Examples of Major expansion in a sentence
Major Expansion Initiatives Maryland has recently engaged in several efforts to increase Medicaid enrollment.
There are certain categories of information that are needed for all capital assistance project types, and others that are specific to State of Good Repair (SGR), Minor Enhancement (MIN), and Major Expansion (MAJ) projects.Shelter projects, or projects with a shelter component (including the replacement of existing shelters), that will be supported with DRPT controlled 5311 funds must complete and submit a supplemental environmental and historic asset screening form with their application.
DRPT staff will work with agencies between the submission of a pre-application and the full application deadline to ensure that cost projections are realistic using up-to-date engineering cost estimation techniques to account for inflation and other contingencies.For large Major Expansion (MAJ) construction projects, it is DRPT’s intent to allocate funding under multi-year agreements at the time that the project is approved for funding.
Land and Land ImprovementsBuildings and Improvements of BuildingsBooks and Media for New School Libraries or Major Expansion of School LibrariesEquipmentEquipment ReplacementDepreciation Expense (for accrual basis only)Total, Capital Outlay 7.
Approach to Funding MERIT - Major Expansion Construction ProjectsInitial Allocations:It is DRPT’s goal to ensure that the initial allocation of Major Expansion (MAJ) - construction funds is as close to the projected needs as possible.