Equality means two participants operating with the same level of power in a relationship, neither being controlled nor coerced by the other.
Equality means equal status, equal opportunities and equal rights. Equality presupposes accessibility and accommodation.
Equality. The School is a day school for francophone pupils from 3-16. The School welcomes staff and pupils from many different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. Human rights and freedoms are respected. The School expects all members of the School (whether adults or children) to come to school in a safe and welcoming environment where they are able to achieve success irrespective of their nationality or ethnic background.
Examples of Equality in a sentence
Equitas strongly advises that all customers adopt a non discriminative approach to making hiring decisions and are aware of Equality Act 2010 and potential discrimination pitfalls.
More Definitions of Equality
Equality means sameness, uniformity, and equivalence. Equality focuses on a student's access to educational resources.]
Equality means ensuring everyone has the same opportunities to fulfil their potential free from discrimination.
Equality means everybody has the same opportunities and is treated with the same respect. Equality challenges discrimination.
Equality. The School is an independent day school for boys aged from 4 - 13 years. The School has a Christian ethos and welcomes staff and children from many different ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds. Human rights and freedoms are respected. At present, our physical facilities for the disabled are limited but We will do all that is reasonable to ensure that the School's culture, policies and procedures are made accessible to children who have disabilities and to comply with our legal and moral responsibilities under equality legislation in order to accommodate the needs of applicants and pupils who have disabilities for which, after reasonable adjustments, We can cater adequately.
Equality means equal treatment irrespective of gender, race, disability, religious belief, sexual orientation and (aspirationally) age. Equal treatment does not necessarily mean the “same” treatment. It does mean treatment that will lead to the same outcome.
Equality means equality between individuals, and
Equality means that all persons are equal in dignity, rights and responsibilities without regard to gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion or ultimate beliefs, age, disability, race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin or membership of the Traveller community.