Regular Contract. TEACHER REGULAR CONTRACT PIPER UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 203 This is a contract, made and entered into on the day of , , by and between the Board of Education of Piper Unified School District No. 203 of Wyandotte County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as "district" and , hereinafter referred to as "teacher", whereby and wherein, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and agreements herein contained, it is by the parties agreed:
Regular Contract. The regular contract for librarians shall be 177 days each academic year. The annual regular contract workload shall comprise a total of 1234 hours to be assigned as provided in section 7.3. Librarians may work up to 60 hours total (30 hours per semester) of the 1234 hour regular contract workload during the week preceding each regular semester. Any scheduling of librarian hours outside of the regular semesters shall be by mutual agreement between the Immediate Management Supervisor and the librarian.
Regular Contract. The regular contract for counselors shall be 195 days each academic year, to be assigned between July 1 and the following June 30. The annual regular contract workload shall comprise a total of 1245 hours to be assigned as provided in section 6.3.
Regular Contract contract shall mean a full-time assignment or a portion of a full-time assignment. A full-time regular employee shall receive full rights and benefits under this Agreement. A regular employee working a portion of a full-time assignment shall have a proration of benefits and full rights under this Contract.
Regular Contract. The in-school work year for employees contracted on a nine month basis shall not exceed one hundred ninety-two (192) days.
Regular Contract.
1. A full-time or annually contracted part-time employee shall be issued a regular contract effective July 1 through June 30 each year, entitled “Employee Employment Agreement” which shall be in conformity with Washington State law. This contract will be issued prior to July 1 each year. The following statements shall be a part of the personnel contract:
a. This contract shall be subject to the terms and conditions of any agreement between the College and the appropriate exclusive bargaining representative.
b. Prior to development of any contract or agreement offered to members of this bargaining unit, the College will meet and confer with the Union.
c. It is hereby agreed between the Employer and the Union that full annual benefits or pro-ration thereof in accordance with the Agreement, are earned by each employee by completion of the terms and conditions of the full-time employee agreement or part-time contracted employee agreement, and that all such benefits shall be provided without interruption throughout the fiscal year in accordance with applicable RCW’s.
Regular Contract. A substitute teacher is employed by the Division to either replace a regular teacher or fulfill an assignment which is less than twenty (20) days in duration. A substitute teacher who has been employed for at least twenty (20) days of extended substitute teaching shall, on the twenty-first (21) day, be signed to a Limited Term Teacher General Contract, unless the return of the regular teacher or conclusion of the substitute assignment will occur within five (5) working days.
Regular Contract. A written teacher contract and salary notice will be issued to employed or re-employed teachers before July 1st. All regular teaching contracts will contain:
a. Type of contract (limited, continuing, supplemental).
b. School year contract covers.
Regular Contract. The member contract will be issued to members as soon as practical after May 31st. Said contract will contain the following information:
1. Type of contract (limited or continuing)
2. School year
3. Annual salary
4. Placement on salary schedule
Regular Contract. The in-school work year for returning employees contracted on a nine-month (9) basis will be one hundred ninety-two (192) days.