At School Sample Clauses
At School. A charging cord will be issued with the Chromebook. Each student is expected to bring a fully charged Chromebook to school every day and bring his/her Chromebook to all classes unless specifically advised not to do so by the teacher. School staff will monitor student usage when students are at school. In addition to teacher expectations for Chromebook use, students will be accessing curriculum information and content-appropriate online information in all classes. Any strategy used to circumvent security settings and filtering technologies including removing the device from the domain is a violation of this policy. External removable devices are prohibited, including USB drives and flash drives. Unless otherwise advised by the school’s administration or the program the student is attending, all students are required to take their Chromebook home each night throughout the school year for charging. Chromebooks must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition. If fully charged at home, the battery will last throughout the day. Repeatedly leaving the Chromebook at home may result in referral to administration and possible disciplinary action. Parents are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of the Chromebook when accessing programs from home. Some sites may be blocked even at home since they are filtered by our System. STPSB makes significant effort to filter objectionable content, but we recommend that parents and guardians remain diligent in observing student behavior when using these devices outside of school. Remember, the Chromebook is an educational tool and should still be considered and used for Educational Purposes only. Some applications can be used while not connected to the Internet. • While at school, sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes. • Headphones may be used at the discretion of the teacher. • Your student may have the opportunity to participate in distance or remote learning via video and/or audio conferencing. As classrooms may operate virtually, observations will also occur virtually which may require recording by the teacher of the virtual or hybrid classroom. Google Apps for Education is a suite of applications (word processing, slideshow presentations, spreadsheets, etc.) that allows a user to create different types of online documents. These documents are embedded with tools that allow users to collaborate in real time with other people. A user ...
At School. Chromebooks will not support a physical printer connection. Users may print using the Google Cloud Print service. Printing functionality will be available and subject to classroom requirements. Teaching strategies will facilitate digital copies of work.
At School. As your child’s school, we promise to…
At School. The Chromebook is intended for use at school during academic week every day, and possibly for some vocational classes. In addition to teacher expectations for Chromebook use, school messages, announcements, calendars, academic handbooks, student handbooks and schedules will be accessed using the Chromebook. Students must be responsible for bringing their Chromebook to academic classes, unless specifically advised not to do so by their teacher. All students are required to take their Chromebook home each night throughout the school year for charging. Chromebooks must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition. Students need to charge their Chromebooks each evening. If students leave their Chromebook at home, they must immediately phone parents to bring the Chromebook to school. Repeat violations of this policy will result in referral to administration and possible disciplinary action including loss of privileges. It is recommended that students not carry the AC Adapter power cord (charger) to school. If fully charged at home, the battery will last throughout the day.
At School. The Chromebook is intended for use at school each and every day. In addition to teacher expectations for Chromebook use, school messages, announcements, calendars, academic handbooks, student handbooks and schedules will be accessed using the Chromebook. Students must be responsible for bringing their Chromebook to all classes, unless specifically advised not to do so by their teacher. All students are required to take their Chromebook home each night throughout the school year for charging. Chromebooks must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition. Students need to charge their Chromebooks each evening and bring them ready for use daily.
At School. ● Do not leave your student mobile device unattended. ● Do not pile things on top of your student mobile device. ● In a locker or backpack, place your student mobile device in a vertical position. ● Protect your student mobile device from extreme cold or heat and from food or drinks. ● Use the device in accordance with Brandon-Evansville Public School policies and staff directives. ● Students are expected to bring their student mobile devices to school fully charged. ● Charge your student mobile device fully each night. Keep the student mobile device and charger together. ● Do not leave your student mobile device in or on an unsafe or unstable location, such as a stool, chair, or on the floor. ● Protect your student mobile device from extreme cold or heat, from food or drinks, and from small children and pets. ● Shut down your student mobile device before traveling. ● Do not leave your student mobile device in a vehicle. ● Keep your student mobile device out of view. ● Report any issues to a parent, guardian, school official, or trusted adult. ● Never lift student mobile devices by the screen or, for Chromebooks, carry the student mobile devices with the screen open. ● For Chromebooks, make sure there is nothing on the keyboard before closing the lid. ● Use a soft, dry microfiber cloth; lint-free cloth; or screen wipes listed for safe use on electronic device screens to clean the student mobile device screens. Brandon-Evansville Public Schools makes every effort to ensure that parents/guardians are informed of their responsibilities regarding the checkout of school mobile devices. These responsibilities are:
At School. All devices should connect to the district network while on school property. This process should happen automatical- ly. If you are having difficulty getting online, please see the wireless troubleshooting steps below.
At School. Watching movies on your mobile device is not allowed during school hours without permission from the teacher. • All videos used in the classroom must conform to Administrative Policy Appendix IIAC E 2, Selecting Age Appropriate Supplementary Materials/Copyright Rules Procedure. • Streaming movies on your mobile device is not allowed at school. • Watching movies on your mobile device is allowed at home with permission from parents/guardians, and with their knowledge of the movie’s content. Gaming
At School. Good attendance and punctuality; Make sure you have everything you need with you; Listen and participate in lessons; Ask questions if you do not understand; Make sure homework is recorded in the diary and is completed on time.
At School. Printing from your Chromebook will be available on a limited basis at school and subject to classroom requirements. If you need to print something out as part of a class assignment, your teacher will let you know. At Home: Your Chromebook will not support a physical printer connection.