Salary Step definition

Salary Step is one of the salary levels within the range of rates for a class.
Salary Step is one of the salary levels within the range of rates for a classification.
Salary Step means a single salary rate within the salary range;

Examples of Salary Step in a sentence

  • Employees hired into non-TLHP positions shall be hired at Step 2 (or appropriate higher step in accordance with applicable MOU provisions or Section 4.90 (Salary Step Placement on Initial Appointment to City Service) of the LAAC).

  • Faculty members who are on a fiscal year contract and are converted to an academic year contract will receive an academic year salary determined in accordance with the provisions of Sections 14.110 – 14.150 (Base Salary Step Determination through Succeeding Agreement).

  • The First Salary Step Advancement Following Initial Appointment or Promotion The first salary step advancement for an employee in this Unit who has been initially appointed to City service or who has been appointed or assigned (through pay grade advancement) to a position on a higher salary range shall occur at the beginning of the payroll period following completion of 2,080 regular paid hours and 12 months of service.

  • Salary Step Increase shall mean an increase in compensation to the next higher step in the same pay range.

  • Salary Step: One of the salary levels within the grade for a classification.

More Definitions of Salary Step

Salary Step. An increment within a salary grade, which designates a specific pay rate as shown on the appropriate salary schedule. Service Date (Anniversary Date): Usually the actual date of hire, an employee's service date is that date which reflects the length of active non-hourly employment with the City of Las Vegas. For purposes of determining seniority, longevity, or other matters associated with length of active employment, the service date shall be adjusted to reflect any periods of leave without pay in excess of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days. Shift: The hours an employee is normally scheduled to work on any normal workday.
Salary Step means the employee's position of advancement under the merit system within the salary range established for his or her position.
Salary Step is one of the horizontal salary levels within the range for a specific classification. (1995–96)
Salary Step. A specific rate in a salary range. One of the consecutive rates that comprise a monthly or hourly salary range.
Salary Step. An increment within a salary grade which designates a specific
Salary Step is one of the salary levels within the range of rates for a class. “Seniority in class” is secured by hours in paid status in a class, excluding overtime, through September 30, 2007. Effective October 1, 2007, the new definition of “seniority” will be based upon a unit member’s hire date(s) as used in definitions in Article IV and XVI of the current agreement. The hire date will be based upon first date of regular employment in the unit member’s classification or higher class. The date of hire will not include dates of employment as a substitute or short-term employee unless the substitute service was in the same position for 195 days or more immediately preceding the eventual employment as a regular classified employee in a position within the District and within a one- year period of the substitute employment.
Salary Step. An increment within a salary grade which designates a specific pay rate. Service Date (Anniversary Date): Usually the actual date of hire, an employee's service date is that date which reflects the length of continuous active employment with the City of Xxxxxxxxx. For purposes of determining seniority, or other matters associated with length of active employment, the service date shall be adjusted to accommodate any period of leave without pay in excess of thirty (30) calendar days. Prior service periods of employment will not be used in the calculation of service date. Seniority within classifications reflects the length of time of continuous active employment within the classification from the actual date of promotion to the current classification. Shift: The hours which an HPSA Member is normally scheduled to work on any normal work day.