Referral System definition
Examples of Referral System in a sentence
The Oregon Home Care Commission has an internet-based, statewide Registry and Referral System (RRS) to assist Recipients in finding qualified in-home providers.
During the time that this Program is applicable to any Airport Employer, that Airport Employer shall retain records sufficient for monitoring of compliance with this Program with regard to each Airport Job, including records of notifications sent to the Referral System, referrals from the Referral System, job applications received from any source, number of Targeted Applicants hired, and total number of employees hired for Airport Jobs.
Any Airport Employer who has not had hiring activity for the quarter, shall also notify the Referral System of such inactivity.
If LAWA, the Coalition, or the Referral System believes that an Airport Employer is not complying with this Program, then the designated LAWA office shall be notified to ensure compliance with this program.
Prioritization for TH referral is based upon the prioritization criteria outlined in the Smart Path to Housing and Health: Coordinated Assessment and Referral System Policies & Procedures Manual.