Substitute Service Sample Clauses

Substitute Service. 23.16.1 Teachers shall not be required to obtain their own substitutes. 23.16.2 DCPS shall make every effort to provide substitute service for every absence of a Teacher, provided the Teacher notifies her/his Supervisor of the absence in accordance with the rules established in this Agreement. 23.16.3 In cases when a Teacher fails to notify her/his Supervisor of the absence in accordance with the rules established in this Agreement, DCPS shall make a concerted effort to provide a substitute, but shall be under no obligation to do so. 23.16.4 Except where it is not possible to do so, Teachers shall have available for substitute teachers current class lists, lesson plans, and other appropriate materials to enable the substitute Teacher to carry out her/his duties. 23.16.5 DCPS agrees to review and revise, in collaboration with the WTU, the recruitment, training, and evaluation of substitute teachers with the goal of ensuring a highly effective substitute pool of sufficient size to support Teachers.
Substitute Service. In the event of channel Interruption caused by storms, or the action of elements, or other acts of God, or by strikes, or by civil or military authority or by wars, insurrections, riots, rebellions, or the unlawful acts of individuals, or by other conditions beyond the control of the Company, the Company reserves the right to provide International Service by any available substitute means (if acceptable to the Customer) pending restoration of normal service. No credit will be given for periods of channel Interruption when substitute service has been provided to the Customer.
Substitute Service. One (1) year’s credit on the salary schedule is allowed for 170 days of substitute service as an employee in the District. The maximum allowance for such substitute teaching shall be two (2) steps upon subsequent approval for contract status.
Substitute Service. Substitutes for employees at year round schools shall, when possible, be employees in the same classification who are either off-track or on vacation. If the employee is substituting in his/her current classification, the employee will receive salary compensation based on his/her current rate of pay. If an employee substitutes in a position of a classification other than his/her own, the employee will receive salary compensation based on the employee’s current step and the range of the position for which he/she is substituting. No additional credit towards vacation/sick leave etc. will be earned due to these substitute hours. An employee may substitute during his/her unassigned hours. It shall be the responsibility of the employees to notify the District of their intent to serve as substitutes.
Substitute Service. The District and the Union will pilot the substitute services program for Student Support Specialists. The Student Support Specialists’ substitutes will be paid at a flat rate of $15.00 per hour not to exceed a six (6) hour day. The pilot program will be implemented at two (2) Elementary Schools, two (2) Middle Schools and two (2) High Schools (sites to be determined). The substitute service will provide for up to three
Substitute Service. If in any school year, the laid off unit member serves as a substitute in any position requiring a permit, for twenty-one (21) school days or more within a period of sixty (60) school days, the compensation such employee receives for substitute service in that sixty (60) day period shall be at the same rate as he/she would receive if reemployed. The YCOE may not terminate such an employee from the substitute service to avoid paying the regular rate of pay.
Substitute Service. This term, as used herein, applies to the substitution of an aircraft to replace contractor's aircraft which is unable to proceed from the departure station or from any en route station short of destination in accordance with schedules established pursuant to this contract. If the contractor fails to make an aircraft available for departure as required by the flight schedules, the government may: (1) cancel the requirement for further movement of the defaulted flights; (2) require the contractor to transport the defaulted passengers or cargo by substitute service within such additional time as the contracting officer may allow; (3) acquire substitute service from commercial sources; or (4) reschedule the defaulted flight or transport the defaulted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 54 of 65 N00019-01-D-0037 SECTION H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- passengers or cargo, or any portion thereof, itself. The exercise of any of these options will be in accordance with the following: (1) In the event that the requirement for further movement of the defaulted flights is canceled, the number of miles/trips for the flight involved, and directed landings (if applicable) will be subtracted from the government's guarantee. Any canceled requirement will be deleted from the contract by unilateral modification. (2) If the contractor is required to transport the passengers or cargo of the defaulted flights by substitute service within such additional time as the contracting officer may allow, the contractor shall arrange and pay directly all cost involved in the transportation by the substitute aircraft. Contractor will be paid, in this event, the full contract price for the flight involved, irrespective of the amount paid by him for this transportation by substitute aircraft. The substitute aircraft provided by the contractor must be of like type, configured in accordance with the applicable specifications, and must be approved by the contracting officer. In lieu of, or in addition to, providing the above type substitute service, the contractor may, at his own expense, purchase the amount of space, by common carriage or otherwise, needed for the movement of passengers or cargo of the defaulted flight. The purchase of such space must be approved by the contracting officer. In such event, contractor would be paid the contract price for the involved transportation. (3) The go...
Substitute Service. The Board shall maintain an active list of substitute teachers to replace absentees. Teachers shall be informed of a telephone number they should call to report unavailability for work. Such calls should be made by elementary teachers at least two
Substitute Service. This term, as used herein, applies to the substitution of an aircraft to replace contractor's aircraft which is unable to proceed from the departure station or from any en route station short of destination in accordance with schedules established pursuant to this contract. If the contractor fails to make an aircraft available for departure within 16 hours subsequent to scheduled departure time for a passenger flight or a mixed flight from an originating station or an en route station, or within 4 hours of a scheduled departure time for a passenger flight or a mixed flight from an en route station where no holding facilities for passengers are available, or within 24 hours of a scheduled departure time for a cargo flight from either the originating station or an en route station, or for any flight within such lesser time as may be agreed to by the contractor's designee, the government may: (1) cancel the requirement for further movement of the defaulted flight; (2) require the contractor to transport the defaulted passengers or cargo by substitute service within such additional time as the contracting officer may allow; (3) acquire substitute service from commercial sources; or
Substitute Service. By delivering such NOV/Summons to a person of suitable age and discretion at the respondent’s actual place of business, dwelling place or usual place of abode within the state; and, 2) A copy shall be mailed to the respondent at the address of such premises (NYC Charter Section 1049-a (d)(2)(a)(ii));