Examples of Phasing Plan in a sentence
The Developer agrees that all improvements shall be constructed and/or installed prior to the issuance of the First Partial Certificate of Occupancy for Tenant Occupancy of any space above grade for the respective Phase of construction (as “Phase” is determined pursuant to the approved Phasing Plan required in Condition #5 above).
The rate shall be fixed from County Board approval until the payment is made by the Developer prior to issuance of the Final Building Permit.] The Developer may request and obtain approval from the County Manager (DES) to prorate the total utility fund contribution for this site consistent with the approved Phasing Plan for the development pursuant to Condition #5 above.
The developer agrees to obtain approval from the County Manager of any revisions to the approved Phasing Plan prior to the issuance of any subsequent permits for the project.
The developer further agrees that no Phase of such Phasing Plan may consist of Improvements without an associated building.
Any changes in the project phasing shall require a new Phasing Plan approved by the County Manager prior to the issuance of any subsequent permits for the project.