Notifiable diseases definition

Notifiable diseases means confirmed or suspected diseases/conditions as itemized by the New Mexico department of health which require immediate reporting to the office of epidemiology which include but are not limited to: measles, pertussis, food borne illness, hepatitis and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Notifiable diseases means confirmed or suspected diseases/conditions as identified by the New
Notifiable diseases means confirmed or suspected diseases/conditions as itemized by the New Mexico department of health which require immediate reporting to the office of epidemiology which include but are not limited to: measles, pertussis, food borne illness, hepatitis and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.O. Terms beginning with the letter “O”:(1) “Orientation” means a process by which the employer informs each new employee, volunteer and substitute, in advance of assuming their duties, of the mission, philosophy, policies, and procedures of the program, including clear direction about performance expectations.(2) “Out of school time program” means a school age program at a specific site, usually a school or community center, offering on a consistent basis a variety of developmentally appropriate activities that are both educational and recreational.P. Terms beginning with the letter “P”:(1) “Pacifier” means a rubber or plastic device, often shaped into a nipple, for an infant tosuck or bite. [(1)] (2) “Parent handbook” is a written communication tool that provides valuable information tofamilies of the children the program serves. It includes all matters of relevance to family members regarding the program and is updated annually, or as needed. [(2)] (3) “Pest” means any living organism declared a pest pursuant to the Pesticide Control Act. [(3)] (4) “Pesticide” means any chemical substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest. [(4)] (5) “Philosophy statement” describes how the program’s mission will be carried out. It reflects the values, beliefs, and convictions of the program about how young children learn and describes the components of the program that contribute to that learning. It provides the program’s perspective on early care and education and the nature of how children learn. The program’s philosophy is implemented through the curriculum. [(5)] (6) “Policy” is a written directive that guides decision-making. Policies form the basis for authoritative action. [(6)] (7) “Premises” means all parts of the buildings, grounds, and equipment of a child care facility licensed pursuant to these regulations. [(7)] (8) “Procedure” is a series of steps to be followed, usually in a specific order, to implement policies. [(8)] (9) “Professional development” is an on-going plan for continued professional development for each educator, including the director. [(9)] (10) “Program administrator” means the person respons...

Examples of Notifiable diseases in a sentence

  • The Notifiable diseases and organisms include several blood borne viruses.

  • Evaluation of the Notifiable diseases surveillance system in Sanyati district, Zimbabwe, 2010-2011.

  • The fourth indent of paragraph IV(d)(i) regarding freedom from animal infectious disease as a result of import inspection can be certified on the basis that this declaration only refers to Notifiable disease as described at paragraph IV(a) of the EHC and that if these Notifiable diseases had been confirmed, the pigs would not be eligible for slaughter for human consumption.

  • Further information is available from the HSE guidance34.• Regarding Notifiable diseases, Guidance on Part 2 - Notifiable Diseases, Notifiable Organisms and Health Risk States35 of The Public Health etc.

  • Notifiable diseases are reported in line with statutory requirements and are exempt from the Data Protection Act.

  • Notifiable diseases and health listed in Appendix I to Alabama Administrative Code Section 420-4-1-.04 shall be reported by the facility to the State Health Officer or the County Health Officer within the time frames specified in 420-4- 1.04.

  • Notifiable diseases are different; the government does need to know because it needs to react.

  • Notifiable diseases are infectious diseases that registered medical practitioners have a statutory duty to notify to the ‘proper officer’ at their local council or the local health protection unit on suspicion in order that appropriate public health actions can be implemented to prevent further spread of disease.

  • This is bound to happen and continue to happen until drastic actions are taken in the prevention and control of FMD and other Notifiable diseases in the country.

  • Table 2: Suggested action levels for mercury in clinical matrices MatrixProposed notification levelProposed intervention levelBlood5 mg/LSource: Fowles and Curtis 2018 10 Notifiable diseases are listed in Schedule 1 and 2 of the Health Act 1956.

Related to Notifiable diseases

  • Communicable disease means an illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxins that occurs through the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent or its products from an infected individual or via an animal, vector or the inanimate environment to a susceptible animal or human host.

  • Autism spectrum disorder means a neuro-developmental condition typically appearing in the first three years of life that significantly affects a person's ability to communicate, understand relationships and relate to others, and is frequently associated with unusual or stereotypical rituals or behaviours.

  • Substance use disorder means a cluster of cognitive,

  • Competing Product means [***].

  • Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder means medically necessary assessments, evaluations, or tests