Road Land definition
Road Land means the site of the Road or Roads
Road Land means the 399.5m2, 38.19m2 and 15.92m2 strips of the Land adjacent to Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx, shown as proposed Xxxx 0, 0 xxx 0 xx Xxxx of Subdivision of the Land (and other land) dated 30 June 2016 prepared by Surveyor Xxxxxxx XxXxxxx Xxxxx which is Annexure ‘A’ to this Agreement.
Road Land means an area totaling 947m2 with a southern boundary of 25.16m to facilitate garbage truck access as shown and marked (R) in the draft DP Plan prepared by Xxx Xxx Xxxx Thai annexed to the Developer’s offer of 28 March 2024 which is Annexure A to this Agreement..
Examples of Road Land in a sentence
Under Council’s Significance Policy, the sale of this Road Land would not be deemed significant.
Wide Road Land is reserved for development of 24 mt wide road and the same will be surrendered by the Promoter to the government authority.
The Harbour Road Land Use Study was endorsed, in principle, by Council in February 2007.
Council will not sign off on any Strata Subdivision Certificate associated with the Development unless the Road Land dedication is incorporated in the plan of subdivision and the Works have been undertaken.
Suite 310 6333 Ridge Road Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639 Port Richey, FL 34668(727) 847-2411 ext.
More Definitions of Road Land
Road Land means the 2-metre-deep parcel of land across the entire width of the frontage to the Land being approximately 67.51 square meters as shown in the plan prepared by Greenbox Architecture Pty Ltd which is attached as Schedule 4 to this agreement. Services means all water, gas, electricity, television, drainage, sewerage, cable TV, data communications, telecommunications and other services which are required under the Development Consent or by a statutory authority and which are necessary or desirable for the construction, operation or occupation of the Development. Subdivision Certificate means a subdivision certificate as defined under section 6.4 of the Act. Subdivision Works Certificate means a subdivision works certificate as defined under section 6.4 of the Act. Works means the road and footpath works, tree plantation, and all associated works including but not limited to constructing pavement, kerb and gutter, nature strip and drainage infrastructure designed to Council’s satisfaction and constructed by the Developer in accordance with the Development Consent, Council’s specifications for roads and drainage works and otherwise to the satisfaction of Council.
Road Land means that part of Andrew Fairley Avenue which has been discontinued and is the subject of the sale to SPCA.
Road Land means a land admeasuring 4007 sqm being part of the Entire land / Residential Block Land reserved for 24 mt wide proposed road and is to be surrendered to DTCP for development of 24 sqm wide road. It is clarified that 24 Mtr. Wide Road Land does not form part of the Scheduled Land.
Road Land means the areas described in Item 2 and hatched on the plans attached as Annexure A. Road Widening Works means: (a) the works to construct, upgrade and widen Xxxxxxxxx Road; and (b) any necessary directly related infrastructure works to be constructed by or on behalf of the Shire within the Road Land, generally in accordance with the plans attached at Annexure A. Shire includes the Shire's employees, agents, contractors and invitees. Acquisition Agreement to facilitate Xxxxxxxxx Road works Page 2 Subdivision is defined in clause 4.1(a)(i). Taking is defined in clause 4.1(a)(ii).
Road Land means the 2m wide strip of the Land along the north eastern boundary that is shown on the plan prepared by Xxxxxxx XxXxxxx Xxxxx dated 28 November 2017 which is Annexure ‘B’ to this Agreement.
Road Land means Item 1 of the Contribution Land.
Road Land means that area shown in red dashed lines and marked as "Garfield Road West Extension" on Plan No. 110419/SK16 over Xxx 00 XX 0000000 xxx Xxx 0 XX 0000000 as shown on the plan contained in the Schedule. Road Land Value means $9,895,000.00.