Initial Network definition
Examples of Initial Network in a sentence
Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the Initial Network Deployment Plan shall include Designated Capacity, Designated Off-Net Capacity and Designated Capacity Exceptions.
The Initial Network Architecture and Design will also include a design for the space to be used for co-location applications in the Interim NAP facility.
For instance, the structure of the idiom (29a) and of the collocation (29b) contain within them the VP schema (28b), except that they instantiate the schema’s variables, i.e. fill them with content.
The NM shall publish the agreed plan for the day of operations after a collaborative decision making process.The ATFCM Daily Plan shall be altered if necessary through real-time optimisation of capacity / demand creating common situational awareness across the Network.The ADP is promulgated by means of an ANM and the Initial Network Plan (INP).
The Initial Network ReductionAs defined in Section 3, a specification holds if it evaluates to true for all network states reachable by any trace in the infinite set of possible traces.
Despite the strains and perils faced by NextWave over the past almost nine (9) years, this management team has remained largely intact and, with a core group of employees, consultants, advisors and professionals, has led NextWave through its successful 5-year litigation with the FCC, the build out of a nationwide Initial Network, the FCC Global Resolution, the disposition of certain PCS Licenses for nearly $5.4 billion, and the restructuring proceedings that have resulted in the proposal of the Plan.
Connect a USB cable between the PDU's USB-B port and a computer's USB-A port.3. Perform Initial Network Configuration via CLI (on page 9).
Initial Network Adequacy AssessmentThe data requests described above for the medical, DMC, and Denti-Cal programs will be submitted to plans prior to each phase.
New BM Units registering after the Initial Network Mapping Statement is approved would have an opportunity to challenge the mapping to be applied for the remainder of the BSC Year, but such a challenge would affect only which existing TLF value is applied and would not affect mapping or TLF values for existing BM Units.In practice any disputes would be raised via ELEXON.
By these schemes, the EAP-AKA protocol for the handovers from a WiMAX system to a WLAN and Initial Network Entry Authentication (INEA) protocol for the handovers from a WLAN to a WiMAX system can be improved by includ- ing extra security parameters and keys to speed up the re- authentications in the future WiMAX-WLAN handovers.