Export Controlled Information definition
Examples of Export Controlled Information in a sentence
A party that discloses Export Controlled Information orally or visually shall identify it as Export Controlled Information at the time of disclosure.
Export Controlled Information shall be protected in accordance with the DOE guidelines on Export Control and Nonproliferation and with U.S. Government export control laws and regulations.
Markings inadvertently omitted from Export Controlled Information when disclosed to a recipient shall be applied by such recipient promptly when requested by the disclosing Party, and such Export Controlled Information shall thereafter continue to be treated as provided in this clause.
All tangible objects, such as drawings, reports, programs or documents, which constitute and/or contain or may contain Export Controlled Information shall be marked "Exported Controlled Information", “ECI” or such other markings as required or permitted by DOE guidance.
Disclosure of Export Controlled Information to Foreign Persons 5-5-1 5-509.