Stage 4 definition
Examples of Stage 4 in a sentence
The bid evaluation process consists of several stages that are applicable according to the nature of the bid as defined below:Stage 1: Administrative pre-qualification verification Stage 2: Technical Mandatory requirement evaluation Stage 3: Technical Functionality requirement evaluation Stage 4: Price / B-BBEE evaluation NOTE: The bidder must qualify for each stage to be eligible to proceed to the next stage of the evaluation.
The bid evaluation process consists of several stages that are applicable according to the nature of the bid as defined below:Stage 1: Administrative pre-qualification verification Stage 2: Technical Mandatory requirement evaluation Stage 3: Technical Functionality requirement evaluation Stage 4: Price / Specific Goals evaluation NOTE: The bidder must qualify for each stage to be eligible to proceed to the next stage of the evaluation.
Victimisation of any party during the processing of a complaint will not be tolerated.APPENDIX 1Information on the national panel of investigators available to conduct formal investigations under Stage 4 of the Procedure General information: A national panel is established comprising approved nominees from management and unions in the ETB sector endorsed by the ETBI/Unions’ Consultative Forum in its capacity to act as independent investigators for the purpose of investigation at Stage 4.
Conflict of Interest: There is no provision for the complainant (i.e. parent/guardian/adult learner/s) or the staff member who is party to a complaint proposed for investigation at Formal Stage 4, to reject a nominee proposed from either or both panels (Panel A or B) save in the very exceptional circumstance where an individual drawn from a panel is related to, or a personal friend of, either the complainant or the staff member concerned to the complaint.
The panel makes recommendations to the Chief Executive on whether to uphold the complaint and what remedial action should be taken.Local Government Ombudsman: If the complainant remains unsatisfied at the end of Stage 4, s/he may contact the Local Government Ombudsman, who will review the case and form a judgment as to whether the complaint should be upheld.