCAP-15063-P-A, Revision 1 (Reference 21) and subsection 4.2.3. Mechanical Design Limits Cladding collapse is precluded during the fuel rod design lifetime.

  • Based on the information provided in the application regarding specifications for components, the staff determined that the application is consistent with guidance provided in Section 4.4.2 (Material and Design Limits) of NUREG-1536 that provides that cask components and fuel materials should be maintained between their minimum and maximum temperature limits for normal, loading, off-normal, and accident-level conditions to enable all components to perform their intended safety function.

  • W., 1996, Maximum Safe Weight of Lift: A New Paradigm for Setting Design Limits in Manual Lifting Tasks Based on the Psychophysical Approach, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 40th Annual Meeting (HFES), Santa Monica, California, pp.

  • The power to flow ratio initially increases, peaks and then declines as the challenge to the Specific Acceptable Fuel Design Limits (SAFDL's) is mitigated by the decline in core power due to the reactor trip.

More Definitions of Design Limits

Design Limits means the operating limitations on Operator's duty to respond to Dispatch Instructions, as provided in Section 7.2.
Design Limits means the parameters set forth on Appendix D.
Design Limits means, with respect to a Reserved Unit, the items listed in Appendix B with respect to such Reserved Unit.
Design Limits means, with respect to a Committed Unit, the items listed in Appendix A (Design Limits per Committed Unit).
Design Limits. When the Facility operates pursuant to Virginia Power's Dispatch rights in accordance with this Agreement, it is capable of operation over the continuous range from approximately 32% of the Dependable Capacity (the "Minimum Operating Level") through 100% of the Dependable Capacity (the "Maximum Operating Level"). For example, if the Dependable Capacity for the Winter period is 202 MW, the Minimum Operating Level is 65 MW (202 MW x 32%) and the Maximum Operating Level is 202 MW (202 MW x 100%). After the Facility has been off line due to a Scheduled Outage, a Forced Outage, or in response to Virginia Power's Dispatch of the Facility, it can achieve the levels of operation specified below within the approximate time periods indicated below: (a) Level within 1.5 hour following Virginia Power's notice to start-up. (b) If the Facility has been off line between 2 hours and 8 hours (warm start), it can be resynchronized within 1 hour and can achieve its Minimum Operating Level within 1.75 hours following Virginia Power's notice to start-up. (c) If the Facility has been off line for more than 8 hours (cold start), it can be resynchronized within 3 hours and can achieve its Minimum Operating Level within 4.5 hours following Virginia Power's notice to start-up. Once the Facility has been synchronized with Virginia Power's system and brought to its Minimum Operating Level, its Net Electrical Output may be increased at an emergency rate of approximately 3% per minute for up to five (5) consecutive minutes with a normal rate of approximately 0.9 % per minute. If the Facility is operating above its Minimum Operating Level, its Net Electrical Output may be reduced at an emergency rate of approximately 3% per minute for up to five (5) consecutive minutes down to the Minimum Operating Level with a normal rate of approximately 0.9% per minute. The Design Limits are subject to refinement pursuant to Section 4.5 and will be finalized in the procedures manual prepared pursuant to Section 4.5.
Design Limits means values of parameters and of characteristics of the condition of SSCs important to safety and of an NPP as a whole, specified in the design for all operational states and accident conditions.
Design Limits means the Facility can change load at the rate of kW per minute over a continuous range down to a minimum of zero (0) kW. Frequency tolerance is + hertz. Voltage tolerance, without reactive power restrictions, is + %.