Examples of Escrowed Materials in a sentence
IFA shall be entitled to access and review the Escrowed Materials of the Preferred Proposer following the notification of the Preferred Proposer, such review to be jointly undertaken with the Preferred Proposer in accordance with the Escrow Agreement (Form L).
Proposals are to be delivered to IFA at the address set forth in Section 1.7.2, except for the Escrowed Materials, which shall be delivered to the escrow as specified in Section 4.4.3. Each binder of the Proposal shall be labeled to indicate its contents.
In accordance with the procedures set forth in the Escrow Agreement (Form L), each unsuccessful Proposer shall have the right to retrieve its Escrowed Materials after the PPA Documents have been executed and delivered and commercial close has occurred, after IFA rejects all of the Proposals or after IFA terminates this procurement.
IFA’s review shall assess the completeness and accuracy of the Escrowed Materials, and IFA and the Preferred Proposer shall jointly develop and countersign a detailed index and catalogue of the contents of the Escrowed Materials.
The completed Proposal and Escrowed Proposal Documents shall be submitted and delivered in sealed containers no later than the Proposal and Escrowed Proposal Documents Due Dates and times specified in Section 1.4. The Proposal is to be delivered to NHDOT at the address set forth in Section 2.2.1, except for the Escrowed Materials, which shall be delivered to the Escrow Agent as specified in Section 4.3.2:Each binder of the Proposal shall be labeled to indicate its contents.