Dismissal for Cause definition
Examples of Dismissal for Cause in a sentence
On each of the charges contained in the Dean of the Faculty's statement of charges, the Faculty Review Board shall decide (a) whether it finds that the charge is contained within one or more of the grounds listed in the Dismissal for Cause and Other Sanctions, and (b) whether it concurs in the Dean's finding that the charges have been arrived at by following in good faith the specified procedures (outlined in the section Initiation and Inquiry).
Sanctions other than dismissal may be imposed on a faculty member only on the same grounds listed in the above subsection on Dismissal for Cause, when it is determined the grounds for the charges are not of such a gravity or such a nature as to merit dismissal.
An affirmative opinion is reached if at least three of the five senior members of the Faculty Review Board agree that the charge is contained within one or more of the grounds listed in the Dismissal for Cause and Other Sanctions, and concur in the Dean's finding that the charges have been arrived at by following in good faith the specified procedures (outlined in the section Initiation and Inquiry).
If evidence leading the Dean of the Faculty to initiate a procedure for the dismissal for cause of a faculty member appears to the Dean of the Faculty to involve egregious conduct as defined in the subsection of Dismissal for Cause, the Dean of the Faculty may, when initiating the procedure or at any later time during the procedure, suspend the faculty member with pay continued pending the outcome of the final decision.
If the charges in a procedure for dismissal for cause involve egregious conduct, as defined in Dismissal for Cause, the statement of charges shall include a declaration to this effect, whether the Dean of the Faculty has, in consequence of these charges, suspended the faculty member or not.