Examples of Design Period in a sentence
The applicant will be required to present a breakdown of the Planning and Program Design Period into two phases: the period from grant approval to final approval of the charter and the period from charter approval to the opening of the charter school.
If the subgrant application is approved, the applicant may propose that the Planning and Program Design Period begin before final approval of the charter by the local board of education.
For ensuring organisational and stakeholder wide appreciation and ownership of the project outputs, the consultant shall be required to organise coordination workshops for presentation of key reports after each project milestone to a representative group of stakeholders that is to be agreed with the client.During the Design Period, one workshop is proposed and shall include presentation of the final draft design report.
The amount of grant funding available for the Planning and Program Design Period before final approval of the charter by the local board is capped at 25 percent of the total grant award.
The Initial Design Period Payment amount is included within the GMP.
The Initial Design Period ends upon the earlier of (1) Owner’s written acceptance of the Initial Design Period Submittal and the execution of a Contract Continuation Amendment or (2) termination of this Agreement.
B.1.10.1 Environmental Compliance Approval for Transfer of Review for Sewage Works 3B.2 Watermains 5B.2.1 Watermain Classification – Region of Waterloo 5B.2.1.1 General 5B.2.1.2 Regional Watermains 5B.2.1.3 Local Watermains 6B.2.1.4 Connection to Regional Watermains 6B.2.2 Water Demand 6B.2.2.1 Definitions 6B.2.2.2 Domestic 7B.2.2.3 Fire Flow 7B.2.2.4 Design Period 7B.2.2.5 Peaking Factors 7B.2.3 Hydraulic Analysis 7B.2.3.1 Friction Factors 7B.2.3.2 Nominal vs.
Per capita demand and factors influencing it, types of water demands and their variations, factors affecting water demand, Design Period, Factors affecting the Design period, estimation of water demand for a town or city, Population Forecasting.
General, Per capita demand, Water Quality & its standards, Plant Layout, Automation, Design Period, Conveyance of supply, Distribution Works, pressure requirements, Capacity.
The Contract amendment executed by Owner and Design-Builder following Owner’s acceptance of the Initial Design Period Submittal to confirm both parties’ intent to proceed with the Work, to memorialize design decisions agreed upon during Initial Design Period, and otherwise to incorporate any changes to the Contract, including the GMP, Contract Time, or scope of Work.