Examples of Faculty Signature in a sentence
Semester/Year when course was initially attempted Faculty Signature Vice President of Academic AffairsFACULTY REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES RECORDS REPORTS AND SYLLABIREPORTSInstructors will file promptly reports required by the administrative officers of the college.CLASS ROLLS AND MID-SEMESTER GRADESThrough WebAdvisor, instructors access official student rosters for each of their classes provided every semester by the Registrar's Office.
PROFICIENT2 point Radiographer Comments: Evaluator Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: Program Faculty Signature: Date: (Student comments over)STUDENT COMMENT SECTION: EASTERN GATEWAY COMMUNITY COLLEGE RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMCLINICAL SUPERVISOR EVALUATIONStudent: Hospital: Semester: Date: Total Points: Grade: GRADING SCALE POINTS GRADE24-22.
Date(s) and session(s) of observation: Group Leader/Clinic Faculty Signature: Visitor’s Agreement to Appropriately Use Confidential Information As a visitor to Penn Dental Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, I may encounter confidential and valuable data and/or use of data/voice systems.
Within the context of re-employment preference, please check the appropriate category for this evaluation: □ Satisfactory □ Less than satisfactory (no impact on re-employment preference) □ Unsatisfactory Xxxx’x Signature: Faculty Signature: Date: Date: Faculty signature indicates only that this form has been reviewed, and does not indicate agreement with its contents.
Faculty Signature: Date: University of Alabama in HuntsvilleInterview for Admission to the Teacher Education Program** To be completed in Tk20 during interview by faculty Name: ID: Address: E-Mail: Phone: Major: Interviewed by: Date: The Educational Autobiography essay and completed interview form become part of your candidate file in the Education Department.
Please reference the section numbers above.Date Faculty Signature Western Illinois University | Musc Education HandbookPre-Student Teaching Review - Choral/GeneralStudent Name O S U 1.
The Departmental committee may consult with the candidate as to the names on the list.
ASSESSMENT Faculty Signature: Student Signature: SCHOOL OF NURSINGBSN – NUR 320 Mid-Term and Final Clinical EvaluationStudent Name Faculty Semester Student must obtain a Satisfactory “S” grade in all competencies at the Final Evaluation to pass the Course.
Student Signature: Faculty Signature: Date: 71Students are responsible for meeting each item listed.
Student Signature: Date: Site Supervisor Signature: Date: Faculty Signature: Date: Participation Guidelines I will devote hours per week towards completion of the objectives listed in my internship agreement for a total of hours, effective beginning on and ending on(“internship”).