Occasional Employee definition

Occasional Employee means a person who is engaged on the understanding that the period of employment will not exceed 45 days in a calendar year.
Occasional Employee means an employee who is engaged on the understanding that the period of employment will not exceed days in a calendar year.
Occasional Employee means an employee who is engaged on a daily basis for a period of not more than three (3) months, in any calendar year, regardless of the length of the daily or weekly assignments. Such individuals are to be treated as employees only on the specific day(s) for which work assignments are scheduled. An occasional employee is not entitled to the benefits and coverages granted in this Agreement unless such entitlement is expressly stated as applicable to occasional employees.

Examples of Occasional Employee in a sentence

  • The cost of an Occasional Employee, if necessary, will be borne by the Employee, and there will be no cost to the Board.

  • For the purpose of this Article Eligible Employee is defined as follows: An eligible Employee is an Employee, who is actively at work and regularly scheduled for more than thirty (30) hours per week, including twenty-five (25) hour per week Matrons but excluding an Employee who is a Student, a Temporary, Seasonal or Occasional Employee.

  • For purposes of computing his Net Credited Service and Vesting Service Credit, a Participant, other than a Temporary or Occasional Employee, shall be deemed to have been employed during any layoff of less than six months and such Participant's account shall be credited with interest credits upon his reemployment retroactive to the date of his layoff as if he had been actively employed during such layoff.

  • Occasional Employee – engaged in duties that are incidental to the ownership, maintenance, or use of the residence, including the performance of household or domestic service in connection with the insured premises, and not classified as an outservant or an inservant.

  • An Occasional Employee who actually works or is engaged to work in excess of three (3) consecutive weeks or thirty (30) days in a calendar year shall be reclassified as a Regular, Term, or Temporary, Full-Time or Part-Time Employee, as appropriate.

More Definitions of Occasional Employee

Occasional Employee means one who is engaged on a daily basis for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive weeks, or for a
Occasional Employee means an employee who works less than 20 hours per work week for a specific amount of time.
Occasional Employee means an employee who has no scheduled hours and who is called in on short notice, or for. unusual or unforeseen circumstances to the hours of a part-time or a full time employee.
Occasional Employee means an employee without indeterminate status, who has been found qualified for a specific position, and who is placed on an availability list to replace a regular employee. Occasional employees are not deemed to have a regular schedule of work and are called in on a day-to-day, as-needed basis;
Occasional Employee is a person engaged to perform work wherein there is no regular schedule of work or who temporarily fills in for, or supplements the work of, regular employees on an occasional employment basis. Occasional employees are employees only on the specific individual days for which work assignments are scheduled.
Occasional Employee means an employed by t h e Board who works on a day - to - day or i n t e r m i t t e n t basis.
Occasional Employee has the meaning set forth in Section 1(b)(ii).