Unacceptable Behavior. A credit union member must not:
Unacceptable Behavior. Notice or warning need not be given in cases of suspension or dismissal resulting from cases of severe problems such as violent behavior, insubordination, theft or sexual harassment.
Unacceptable Behavior. Below are examples of unacceptable behavior. Each User agrees not to engage in such behavior. • Using, or attempting to use, Xxxxx resources without authorization or for purposes other than those stated in the PI’s approved allocation request • Attempting to copy or reverse engineer any Anton resources (including but not limited to any DESRES property, including all Anton hardware and software for Molecular Dynamics simulations) • Tampering with or obstructing the operation of and/or access to Anton resources and/or attempting to circumvent system security • Tampering with and/or obstructing access to a User’s data • Reading, changing, distributing, or copying others' data or software without authorization • Using Anton resources to attempt to gain unauthorized access to other computational sites • Activities in violation of any and all applicable local, state, and/or federal laws, regulations, and/or ordinances, and/or those of other countries • Activities that violate the intellectual property rights and/or privacy rights of a third party • Sharing passwords, and/or attempting to “crack” or guess other Users’ passwords • Obtaining passwords by other means, such as password capturing programs
Unacceptable Behavior. In addition to any other district or RVHS policy, unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Using the network for illegal activities, including copyright violations • Accessing online sites or materials that do not support the curriculum or are inappropriate for school purposes while on campus, including sites that contain pornography or are otherwise vulgar or lewd. • Downloading inappropriate materials, viruses, or software • Using or possessing hacking or file-sharing software, including keystroke loggers, batch files or applications used to bypass Device or network security • Gaining unauthorized access anywhere on the network, including attempting to log onto the internet, network, servers, routers, switches, printers or firewall as a system administrator. • Using the Device or network for financial gain or advertising. • Vandalizing or tampering with the Device, files, software, system performance, or other network equipment. • Attempting to repair, remove, or install computer hardware or software. • Opening the computer to access internal parts. • Causing network congestion or interfering with the work of others, including sending chain emails or broadcast messages. • Subscribing to mailing lists, mass emails, games, or other services that cause network congestion. • Intentionally wasting finite Internet or network resources. This includes downloading files, streaming music, videos, games, or installing, activating or creating programs that interfere with the performance of the network, Internet or computer hardware. • Revealing, sharing, or posting personal information including full names, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, driver's license numbers, or passwords for yourself or others. • Invading the privacy of others. • Using another person's username or password or allowing another to access your account using your username or password. • Pretending to be someone else when sending or receiving messages. o Forwarding or distributing inappropriate email messages. • Engaging in harassment or transmitting obscene messages, pictures, websites, or other files, including racist, terrorist, abusive, sexually explicit, vulgar, threatening, stalking) demeaning, slanderous or any other inflammatory content. • Utilizing sites to sell or purchase written papers, book reports, and other student work or to commit any act of plagiarism. • Using unauthorized technology to gain advantage on assessments by providing or ...
Unacceptable Behavior. The following behaviors are unacceptable and will result in the loss of chromebook privileges for an extended period of time as determined by the teacher and principal. It is unacceptable to take, forward, or view inappropriate pictures or movies that are not related to classroom instruction. (This includes taking pictures or sharing pictures of classmates without their knowledge and permission!) It is unacceptable to intentionally visit websites with inappropriate content or content not directly related to classroom instruction. It is unacceptable to access or send email from another student’s email account or impersonate another student or adult. It is unacceptable to intentionally damage or “deface” your chromebook, any classroom device, or a classmate’s chromebook in any way. It is unacceptable to tamper with passwords, settings, or restricted codes on a classroom device or another child’s device at any time. As a Bring Your Own Device (B.Y.O.D.) Chromebook program, the maintenance, and care of a student's device are the responsibility of the student and the family that owns the device. Any technical failures due to manufacturer defects, damage, or loss will be the responsibility of the parent/family. The school district will provide access to a Google Education/Microsoft account and associated online learning tools. Repairing any technical failures of the online services will be the responsibility of the district.
Unacceptable Behavior. All Participants will refrain from…
Unacceptable Behavior. Any violations and unacceptable behavior will be determined solely by the Club.
Unacceptable Behavior. Anyone acting in a manner disrespectful to other residents and their personal property or College property is subject to immediate removal from ECC student housing. Only scotch tape, masking tape, tacks, and 3M pull strips may be used on walls in the rooms. Residents will be charged for rooms that require painting if excessive marks are made. Weightlifting equipment is not permitted in student housing. • ECC may disconnect a resident’s network connection at any time without notice in order to maintain the integrity of the network. • ECC will attempt to maintain 24-hour operation of the wireless network; however, there are times when the network will be unavailable. Efforts will be made to post notifications when such downtime is known in advance. • By using the network, there may be the possibility of transferring viruses or other malicious programs to personal computers. In using this wireless networking service, residents agree not to hold ECC/IVCCD responsible for any damages resulting from connecting to the network. • Routers are not permitted.
Unacceptable Behavior. Apprentices shall engage in appropriate and acceptable behavior at all times, both on the Program premises and on the job. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: sleeping in class, failure to complete an assignment, insubordination, lateness, improper dress, inattentiveness, disruptiveness, offensive comments, lewdness, indecency, harassing behavior, disrespectful conduct, fighting, provocative conduct, inciting others to misconduct, dishonesty, cheating, or any other problem which may interfere with conducting the class. An expelled apprentice will be considered absent from class, in addition to being subject to discipline as set forth above. (See Attendance)
Unacceptable Behavior. Examples of impermissible behavior that is inconsistent with this policy include, but are not limited to, the following: ● Verbal, written, or other forms of harassment such as epithets, derogatory comments, inappropriate jokes, slurs, or unwanted sexual advances, invitations, or comments; ● Visual harassment such as derogatory posters, photography, cartoons, drawings, or gestures; ● Physical harassment such as assault, touching, pinching or patting another individual’s body; blocking normal movement, or physical interference with work when directed at an individual; ● Bullying behavior and/or intentional microaggressions; ● Any other behavior that creates or contributes to an environment that is hostile toward, or damaging to, a person or group.