Fiscal Impact Analysis definition
Examples of Fiscal Impact Analysis in a sentence
Developer and City acknowledge providing public safety service to the Project prior to the sale of homes will exceed revenues received by City to provide such services, based on the City’s revenue and expense assumptions as set forth in the Lincoln Village 1 Fiscal Impact Analysis prepared by Economic and Planning Systems and dated April 25th, 2014.
The Music City Center Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis completed in 2010 and prepared by HVS Convention, Sports and Entertainment concluded that, by 2017, the Music City Center will create an additional $134.9 million in spending.
On March 3, 2009 a fiscal impact analysis of the Carolina North Project was submitted to the Town and University by the TichlerBise consulting firm (Fiscal Impact Analysis: Phase I of Carolina North).
Appendix D to this IFP includes, as part of the Fiscal Impact Analysis, an analysis of the costs to the City for providing facilities and services to the area of the District while the area is being developed and after the area is developed.
Several documents have been prepared to demonstrate such compliance, including an Affordable Housing Plan, Urban Services Plan, Fiscal Impact Analysis, Public Facilities Financing Plan, Air Quality Management Plan, Greenhouse Gas Plan, and a Development Agreement.