Parental leave benefits definition

Parental leave benefits means benefits paid under § 3704 of this title and provided under § 3702(a) of
Parental leave benefits shall continue while an Employee is on parental leave for a period of up to thirty-five (35) weeks, unless the Employee elects in writing not to continue on the benefit plan. It is understood that the Employee shall be required to pay monthly, in advance, the Employee portion of the billed premium for benefits as provided for in Article of this Agreement. Bereavement Leave An Employee, who has successfully completed the probationary period and who notifies the Society as soon as possible following a death in the Employee’s “immediate family” shall be granted up to three (3) days off without loss of regular pay (provided the Employee was otherwise scheduled to work on the three (3) days) from that date of death up to and including the date of the funeral in order that the Employee may make the arrangements for attend the funeral.

Examples of Parental leave benefits in a sentence

  • Parental leave benefits are applicable to the female or male Employee for the care of and/or adoption of a child/children.

  • Parental leave benefits are generally topped up for a maximum of 10 to 15 weeks.Note: The portion of parental leave that is topped up varies between collective agreements.

  • The trend has been for fathers to take fewer weeks each year (i.e., the average was 11 weeks in 2009, but only eight weeks in 2011); excluding Québec, fathers took an average of 18 weeks Parental leave benefits in 2009, 14 weeks in 2010 and 13 weeks in 2011.

  • Parental leave benefits for leave to care for young children are governmentally paid, and are divided into three components.

  • There is no payment for the first two weeks, which is treated as a ‘waiting period’; this means that payment is available for 15 weeks out of 17-18 weeks leave.● Administered under the federal EI fund, Maternity and Parental leave benefits are funded by premiums paid by employers and employees, based on a premium rate that applies to every C$100 [€67] of insurable earnings, up to the maximum insurable earnings threshold (MIE) which is $49,500 in 2015.

  • Women comprised 86.4 per cent of those receiving biological Parental leave claims in 2012/2013 and 75.3 per cent of those who received Parental leave benefits following adoption.

  • The most recent ESDC Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment report indicates that in 2012/2013 fathers accounted for less than 14 per cent of those who claimed biological Parental leave benefits and 24.7 per cent of those who claimed Parental leave benefits following an adoption.122 Previous years had shown a steady increase in the take-up rate among eligible fathers in Canada (excluding Québec), from nine per cent in 2004 to 11 per cent in 2011, suggesting that more couples were sharing benefits.

  • Parental leave benefits were paid over a period of 1.5 years at that time, and amounted to 340 € per month.

  • Of these, 91.9 per cent were receiving Maternal or Parental leave benefits, a slight increase from 88.2 per cent in 2012.

  • Parental leave benefits apply to all full-time hourly and salaried employees, including our customer service and fulfillment center workers.

Related to Parental leave benefits

  • Parental leave means leave to bond and to care for a newborn child after birth or to bond and care for a child after placement for adoption or xxxxxx care, for a period of up to sixteen (16) weeks after the birth or placement.

  • parental bereavement leave means leave under section 80EA of the Employment Rights Act 1996;

  • Welfare Benefits means the types of benefits described in Section 3(1) of ERISA (whether or not covered by ERISA).

  • Medical leave means leave from work taken by a covered individual that is made neces-

  • shared parental leave means leave under section 75E or 75G of the Employment Rights Act 1996;

  • Gap medical benefits means the benefits (if any) payable in respect of medical expenses that are less than, greater than or equal to the schedule fee, provided always that the medical expenses relate to a professional service that:

  • FMLA Leave means a leave of absence, which the Company is required to extend to an Employee under the provisions of the FMLA.

  • Bereavement Pay Benefits means the benefits as set out in Article II hereof.

  • housing benefit means housing benefit under Part 7 of the SSCBA;

  • FMLA means the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended.

  • paternity leave means a period of absence from work on leave by virtue of section 80A or 80B of the Employment Rights Act 1996;

  • Disability leave means the period of six months or any

  • Pension Benefits Act means The Pension Benefits Act of Ontario and regulations thereunder as amended from time to time.

  • Annual Leave and Clause 6.3 “Personal (Sick) Leave” of this Agreement.

  • Rehabilitative employment means any occupation or employment for wage or profit or any course or training that entitles the disabled employee to an allowance, provided such rehabilitative employment has the approval of the employee’s doctor and the underwriter of the Plan. If earnings are received by an employee during a period of total disability and if such earnings are derived from employment which has not been approved as rehabilitative employment, then the regular monthly benefit from the Plan shall be reduced by one hundred percent (100%) of such earnings.

  • Fringe benefits means the amount of:

  • Health Benefits means health maintenance organization, insured or self-funded medical, dental, vision, prescription drug and behavioral health benefits.

  • Family leave means a leave of absence from employment for one (1) of the following reasons: (1) The serious illness of an eligible employee; or (2) the serious illness of a member of an eligible employee’s immediate family. Family Leave, by itself or in combination with statutory Parental Leave (as opposed to contractual parental leave), may not exceed twelve (12) weeks in a twelve (12) month period beginning with the first day either type of leave is used. Leave taken under this Agreement will be credited against any such statutory entitlement to the full extent permitted by law.

  • Medical Benefits means the monthly fair market value of benefits provided to the Employee and the Employee’s dependents under the major medical, dental and vision benefit plans sponsored and maintained by the Company, at the level of coverage in effect for such persons immediately prior to the Employee’s termination of employment date. The “monthly fair market value” of such benefits shall be equal to the monthly cost as if such persons elected COBRA continuation coverage at such time at their own expense.

  • Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit means an annual amount (before taking into account federal and state income taxes), payable in monthly installments throughout the Payout Period. Such benefit is projected pursuant to the Agreement for the purpose of determining the Contributions to be made to the Retirement Income Trust Fund (or Phantom Contributions to be recorded in the Accrued Benefit Account). The annual Contributions and Phantom Contributions have been actuarially determined, using the assumptions set forth in Exhibit A, in order to fund for the projected Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit. The Supplemental Retirement Income Benefit for which Contributions (or Phantom Contributions) are being made (or recorded) is set forth in Exhibit A.

  • Additional gap medical benefits means the benefits (if any) payable in respect of medical expenses that are more than the schedule fee and which otherwise meet the requirements of the fund’s no or known gap policy, provided always that the medical expenses relate to a professional service that:

  • statutory parental bereavement pay means a payment to which a person is entitled in accordance with section 171ZZ6 of the Social Security Contribution and Benefits Act 1992;

  • Pregnancy Leave means leave taken for purposes related to giving birth and/or recovering therefrom.

  • Health and Welfare Benefits means any form of insurance or similar benefit programs, which may include but not be limited to, medical, hospitalization, surgical, prescription drug, dental, optical, psychiatric, life, or long-term disability.

  • maternity leave means a period during which a woman is absent from work because she is pregnant or has given birth to a child, and at the end of which she has a right to return to work either under the terms of her contract of employment or under Part 8 of the Employment Rights Act 1996;

  • Medicare benefit means the Medicare benefit payable within the meaning of Part II of the Health Insurance Act 1973 with respect to a professional service.