Joint Owner Issue Age definition

Joint Owner Issue Age. [N/A] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [45] Joint Annuitant: [No Joint Annuitant] Joint Annuitant Issue Age: [N/A] Issue Date: [May 1, 2024] Issue State: NY Premium Amount: [$25,000] Income Date: [May 1, 2074] Primary Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx] Contingent Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxx Xxx]
Joint Owner Issue Age. [35] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Joint Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Joint Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Initial Premium: [$50,000] Issue Date: [May 1, 2020] Issue State: NY Income Date: [May 1, 2080] Primary Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx] Contingent Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxx Xxx] VA720NY-CB1 3a CONTRACT DATA PAGES (CONT'D) FIXED ACCOUNT, INTEREST RATE AND CONTRACT CHARGE INFORMATION: Initial Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate: [1.00%] The Company will re-determine the Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate each January on the Redetermination Date. The Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate is the guaranteed minimum interest rate under the Contract and may change each year on the Redetermination Date. Initial Base Interest Rate: [1.00% for the 1-Year Fixed Account Option Period 1.00% for the 3-Year Fixed Account Option Period 1.00% for the 5-Year Fixed Account Option Period 1.00% for the 7-Year Fixed Account Option Period] Initial Current Interest Rate: [1.00% for the 1-Year Fixed Account Option Period 1.00% for the 3-Year Fixed Account Option Period 1.00% for the 5-Year Fixed Account Option Period 1.00% for the 7-Year Fixed Account Option Period] Initial Current DCA+ Interest Rate: [6-month [X.XX%] [NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE] [12-month [X.XX%] [NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE] ONE OR BOTH OF THE DCA+ FIXED ACCOUNT OPTIONS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE ON THE ISSUE DATE. AVAILABILITY IS INDICATED ABOVE. Maximum DCA+ Rate: [8.00%] over the net investment earnings rate. Interest Rate for Adjustments Due to Misstatement of Age or Sex: [1.00%] Annual Contract Maintenance Charge: [$30] The Company will deduct the Annual Contract Maintenance Charge from the Contract Value (but not the Remaining Premium) on each Contract Anniversary that occurs on or before the Income Date or when You withdraw the Contract Value in full on a date other than a Contract Anniversary. The Company will only deduct the Annual Contract Maintenance Charge from Contracts with a Contract Value less than [$50,000]. Core Contract Charge: [1.0000%] The Core Contract Charge is expressed as an annual percentage and is deducted daily from the Separate Account Contract Value (but not the Remaining Premium). The Company will reduce the Core Contract Charge to [0.9000%] if the Contract Value on the later of the Issue Date or the most recent Contract Quarterly Anniversary is greater than or equal to [$1,000,000]. If the Contract Value subsequently falls below [$1,000,000] on any Contract Quarterly Anniversary, the Com...
Joint Owner Issue Age. [N/A] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [80] Joint Annuitant: [No Joint Annuitant] Joint Annuitant Issue Age: [N/A] Issue Date: [January 15, 2021] Issue State: [MI] Premium Amount: [$25,000] Income Date: [January 15, 2036] Primary Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx] Contingent Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxx Xxx] RILA287-FB1 3b CONTRACT DATA PAGES (CONT'D) FIXED ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate (FAMIR): [1.00%] Fixed Account Minimum Value Percentage: [87.50%] Fixed Account Minimum Value Annual Expense Allowance: [$50] INTEREST RATE FOR ADJUSTMENTS DUE TO MISSTATEMENT OF AGE OR SEX: [1.00%] WITHDRAWALS: Minimum partial withdrawal amount unless as a scheduled part of an automatic withdrawal program: [$500] Minimum partial withdrawal amount as a scheduled part of an automatic withdrawal program: [$50] Minimum Contract Value remaining after a partial withdrawal: [$2,000] MVA Free Withdrawal Percentage: [10%] PREMIUM: Premium is money paid into this Contract for allocation into a Contract Option. This is a single Premium Contract. The Company may waive minimum and maximum Premium at any time, on a nondiscriminatory basis. Minimum Premium: [$25,000] Maximum Premium: [$1,000,000] SEPARATE ACCOUNT: [Xxxxxxx National RILA Separate Account I]

More Definitions of Joint Owner Issue Age

Joint Owner Issue Age. [35] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Joint Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Joint Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Initial Premium: [$10,000] Issue Date: [September 1, 2019] Issue State: [Michigan] Income Date: [September 1, 2079] Primary Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx] Contingent Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxx Xxx] ICC18 VA775-CB1 3a
Joint Owner Issue Age. [35] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Joint Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Joint Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Initial Premium: [$25,000] Issue Date: [January 1, 2017] Issue State: [Michigan] Income Date: [January 1, 2077] Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx] ICC16 VA780-FB1 3c CONTRACT DATA PAGES (CONT'D) Transfer/Transfer Charge: Prior to and after the Income Date, You may transfer all or a portion of Your Separate Account Contract Value in one (1) Investment Division to any available Investment Divisions. A fee of [$25.00] is charged for each transfer in excess of [15] in any Contract Year. Any Transfer Charge is deducted from the amount transferred prior to the allocation to the new Investment Division. Transfer Charges will not be applied to transfers due to dollar cost averaging or other systematic investment programs provided by the Company, nor will these transfers count against the [15] free transfers allowed in a Contract Year. Transfers not exercised during a given Contract Year are not accumulated and used in subsequent Contract Years. A transfer will be effective as of the end of the Business Day when the Company receives a transfer request in Good Order. If a transfer request is received but is not in Good Order, the transfer will be effective as of the end of the Business Day on which the request is put in Good Order. Asset allocation service providers must comply with the Company's administrative systems, rules, and procedures. The Company will not be liable for a transfer made in accordance with the Owner's instructions. Premium(s): Premiums are flexible. This means that the Owner may change the amounts, frequency or timing of Premiums, subject to the minimum and maximum Premium amounts and the Company's reserved rights specified below. The initial Premium must be at least [$25,000] for Non-Qualified Plan Contracts and [$25,000] for Qualified Plan Contracts. Subsequent Premiums must be at least [$500] ([$50] if made in connection with an automatic payment plan). Total Premiums under a Contract may not exceed [$2,500,000], or such lesser amount established by the Company pursuant to the reserved rights specified below. The Company may waive the minimums or maximums at any time on a nondiscriminatory basis. The Company reserves the right to limit, restrict, suspend or reject any or all subsequent Premium payments and to limit the amount, frequency or timing of Premium payments at any time on a nondiscriminatory basis. Written Notice will be sent ...
Joint Owner Issue Age. [35] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Joint or Contingent Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Joint or Contingent Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Initial Premium: [$2,000] Issue Date: [February 1, 2010] Issue State: [Any State] Income Date: [February 1, 2070] Initial Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate: [1.10%] The Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate will be redetermined on each Redetermination Date, as described under the Accumulation Provisions. Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx] VA630 3a Mortality and Expense On an annual basis, this charge equals [1.00%] of the daily Charge: net asset value of the Investment Divisions.
Joint Owner Issue Age. [35] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Joint or Contingent Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Joint or Contingent Annuitant Issue Age: [35] Initial Premium: [$25,000] Issue Date: [September 1, 2016] Issue State: New York Income Date: [September 1, 2076] Initial Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate: [1.00%] The Fixed Account Minimum Interest Rate will be redetermined on each Redetermination Date, as described under the Accumulation Provisions (Page 16). Initial Base Interest Rate: [1.00% for the 1-Year Fixed Option Period 1.00% for the 3-Year Fixed Option Period 1.00% for the 5-Year Fixed Option Period 1.00% for the 7-Year Fixed Option Period] Initial Current Interest Rate: [1.00% for the 1-Year Fixed Option Period 1.00% for the 3-Year Fixed Option Period 1.00% for the 5-Year Fixed Option Period 1.00% for the 7-Year Fixed Option Period] Initial Current DCA+ Interest Rate: 6-month [X.XX%] [NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE] 12-month [X.XX%] [NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE] ONE OR BOTH OF THE DCA+ FIXED ACCOUNT OPTIONS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE ON THE ISSUE DATE. AVAILABILITY IS INDICATED ABOVE. Maximum DCA+ Rate: [8.00%] over the net investment earnings rate. Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx]
Joint Owner Issue Age. [N/A] Annuitant: [Xxxx Xxx] Annuitant Issue Age: [45] Joint Annuitant: [No Joint Annuitant] Joint Annuitant Issue Age: [N/A] Issue Date: [June 1, 2023] Issue State: [MI] Premium Amount: [$25,000] Income Date: [June 1, 2073] Primary Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxxx Xxx] Contingent Beneficiary(ies): [Xxxx Xxx] RILA295-FB1 3c CONTRACT DATA PAGES (CONT'D) MARKET VALUE ADJUSTMENT (MVA): An MVA is a positive or negative adjustment the Company applies to amounts You remove from Your Contract due to withdrawals or annuitizations during the MVA Period. In the event of a total withdrawal, any applicable MVA is applied to the Contract Value, less any MVA Free Withdrawal amount available at the time of the total withdrawal. MVA Period: The first [six (6)] Contract Years. The MVA reflects the movement in the MVA Reference Rate since the Issue Date. The MVA may: 1. reduce the value of the amount paid or annuitized if the MVA Reference Rate on the date You remove Contract Value from Your Contract is greater than the MVA Reference Rate on the Issue Date of Your Contract; or 2. increase the value of the amount paid or annuitized if the MVA Reference Rate on the date You remove Contract Value from Your Contract is less than the MVA Reference Rate on the Issue Date of Your Contract. The Company applies the same MVA formula regardless of whether the formula results in an increase or decrease to amounts You remove from Your Contract. MVA formula. The Company calculates the MVA by multiplying the amount You withdraw that is subject to MVA less any applicable charges by the result of the formula below: where: I is the MVA Reference Rate on the Issue Date J is the MVA Reference Rate on the date of withdrawal or annuitization m is the number of complete months remaining from the date of the removal to the end of the MVA Period. -1 [1+ I ] (m/12) [1+ J ] (m/12)

Related to Joint Owner Issue Age

  • JOINT OWNER A Contract may be owned by Joint Owners. If Joint Owners are named, any Joint Owner must be the spouse of the other Contract Owner. Upon the death of either Contract Owner, the surviving spouse will be the primary Beneficiary. Any other Beneficiary designation will be treated as a contingent Beneficiary unless otherwise indicated in an Authorized Request.

  • Local Interconnection Trunks/Trunk Groups means the trunks that are used for the termination of Local Exchange Traffic, pursuant to iconectiv Technical Reference GR 317-CORE.

  • principal contractor means an employer appointed by the client to perform construction work;

  • Contracting entity means any person that has a primary business purpose of contracting with participating providers for the delivery of health care services.

  • State Contracting Agency means the department for which this contract is to be performed and for which the Commissioner or Authorized Designee acted in signing this contract.

  • Contracting agency means the principal departments in the Executive Branch of the State Government, and any division, board, bureau, office, commission or other instrumentality within or created by such department, or any independent State authority, commission, instrumentality or agency, or any State college or university, any county college, or any local unit; with respect to this Contract, the contracting agency shall mean the Division;

  • Lead contractor means a person who has met the Board's requirements and has been issued a

  • Sub-Contractors means those persons furnishing labor or materials for the Project pursuant to the Sub- Contracts.

  • Sub-Contractor means the person named in the Contract for any part of the works or any person to whom any part of the contract has been sublet by the contractor with the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge and will include the legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of such persons.