Proof of Repair Expense definition

Proof of Repair Expense means the original or a copy of any document(s) generated at or around the time expense was incurred for a Qualifying Repair that identifies the Qualifying Repair’s nature, date performed, and cost incurred by the Class member for the Qualifying Repair. For Class members who had the Qualifying Repair performed at a Hyundai or Kia dealership, the cost incurred by the Class member for the Qualifying Repair shall be substantiated as set forth in Section II.C.3.
Proof of Repair Expense means the original or a copy of any document(s) generated at or around the time expense was incurred for a Qualifying Repair that identifies the Qualifying Repair’s nature, date performed, and expense incurred by the Class Member for the Qualifying Repair. “Proof of Repair Expense” may include, subject to the preceding sentence, but is not limited to any combination of final receipts, repair orders, invoices, credit card statements, insurance paperwork, and contemporaneous written communications between the Class Member and the Person performing the repair.
Proof of Repair Expense shall take the form of an original or legible copy of a receipt, invoice or other record, or some combination thereof, identifying the date of repair, the make and model of the vehicle, the vehicle identification number of the Settlement Class Vehicle, the mileage of the vehicle at the time of repair, the facility that performed the repair, a description of the work performed, including a breakdown of parts and labor costs, and proof of the sum of money paid by (or on behalf of) the Settlement Class Member, for a repair or replacement for which reimbursement is available under the terms of this Settlement.

Examples of Proof of Repair Expense in a sentence

  • In order to obtain the benefits provided for in this Section, the Settlement Class Member must timely mail or submit online to the Claim Administrator a fully completed, signed, and dated Claim Form, together with all required Proof of Repair Expense, Proof of Towing Expense, Proof of Alternative Transportation Expense, and other documentation as required for each category of reimbursement being claimed.

More Definitions of Proof of Repair Expense

Proof of Repair Expense means all of the following: (1) a legible copy of a repair invoice or other documentation that may include work orders, invoices, or similar documents, for the past paid repair for which reimbursement may be claimed under Section II.B of the Settlement, containing claimant’s name, the model, model year, and vehicle identification number (“VIN”) of the Settlement Class Vehicle, the name and address of the authorized Audi dealer or non-dealer service center that performed the repair, the date of repair, a description of the repair work performed including a breakdown of parts and labor costs, and the amount paid (parts, labor, and tax) for the repair; (2) proof of the Settlement Class Member’s payment for the repair; and (3) if the claimant is not the person or entity to whom/which Class Notice was sent, they must also submit proof of the Settlement Class Member’s ownership or lease of the Settlement Class Vehicle at the time of the repair covered under the Settlement. If reimbursement is also claimed for a past paid recharge or replacement of the Settlement Class Vehicle’s 12-volt or 48-volt battery, then the repair invoice(s) or other documentation referenced above must also indicate that the need for said recharge or replacement was directly caused by failure of the Settlement Class Vehicle’s BSG. If the invoice does not indicate that the need for recharge or replacement was directly caused by the BSG failure, then (i) the battery recharge or replacement must either be reflected on the invoice for the BSG repair or reflected on an invoice whose date is contemporaneous with the BSG repair, and (ii) the Settlement Class Member must submit a signed declaration, under penalty of perjury, confirming that the dealer or other repair facility informed him/her/them/it that the need for battery recharge or replacement was caused by the BSG failure. A form Declaration for this purpose will be agreed by counsel and made available on the Settlement Website. If the repair records indicate that the need for battery recharge or replacement was caused by something other than BSG failure, the battery recharge or replacement will not be covered.
Proof of Repair Expense shall take the form of an original or legible copy of a receipt, invoice or other record, or some combination thereof, identifying the Settlement Class Member’s name, date of repair, the make, model and VIN of the Eligible Vehicle, the mileage of the vehicle at the time of repair, the dealer or other facility that performed the repair, a description of the work performed, including a breakdown of parts and labour costs, and proof of the sum of money paid by (or on behalf of) the Settlement Class Member, for a repair or replacement for which reimbursement is available under the terms of this Settlement Agreement, or such other satisfactory proof on the recommendation of the Claims Administrator. If reimbursement is sought for a damaged or failed engine due to a Primary Engine Water Pump failure under the terms of this Settlement Agreement, the Proof of Repair Expense should show that the engine damage or failure that required repair/replacement was due to a failure of the Primary Engine Water Pump. In the event the Claims Administrator makes a preliminary determination that the documentary proof submitted is insufficient, the Claims Administrator shall send the Settlement Class Member a letter advising of the deficiencies. The Settlement Class Member shall have thirty (30) days to cure the deficiencies or the claim shall be rejected, unless the Settlement Class Member requests to dispute the decision within thirty (30) days after the Claims Administrator’s mailing of the rejection letter. Upon such request, Class Counsel and VW shall meet and confer to resolve the disputed claims.
Proof of Repair Expense means: (1) an original or legible copy of a repair invoice or record for the repair covered under the Settlement containing claimant’s name, the make, model and vehicle identification number (“VIN”) of the Settlement Class Vehicle, the name and address of the authorized Audi or VW dealer or non-dealer service center that performed the repair, the date of repair, the Settlement Class Vehicle’s mileage at the time of repair, a description of the repair work performed including the parts repaired/replaced and a breakdown of parts and labor costs, and the amount charged (parts and labor) for the repair (2) proof of the Settlement Class Member’s payment for the repair; and (3) proof of the Settlement Class Member’s ownership or lease of the Settlement Class Vehicle at the time of the repair covered under the Settlement. If reimbursement is sought for a damaged or failed engine directly caused by a failure of the Primary Engine Water Pump under the terms of this Settlement, the Proof of Repair Expense must also show that the engine damage or failure that required repair/replacement was directly caused by a failure of the Primary Engine Water Pump.
Proof of Repair Expense means reasonable documentation (for example a repair order, receipt, credit card statement, bank statement, invoice, photograph, or historical accounting record, other similar documentation, as well as, any combination of the foregoing), for a Qualifying Repair incurred prior to the Notice Date, identifying (i) the date of repair; (ii) the make and model of the vehicle; (iii) the vehicle identification number; (iv) the mileage of the vehicle at the time of repair; (iv) the facility that performed the repair; (vi) a description of the work performed, including a breakdown of parts and labor costs; and (vii) proof of the sum of money paid by (or on behalf of) the Settlement Class Member, for a repair or replacement for which reimbursement is available under the terms of this Settlement Agreement. If, however, the Settlement Class Member is unable to obtain documents or records relating to the nature and timing of the repair despite a good faith effort to obtain them, the Settlement Class Member may check a box on the claim form stating: good faith efforts that were made to obtain the records including the person(s) with whom he/she/it communicated in an effort to obtain the records but that they could not locate the records. Subaru of America agrees it will search the records presently in its possession in good faith and, if qualifying records exist to support both the qualifying nature and timing of the repair, and it is consistent with the timing of the payment documentation submitted by the claimant, the claim shall be honored. A class member who attests to an inability to obtain the records despite good faith efforts on the claim form must nevertheless provide proof of the qualifying out of pocket payment. The claim form will further indicate that if the Settlement Class Member elects to have Subaru of America search its records, it may cause a delay in the review or processing of the claim. If Subaru does not have records supporting the claim after it conducts its search, the claim shall be rejected.
Proof of Repair Expense means all of the following: (1) an original or legible copy of the repair invoice for the subject repair, containing the claimant’s name, the make and model and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the Settlement Class Vehicle, the name and address of the dealer or repair shop that performed the repair covered under this Agreement, the date of the covered repair and vehicle mileage at the time of the repair, a description of the repair work including the parts repaired or replaced and a breakdown of parts and labor costs for the covered repair; proof of payment and the amount paid for the covered repair; and, if the person claiming reimbursement is not the person to whom the Claim Form was mailed, proof of ownership or lease of the Settlement Class Vehicle at the time of the covered repair. In addition, if reimbursement is sought for repair of a damaged engine pursuant to Section II.B of this Agreement, then the repair documentation must, in addition to the above information, also show that such damage was directly caused by (i) excessive oil consumption (for reimbursement only for Audi A4, A5, A6, Q5, or Model Year 2012-2014 Audi TT Settlement Class Vehicles) or (ii) a fractured piston (for reimbursement only for Audi A3 or Model Year 2016-2017 Audi TT Settlement Class Vehicles).

Related to Proof of Repair Expense

  • Covered Expenses means expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of a Covered Person for treatment, services and supplies covered by the Policy. Coverage under the Participating Organization’s Policy must remain continuously in force from the date of the Covered Accident or Sickness until the date treatment, services or supplies are received for them to be a Covered Expense. A Covered Expense is deemed to be incurred on the date such treatment, service or supply, that gave rise to the expense or the charge, was rendered or obtained.

  • Capital Improvement Project means the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, planning and equipping of roads and bridges, appurtenances to roads and bridges to enhance the safety of animal-drawn vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles, wastewater treatment facilities, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and storm water and sanitary collection, storage and treatment facilities including real property, interests in real property, facilities, and equipment related or incidental to those facilities.

  • Administrative cost means a fee imposed to cover:

  • Operating Accounts shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 4.03.A.

  • Emergency Expenditure means any of the Eligible Expenditures set forth in the CERC Operations Manual in accordance with the provisions of Section I.G of Schedule 2 to this Agreement and required for the activities included in the CERC Part of the Project.

  • Installation Work means the construction and installation of the System and the Start-up, testing and acceptance (but not the operation and maintenance) thereof; all performed by or for the Power Producer at the Premises.

  • Operating Account means a demand deposit account maintained at the Funding Bank in Borrower's name and designated for funding that portion of each Eligible Loan not funded by a Warehousing Advance made against that Eligible Loan and for returning any excess payment from an Investor for a Pledged Loan or Pledged Security.

  • Punch List means the list of items, prepared in connection with the inspection of the Project by the Owner’s Representative or Architect in connection with Substantial Completion of the Work or a portion of the Work, which the Owner’s Representative or Architect has designated as remaining to be performed, completed or corrected before the Work will be accepted by the Owner.

  • Property Expenses means the costs (including, but not limited to, payroll, taxes, assessments, insurance, utilities, landscaping and other similar charges) of operating and maintaining any Eligible Property or Property which secures Other Recourse Debt that are the responsibility of the Borrower or the applicable Material Subsidiary that are not paid directly by any Tenant, but excluding depreciation, amortization, interest costs and maintenance capital expenditures.