Occasional Employees Sample Clauses

Occasional Employees. An occasional employee is one who is engaged on a daily basis for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive weeks; or for a cumula- tive total of not more than thirty (30) days, in any cal- endar year, regardless of the length of daily or weekly assignments. An occasional employee who actually works or is engaged to work in excess of three (3) con- secutive weeks or thirty (30) days in a calendar year shall be reclassified as a regular or a temporary, full- time or part-time employee as appropriate.
Occasional Employees. Occasional employees are normally engaged for a period of not more than 4 consecutive weeks regardless of the length of their daily/weekly assignments. They are employees only on the days they work.
Occasional Employees. This Letter of Agreement shall in every respect form a part of the Collective Agreement. Occasional employees are those employees who are scheduled to work at least one (1) shift per month but are scheduled to work less than sixteen (16) hours per month. Occasional employees shall be deemed to maintain one day less seniority than the most junior employee in their seniority region. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Collective Agreement, occasional employees may receive call-ins to their work location once all other employees within the location have received or been offered twenty-eight (28) hours but in advance of other employees within the region. Following ratification all employees that might at that time meet the criteria to be considered occasional employees will have one month to declare whether they wish to be considered occasional or whether they wish to work a minimum of sixteen
Occasional Employees. 24.01 Occasional employees are employees hired to fill positions (a) vacated by employees in the Bargaining Unit for periods of time that are less than a year or (b) created as additions to complement for periods of time that are less than a year, shall be covered by certain terms and provisions of this Agreement commencing with the eleventh day of employment, as specified in Article 24.02. 24.02 Occasional employees shall be covered by the following Articles of this Agreement: Article 1 - Purpose Article 2 - Recognition Article 3 - Communications Article 4 - Membership Article 5 - Management Rights Article 7.05 - Representation Article 8 - Salary
Occasional Employees. The Employer will provide a copy of both the Museum seniority list and the job classification seniority list to the Union and the Local Union President electronically on a quarterly basis.
Occasional Employees. An Occasional employee is one who is engaged on a daily basis for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive weeks, or for a cumulative total of not more than thirty (30) days, in any calendar year, regardless of the length of the daily or weekly assignments. An Occasional employee who actually works or is engaged to work in excess of three (3) consecutive weeks or thirty (30) days in a calendar year shall be reclassified as a Regular or Temporary, full-time or part-time employee as appropriate.
Occasional Employees. All time worked on Sundays up to a full tour shall be paid for at the regular time rate and, in addition, premium pay at one-half the regular time rate shall be given. Time worked on Sunday in excess of the number of hours constituting a full tour will be compensated for as overtime in accordance with the provisions of Article 61, "Overtime."
Occasional Employees. The p a r t i e s agree that only the f o l l o w i n g a r t i c l e s o f the shall apply t o occasional employees.
Occasional Employees. Occasional Employees will not be compensated while serving as a juror or witness in any court other than the court fees provided. Occasional Employees who participate in jury or witness service will not be removed from the relief list for that reason.
Occasional Employees. Occasional employees shall be paid at the hourly rate of pay for all hours of work performed up to the daily or hours of work which may be prescribed in Article (Hours of Work) and at time and the hourly rate of pay for all hours of work performed in of those hours. An occasional